Previous LGX Events! : How was it?
“The Exchange event we held with LG Madrid made me taste more than just a new country, beautiful friendships and a completely different cultural experience. I wandered the streets of Madrid, which fascinates me with its amazing architecture and preserved history. Of course, while I was doing these, I did not stay away from tacos or nachos or tortillas. In short, I travelled to the fullest, learned and ate. This short trip opened a completely different and brand new window in my life, I will never forget the wonderful people I met there and magnificent Spain. RECOMMENDED TO EVERYONE.“
– Istanbul-ITU x Madrid Exchange
“This past weekend I lived undoubtedly one of the most beautiful experiences of my life. There are not enough words to describe how amazing this Exchange was: the nights spent partying, the long walks, the laughs, the jokes, the bad English and the lovely attempts of you guys to speak in portuguese, the never ending tequilla shots, your crazy Dutch songs, your sleepy faces in the morning and so much more.”
– Delft x Averio Exchange