This page shows everything you need to know about the ESTIEM Lean Six Sigma Green Belt courses, Local and Central.
Local courses: Course is organised by the LG, with the help and guidance of the central ESTIEM Lean Six Sigma Service. Central course: Organised by central, in a LG that is interested in having a central event and that complies with all the requirements.
Download and view this document here. If your LG is interested in organising one, download the document below. Once you fill it in send it to central, or if there are doubts when filling it in, feel free to contact central.
The dashboard below shows an overview of all instructors in the database of the ESTIEM Lean Six Sigma service. If a local group is interested in organizing a local course, they should try to find the instructors themselves. This dashboard only shows how many instructors are where, including their experience level via their instructor status. In case you would like to approach some of the instructors on this dashboard, please contact the Instructor Responsible (link to LSS team).
In case the embedding doesn’t work smoothly, you can also access the dashboard directly on Tableau Public via this link.