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About Central ESTIEM

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Elium is our knowledge management system, that we use to share and discuss our current work in ESTIEM.

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What is

Central ESTIEM can be seen as the working place in ESTIEM. It aims to provide a framework where people can work together and develop their ideas with like-minded ESTIEMers. The Central ESTIEM structure consist of the board and several entities that support the board and the network and others that focus on the value creation by coordinating the organization of services. More information on Central ESTIEM can be found below.

There are many reasons why you should join Central ESTIEM. First of all, you will be working in an international team. In this team you can create your own impact by developing ideas or starting initiatives. Furthermore, it is a great opportunity to develop yourself by learning new things and improve a variety of skills.
Last but not least, it is amazing to be part of an European Community. In this community you will make new friends, collaborate with people from different cultures and have a lot of fun!

Why join

How to Get Active?

1. Join Actives List

Actives mail list is the main communication channel for actives of ESTIEM. 
You’ll be updated about Central ESTIEM, Council Meetings, job and study opportunities after you subscribe.

2. Check the Open Calls Newsletter

Once you subscribe to Actives’ List, you’ll receive a monthly Open Calls Newsletter which is the email that shows available positions inside Central teams! You can check positions’ details here on the Get Active! Page down below!

3. Apply To A Position!

Check the Open Call document and upload a motivational letter to the Application Form for any of the positions. 

If you want to join ESTIEM Central but don’t know which entity to choose, take this quiz and find out which entity suits what you are looking for!

Are you curious about which entity to join?


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The next Open Positions will be out on the 16th of January!

Local Group Exchange

Local Group Exchange offers experience in intercultural awareness by sharing traditions, lifestyles, and knowledge while being in a sincere environment which occurs through visits of Local Groups to other Local Groups.

Local Group Exchange Coordinator

Tasks of Local Group Exchange Coordinator will include the following:

  • Facilitate communication between the organizers of both sides of the Local Groups 
  • Initiate chats and take minutes 
  • Offer assistance with the agendas’ structure and content
  • Provide the organizers with the needed documents 
  • Support the organizers for any problem happens during exchanges 
  • Initiate feedback chats and analyze the feedback results 
  • Be responsible and attend monthly team chats
  • Coordinate triple and regional exchanges with very similar conditions  

Click here for more information

Contact the leader:


ESTIEM Hunt is a project within ESTIEM that aims to connect ESTIEMers and companies. The main event consists of an online career fair, with company introductions, workshops, and discussions with ESTIEMers. The long term objective is for the project to become sustainable within the network. 

Team Member

Tasks of the Team Member will include the following:

  • Contribute to developing a company database
  • Cooperate with various committees / services 
  • Help in the development of the project

There is no specific task in this position as it will be defined according to ESTIEM Hunt needs and what you want to do 🙂


Preferred Competencies:

  • General interest in career-related events
  • Organizational skills
  • Motivation in the project!


What will you learn in this position? 

  • Get to know ESTIEM’s structure on a deeper level
  • Grow your professional network
  • Develop your soft skills


Duration of the Mandate

The mandate will last from January 2025 until June (approx.) 2025. If that does not suit you, we can make flexible arrangements.

If you have any questions or doubts, you can always approach Maylis Balat through for +33 6 51 15 14 68.

Please apply by filling out the Application Form and submit your motivational letter in PDF format.

Your motivational letter should include:

  • An introduction about you and your ESTIEM Journey
  • Your motivation and relevant experience
  • Any idea or expectation you have about ESTIEM Hunt (if you have some)
  • Optional : a random fact about you 🙂 

December 31th, 23:59 CEST


Vice President of Public Relations

The Vice President of Public Relations is responsible for coordinating and developing the Public Relations during the Council Meetings, and is the bridge between the organising Local Group and Central ESTIEM.

CM PR Responsible

“Why do we need a PR Responsible for the Council Meetings?” you might be wondering. The answer is very simple: The Public Relations of a Council Meeting is a long procedure that is vital for some of its aspects such as the merchandise, the CM pictures, the youtube livestream, etc. 

As VP of Public Relations, I would like to invest as much effort into CM’s PR as possible, however my time is limited and help is needed. In order for this to be dealt with care and to have a more successful outcome, this position was created.


