Study Opportunities

Entrepreneurship and Business Design

120 credits (MSc, 2 years )


In creating a more sustainable society, ample of time and resources are invested in innovation and finding solutions to several of problems we face. To make sure promising new ideas become realized and utilized, society and the next generation of businesses need entrepreneurs who can take the lead in making this happen.

As a student you will become an expert in creating value for people, planet and organizations, turning you into an entrepreneurial key player in the utilization of innovation.

Programme description


Through real-life innovation management, venture creation and action-based pedagogy, where innovation and entrepreneurship are experienced and not only taught in classrooms, you as a student will be put in the driver’s seat. You will not merely learn a topic or prepare for a career, but learn by acting, creating and reflecting. At Chalmers, you will be given the opportunity to assess innovative ideas, start companies, drive social entrepreneurship projects or work on entrepreneurial projects within and between large organizations.

In this internationally renowned programme you will be able to test and develop your entrepreneurial skills and by working close to teachers, classmates and other professionals, learn not only about innovation and entrepreneurship but also about yourself by exploring your part in the bigger picture.

Through understanding complexity and in finding both needs, problems, and solutions, you will become a key player in the realization and commercialization of ideas and innovations.  While making sure they are utilized in the best possible way, you will be bridging the gap between research and business management, while creating new value.

One of the ambitions in the programme is to co-create technology ventures. The creation of new ventures is done together with idea partners. Over the past 20 years more than 80 ventures co-founded by our students within the programme – in renewable energy, medical devices, medical treatments, and new materials, just to name a few areas. More than 70% of these startups are still running.
Students also engage in social entrepreneurship projects, work entrepreneurially within established organizations and help identify and package intellectual assets into more tangible innovation.  After the first semester the programme is divided in three different tracks and depending upon what track you choose the experiences will slightly differ.

Location: Campus Johanneberg 

Action Based Educational Methods


The programme is built around an interactive, action-based pedagogy, through which you learn to manage the complexity of knowledge-based business in both simulated business scenarios and from the development of real innovation projects.

The action-based pedagogy, in combination with a large amount of team-based simulations and the high pace, ensures that you will be ready to hit the ground running after graduation, regardless of which career you pursue.


Realization/Utilization of Innovations

During the second year of the education you will be given the opportunity to try your own ability as a venture creator (Venture Creation in Bioscience and Technology tracks) work with innovation management and develop early-stage intellectual assets from R&D (Intellectual Capital Management track) or work with innovative projects within partner companies (Corporate Entrepreneurship Track). By contributing to the entrepreneurial capacity of the Gothenburg Innovation system you will play an active role in Chalmers’ ambition in the utilization of innovations, one of the university’s main goals.
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