Tasks of CM PR Responsible will include the following:

  • Communication with the organising Local Group for the merchandise prices, the merchandise designs, the merchandise catalogue, and the merchandise orders
  • Communication with the organising Local Group and the Public Relations Committee for the promotion of the Council Meeting on social media
  • Coordination of photographers, videographers, content creators, livestream responsible and creating an agenda for their better organisation
  • Communication with Central ESTIEM entities and Public Relations Committee for the merchandise
  • Communication with the ESTIEM Magazine team for the 66th issue
  • Tracking deadlines and providing guidance throughout the process

Contact :

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit. Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.

Local Group Support System

Local Group Support System aims to work with the Local Groups that want to get support according to their needs. There are consultants in our system to guide them in their LGSS journey. We are collecting KPIs from the LGs to see which areas we should improve or help. 

We are working with the Leaders, Consultants, Regional Coordinators and the Board. And now, we are so excited to work with you! If you’re interested in helping LGs’ journey in our system, LGSS is waiting to see new faces in the team!

Team Member

Tasks of the Team member  will include the following:

As a team member you will take part in ongoing and future projects of LGSS, which includes a various type of tasks you may be doing, for example: 

  • working on  improving the quality of the content and form of the events for LRs and LGs
  • coordinating  the organisation of LR-supporting events
  • knowledge management
  • supporting the managing of the consultancy project
  • developing new tools to provide support to LGs 

*Please, note, you won’t have to do all of these tasks , these are only possibilities of what you could be doing in LGSS. 

Click here for more information

Contact the leader:

Vice President of Administration / Council Meeting

The Council Meeting is the biggest event of the network organized twice a year. The most important decisions of the network are made by the delegates representing the Local Groups during the General Assembly, but the CM offers opportunities to develop both self and the network by participating in working groups and training sessions, as well as forming connections with other like-minded people across Europe

Council Meeting Development Coordinator

The Council Meeting Development Coordinator is a project-based role whose ultimate purpose is to ensure a development plan for the organization process of CMs is taken into completion by the end of July 2023.

Initial vision for this development project is already set by the VP of Administration, Ari, which can be read further in this Elium post. The core action points are:

  1. Map out the Organizing Process
  2. Create a CM Template Folder
  3. Expand the CM Knowledge Base
  4. Create a Handover Documentation

There is an expectation that these tasks are not done by the Coordinator themselves but rather by a pool of ESTIEMers with interest in specific areas of a CM. 

Tasks of the CM Development Coordinator will include:

  • Align with the VP of Administration regarding the objectives of the development project
  • Finalize the creation of the team working on the project
  • Oversee the development project by supporting the teams
Click here for more information

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Human Resources Committee

The Human Resources Committee aims to support all central ESTIEM entities in recruiting, onboarding, managing and developing their team members by facilitating recruitment processes, assessing stability and providing opportunities for development.

 We are a team of united people, committed to add value to the network and its members. If you are interested and motivated to work a full year with us, don’t let this opportunity go. Here you will learn basic and advanced skills on people’s management and development. HRC is waiting for you!

Training Next Leaders Coordinator

Tasks of the TNL Coordinator will include the following:

  • Review content & feedback of previous editions of TNL
  • Provide support to organising Local Group (LG) – answer or forward their questions
  • Coordinate the communication between Trainers Community, organising LG and HRC
  • Develop the event agenda for offline & online edition


Preferred Competencies:

  • Open and transparent communication
  • Motivation and interest is the most important
  • Availability for a few hours each week to work actively on TNL
  • Experience in event organisation is helpful but not mandatory at all


What will you learn in this position? 

  • Improve communication and people skills
  • Develop event organisational 
  • How training sessions are designed for the best impact on participants
  • How we manage human resources in Central ESTIEM
  • Full overview of how ESTIEM manages their human resources
  • Wo online and with a multicultural team

Duration of the Mandate

The mandate will last from November 2024 until May 2025. We can discuss the duration flexibly.

If you have any questions or doubts, you can always approach Sebastian Stark through or +49 174 1877298.

Please apply by filling out the Application Form and submit your motivational letter in PDF format.

Your motivational letter should include:

  • A short introduction about you
  • Why do you want to join?
  • Why should you be selected?

October 31th, 23:59 CEST

Data Science Initiative

With the help of Bart Jutte, this initiative aims to create a brand-new certified program in ESTIEM, named “Visual Storytelling with Data”. It will be composed by a pre-course and a live event and it will help and teach students how to select, analyse, and represent data in the clearest way, which is important to make the best conclusions. During the course, students will learn how to use Tableau. Amazon, for example, uses it to analyse their big amounts of data. 

Being part of the creation of a brand-new program in ESTIEM is a very special journey, as we are given the opportunity to imagine and really think outside the box. Also, if the course gets utterly known, you will definitely feel proud for your contribution on the creation of something great.

Video Editor - Team Member

Current situation: Having already some footage recorded for the pre-course by the instructor Bart Jutte, who has more than 20 years of experience in Data Science, our team will check the post-production of the videos with a creative perspective and will take care of the supporting material.

Tasks of a Video Editor will include the following:

  • Editing the raw footage with Adobe Premiere Pro (We will help you installing Adobe Premiere Pro)
  • Being an interactive and active member
  • At least 2 hours of work per week with some flexibility depending on how busy you are each week 
Click here for more information

Contact the leader: 

Social and Environmental Responsibility Committee

Social and Environmental Responsibility Committee is committed to aiding ESTIEM in driving social and environmental responsibility initiatives. Our core aim is to bolster ESTIEM’s dedication to sustainability and inclusivity. Within our committee, we cultivate learning and growth opportunities, empowering members to turn innovative ideas into impactful actions.

Strategy Responsible

Tasks of the Associate will include the following:

  • Assisting the committee leader and project responsibles in ESTIEM’s sustainability strategy
  • Attending meetings and bringing your creativity
  • Contacting existing partners and searching for new possible collaborations
  • Designing PR materials for the visibility of the committee
  • Working on Google Drive / Sheets

Click here for more information

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ESTIEM Trading Card Game (ETCG)

The ETCG was an Ad Fundum award winning idea that started in early 2021 and has now been creating cards for ESTIEMers during every Council Meeting for the past 2 years. As for now, we have printed a bit over 15000 cards! The purpose of the ETCG is not grandiose strategic visions or creating lasting impacts on IEM Europe. It is simply made by ESTIEMers – for ESTIEMers – to have FUN! Join the team to keep making ETCG cards for ESTIEMers – we are aiming to expand the creativity of the cards to be memories for events, for entities and for generations of ESTIEMers! If you enjoy card games and want to enrol in a leisurous entity to have fun with fellow ESTIEMers, consider this open call for the ETCG team!

Logistics Team Member

Tasks of the Logistics Team Member will include the following:

  • Maintaining communication about the ETCG, promoting and sending out payment requests.
  • Bookkeeping for the ETCG.
  • Developing a tournament or similar event for the ETCG community during council meetings.
  • Sorting and distributing the cards during Council Meetings.
Click here for more information


Gameplay Developer

Tasks of the Gameplay Developer will include the following:

  • Reviewing the current rules of the game.
  • Coming up with new concepts of the game (abilities, new cards, etc).
  • Creating abilities for cards during the production of the cards.
Click here for more information



Tasks of the Designer will include the following:

  • Reviewing the current design of the cards.
  • Coming up with new designs for the cards.
  • Designing a booklet containing the rules for the game.
  • Making the card orders into ready designed cards.
Click here for more information


ESTIEM Magazine

ESTIEM Magazine is the oldest ESTIEM project, created in 1991. 33 years and 66 issues later, it is still sharing the most relevant and popular news from the field of IEM, innovations in the tech world, and most importantly, being a window to all ESTIEM activities.

Every six months, the ESTIEM Magazine team is working hard on gathering and connecting anyone who is interested to contribute by sharing their knowledge and experience with our audience, and that way making each new issue better and more attractive. If you want to join in creating magic together with the vast ESTIEM Magazine team, here is your chance!

Graphic Designer

The graphic designer works on creating/designing the visual identity of ESTIEM Magazine by working together with the designing team and the Magazine Leader in creating materials that will be published online, and printed into physical copy, while fulfilling certain quality & aesthetics requirements.

Tasks of a Graphic Designer  will include the following:

  • Working with the Magazine Leader to determine the requirements and define the tasks;
  • Use digital illustration, photo editing software, and layout software to create designs;
  • Collaboration the designing team;
  • Assisting other designers in solving certain issues;
  • Incorporate changes recommended by authors or the Magazine Leader into final designs;
  • Review designs for errors before printing or publishing them;
  • Designing articles with shared photos
Click here for more information

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Established in 1993, Vision is one of the oldest and most prestigious events in ESTIEM.

Every Local Group can apply for organizing a Vision event and they can choose the topic that fits best to their company contacts, sponsors and industries. Therefore, Local Groups have the freedom to show ESTIEM their individual industry and specialties of their town or country.

One feature that makes Vision so unique is the variety of knowledge you can get by participating in one since you will learn hard and soft skills in an interactive and practical way, so it gives you an overview. On the other hand, it also takes place in a city that you will get to know and you will also have a lot of fun during the nights. 

All this makes it one of the best events to attend, especially if you never were in one, as you will be able to have academic content, culture and party.

Team Member

The goal of the team member is to strengthen relationships with other ESTIEMers by being a team player while contributing to the connection of Vision with the industry. 

Tasks of the Team Members will include the following:

  • Actively contributing to the development of Vision:
    • Work with the team to complete tasks
    • Contacting companies from all around Europe from previous events;
    • Helping Local Groups that want to organize offline/online events;
    • Brainstorming with the team for potential ideas on event topics and their promotion.
Click here for more information

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Summer Academy

Summer Academy, a service within the Personal Development Department, offers participants a unique opportunity to get away from their usual lives and embark on a journey of self-discovery. Under the guidance of an Academic Leader, students are challenged to explore their inner motivations and broaden their perspectives. 

Team Member

Tasks of the Team Member will include the following:

  • Approaching new Academic Leaders
  • Help ensure high quality of upcoming events
  • Updating and maintaining the materials in the Knowledge Management system
Click here for more information

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PEAK (Sport Initiative)

PEAK, the Sport Initiative, is a brand-new initiative in ESTIEM. The aim of the game is to have an entity, which focuses on sports-based offerings. On a long run, we hope for the initiative to become an established service in Personal Development Department.

Team Member

Tasks as a Team Member will include the following:

  • Work on new event concepts
  • Gather necessary information and Best Practice Documents (BPDs)
  • Cooperation with other ESTIEM services
  • Work on possible online offerings (platform, content, …)
  • Support Local Groups organizing sports-based events

What will you learn in this position? 

  • Get to know ESTIEMs structure on a deeper level
  • Get to know our entities and their working styles
  • How to kick off a sustainable service in ESTIEM
Click here for more information

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Event Quality Committee

Event Quality Committee aims to work towards continuous quality standardization in ESTIEM events, while supporting and assessing event organization processes, as well as providing and developing tools to assure high quality. The main focus of this mandate is to create and update tools and educate Local Groups.

Team Member

We are working project-based, which means that as a team member, you get to choose what you want to work on. Some of our projects include creating an event organization toolkit for Local Groups, Event Reports, and preparing and delivering training sessions. 

Tasks of the Team Member will include the following:

  • Work on the project of your liking
  • Attend team meetings and bring your own ideas
  • Work closely with the team and leader 
Click here for more information

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ESTIEM Website Team

The ESTIEM Website Project, operates similarly to a Task Group and works on designing the new Website of the ESTIEM on WordPress. Currently looking for ESTIEMers with some experience in Web Design to form a team, as it was previously handled by Knowledge Management Committee


Web Designer

Tasks of the Web Designer will include the following:

  • Work on Figma wireframes and high-fidelity designs
  • Develop designed pages on WordPress with Elementor
  • Support Knowledge Management Committee in necessary content collection
Click here for more information

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TIMES (Tournament in Management and Engineering Skills)

TIMES provides IEM students all across Europe the opportunity to grow personally while developing their professional skill set in a competition-based environment.

As the TIMES team, our goal is to maintain the quality of cases and show the importance of the mission of bringing IEMers together in Europe as ESTIEM. 

In order to improve and add new values to TIMES, we need people who are motivated and willing to contribute to the competition’s framework. If you are interested in working with us, you are welcome to be a part of the team.

Public Relations Responsible

We’re looking for a motivated, creative individual to be the Public Relations Responsible for TIMES and, possibly, for the Career Development Department. In this role, you’ll shape TIMES’ image and ensure effective communication with stakeholders, helping us build a strong brand and engage a wider audience.


Tasks of the Public Relations Responsible will include the following:

  • Develop and execute PR strategies to promote TIMES and its events.
  • Create engaging content for social media to boost TIMES’ visibility and build sponsor/partner relationships.
  • Lead all PR activities for TIMES, bringing your creativity and ideas.
  • Actively seek inspiration and trends by engaging with similar opportunity pages.
  • Work with the PR Committee to ensure strategic alignment.
  • Design and implement a promotional strategy for TIMES on the ESTIEM website

What will you learn in this position? 

  • Get to know Central ESTIEM and its Spirit.
  • Join a dynamic team focused on transforming TIMES.
  • Gain hands-on experience in PR and communications in an international competition.
  • Build skills in PR strategy, content creation, and media relations.
  • Work with talented people and grow your network in industrial engineering and management.
  • Make a real impact on the growth and reputation of TIMES while leaving your mark.



Click here for more information

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Europe3D gathers students from all over the world to learn and experience the host country in 3 distinct dimensions – Politics, Economy and Culture – while spreading open-minded ESTIEM spirit and raising intercultural awareness.

Externals Responsible

We are looking for a new panda to join our team with regards to external participants in our events. Externals’ Responsible has to make sure we inform the non-ESTIEMer participants and applicants about ESTIEM and our events, properly.

Tasks of the Externals Responsible will include the following: 

  • Raise recognition and promotion of Europe3D among externals
  • Communicate with the ambassadors and MC in order to promote the E3D events through the promotion emails
  • Select the external participants and handle the communication with them
  • Search new channels and organisations to increase the number of applications of externals in E3D events
  • Update Externals application forms and other relevant documents
  • Share the ESTIEM Spirit
Click here for more information

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Activity Week

Activity Week aims to bring fun and learning under one roof. We work to ensure cultural integration and provide culturally valuable experiences for each participant within Activity Week events.

Using the power of multiculturalism and creativity, we contribute to both local groups and the ESTIEM network as a whole. Also, we look for creating new opportunities for ESTIEMers and try to make ESTIEM better and better every day. If you are not afraid to aim high, want to work in a family atmosphere, have fun while contributing to the network, and developing your skills, this is the place that you belong!

Improvement Responsible

Are you a creative mind with a passion for creativity and culture? As the Improvement Responsible, you’ll be the key player who ensures we gather valuable feedback from previous events. However, feedback without action means nothing. Your experience with event organizing, combined with your creativity will be essential in transforming this feedback into valuable information. You will make sure we can retain the best parts of every Activity Week, while finding solutions for challenges that have occurred! 

What you’ll do:

  • Having chats with event organizers: Discuss how the event went and evaluate participant feedback. Gather success stories, but also improvement points, as no event is perfect.
  • Brainstorming About Improvements: Together with other team members and the gathered data, you will find solutions to (recurring) challenges in Activity Weeks, to make the events better than ever!
  • Implementing these  improvements: Making sure turning these improvements into solutions event organizers can easily apply.

If you’re excited about different cultures, love working with people, and want to make a real impact while having fun, this is the perfect role for you! Your work will directly contribute to creating even better experiences for future participants and ensuring Activity Week continues to inspire ESTIEMers across the network!

Tasks of Team Members could include the following;


    • Supporting the team in gathering feedback; creating an overview of the success stories and improvement opportunities
    • Work together with other team members to brainstorm on ideas and turn them into actions!
    • Actively participating in team meetings (~once every two weeks)
  • You are also always free to take up new tasks!




  • Decent (English) communication and coordination skills;
  • Willingness to devote time and work actively within Activity Week team (approx. 1 hour per week);
  • Knowledge on how to organize an ESTIEM event;
  • People-skills, particularly in giving constructive feedback


What will you take from this position? 

  • Learn how to work in an international team
  • Get familiar with Central ESTIEM
  • Learn how to use online tools
  • Have a great knowledge about different cultures and traditions


Your mandate: 

The mandate of the Activity Week Team Member  will start at the beginning of January 2025, and will end at the end of August 2025, but you can always stay for longer!


Please apply by answering this form!


If you have any questions or doubts, you can always approach Maiky Geerman through or +316119850

Deadline: December 29th, 23:59 CET.


The motivation letter should cover:

  • Information about you
  • Experience in ESTIEM
  • Your motivation for the position / why this position?
  • Possible ideas for the entity
  • Your favorite activity or tradition of your own culture 🙂


  • Don’t forget to explain how your experience and skills could contribute to the team
  • Usage of images and bold words or overall nice layout could very much improve the application
  • I usually value longer applications with more details than concise ones. Don’t be afraid to elaborate, I’m happy to learn about you.


If you’re passionate about cultural exploration, want to help create lifelong memories, and love the idea of working with a vibrant, international team,

Activity Week is your chance to shine!

ESTIEM Podcast

ESTIEM Podcast aims to deliver entertaining and insightful content about ESTIEM to connect ESTIEMers and IEM Europe by sharing experience and knowledge on IEM topics and ESTIEM. 


Tasks of the Editor will include the following:

  • Cutting, trimming, and refining audio content to create polished final episodes.
  • Maintaining high audio quality and consistency across all episodes.
  • Working with podcast hosts to integrate their input and feedback into the final product.
  • Applying feedback from the team and listeners to improve future episodes.
  • Ensuring episodes are edited and ready for release according to the production schedule.


Preferred Competencies:

  • Experience in audio editing and familiarity with editing and recording softwares (e.g., Zencastr, Adobe Audition).
  • Strong attention to detail.
  • Ability to manage and prioritise multiple episodes in the production pipeline. (some episodes might be added but the forecasted frequency is twice a month, with the workload distributed to multiple people)
  • Good communication skills for working with content creators and hosts.
  • Knowing or motivation to learn video editing for when it’s needed.


What will you take from this position? 

  • Hands-on experience in podcast production and audio editing.
  • Opportunity to enhance your skills in content creation and media production.


Duration of the Mandate

The mandate will last from December 2024 until August 2025.


If you have any questions or doubts, you can always approach Umut Kızılateş through or +905078682507.

Please apply by filling out the Application Form and submit your motivational letter in PDF format.

The motivation letter should include:

  • Information about you
  • ESTIEM experience
  • Motivation for ESTIEM Podcast
  • Your experience in podcasts if you have any

December 31st 23:59 CEST

Content Creator

Tasks of Content Creators will include the following:

  • Research on possible podcast topics
  • Write scripts of the episodes in collaboration with the hosts 
  • Create a timeline and a concept for the seasons/episodes 
  • Research on possible guests for the episodes and contribute to a database 


Preferred Competencies:

  • Good overview of the network
  • Creativity and up-to-date knowledge on podcast trends and ESTIEM
  • Good planning & coordination


What will you take from this position? 

  • Learn how podcasts are produced
  • Opportunity to create content from scratch and leave your mark on the network
  • Intercultural work environment 


Duration of the Mandate

The mandate will last from December 2024 until August 2025.


If you have any questions or doubts, you can always approach Umut Kızılateş through or +905078682507.

Please apply by filling out the Application Form and submit your motivational letter in PDF format.

The motivation letter should include:

  • Information about you
  • ESTIEM experience
  • Motivation for ESTIEM Podcast
  • Your experience in podcasts if you have any

December 31st 23:59 CEST

Public Relations Committee

The Public Relations Committee aims to maintain the ESTIEM brand by creating and publicising the necessary brand materials for this purpose and to support entities and local groups in order to increase the recognition of ESTIEM to its stakeholders.

Graphic Designers

Graphic Designers are a group of people within the PRC who are responsible for most of the designing work. If you want to use your design skills to help ESTIEM, this is your chance to shine. You will get tasks based on your availability. Even if you are not super experienced in design yet, you are always welcome. There is always a possibility to learn! Tasks of a Graphic Designer will include for instance the following:

  • Assisting in fulfilling the PR needs of the board, other entities and local groups
  • Creating designs for events and Central ESTIEM by working closely with the Branding Responsibles and the Leader
  • Graphic Designers are also always welcome to join any strategic sessions within the PRC. Any kind of motivation is highly appreciated!
Click here for more information

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Branding Responsibles

A branding responsible is responsible for supporting and communicating ESTIEM’s offers to the network. Each branding responsible is responsible for overseeing and coordinating promotions in their responsibility area. This means that a branding responsible is responsible for:


  • Communicating with entities in their responsibility area regarding promotions for events and other PR related needs
  • Participating in creating PR plans for promotions together with the entities requesting promotions. Actively suggesting promotional ideas to the entities
  • Ensuring that all of the posts on ESTIEM’s social media channels follow ESTIEM’s Brand Guidelines and other guidelines regarding different communication channels
  • Participating in developing PRC as an entity and improving its processes and strategies
Click here for more information

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Language Programme

Language Programme holds the key to one of the most important aspects of a culturally diverse environment, which is stated directly in its name: Language.

We try to connect ESTIEMers in languages other than English, and share our knowledge of languages with each other to grow together as a whole network. The more language one knows, one more conflict is solved caused by the misunderstandings and language gaps between the cultures. Learning a language is more than “just a language”, it’s also learning a whole other culture.

Language Nights Coordinator

Language Night is a type of short online event that focuses on different languages each week and involves language sessions with different activities to support the learning process. This position requires a lot of devotion, time and communication skills.


Tasks of Language Nights Coordinator will include the following:

  • Be responsible for the planning and organization of Language Nights
  • Reaching out to Local Groups for organizing Language Nights and work closely with them
  • Be responsible for the quality of sessions
  • Working on the development of Language Nights

What will you take from this position? 

  • Having the experience of organizing online events
  • Learning the usage of online tools
  • Time and project management
  • Having the opportunity of contributing to a Europe wide community


Click here for more information

Contact the leader:

Public Relations Responsible

We have many offerings that need to be promoted with good PR materials. With you in the team, this important aspect will surely be in good hands. Come and let’s work together on our playground to learn, experience and create a new strategy. 

Tasks of Public Relations Responsible will include the following:

  • Creating the necessary promotional materials for service
  • Creating necessary promotion materials for offerings and Language Programme events
  • Take part in creating a new logo for the service with PRC
  • Help along with monthly Language Posts
  • Creating and implementing ideas on language-based materials

What will you take from this position? 

  • Learning to work with a team and learning to use online tools
  • Thinking outside the box to create new concepts 
  • Having your own playground to experiment with
  • Improving your skills in content creating


Please note that in accordance with plans for Department Centralization, the PR Responsible position of the Language Programme might transition to the PR Responsible of the Intercultural Development Department. The leaders of the Intercultural Development Department will always ensure that the workload is not exceeding the limits of the chosen candidate.


Click here for more information

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Financial and Legal Committee

The Financial and Legal Committee is a new Committee in ESTIEM that aims to work on three missions regarding financial and legal matters of ESTIEM.

Team Member

Tasks of the Team Member will include the following:

  • Support the Leader in achieving the Committee’s missions
  • Work on researching related areas
  • Study the Internal and Membership Regulations and support the revision


  • Interest in the financial and legal matters of ESTIEM
  • Motivation to learn and improve your knowledge and understanding
  • Knowledge of ESTIEM as an organisation

Click here for more information

Contact the leader:

Be X for X Days

Be X for X Days is the only event type in ESTIEM that gives participants real-life experiences of “testing out” several different job roles. 

The service Be X for X Days aims to give participants unique, real-life experiences and insights about what it takes to be a good professional in a specific field. We partner with companies and alumni, and use their help to share knowledge, but above all practical experiences that help ESTIEMers discover their career opportunities. 

If you want to inspire ESTIEMers, give them access to experiences that might shape their whole working life, and learn more about life as a professional, this is the right place for you.

Team Member

Be X for X Days is looking for a new team member!

If you are a team member, you will work together with the rest of the team to help Local Groups organize successful BXD events, support the online version “Be X for X hours” that is organized by the Central Team and support the Career Development Department with their ideas and projects. 

Also new ideas and suggestions are always welcome!

Tasks of a team member will include the following:

  • Attending the Team Chats as well as Department Chats and giving your ideas and input 
  • Supporting Local Groups along the way to organize successful BXD events
  • Helping out with creating promotion materials for BXD
  • Corporate Relation support, when we plan to include companies in our events 
  • Communicating with other entities, and working with the rest of the team to find possible corporations (e.g. joint events)

Click here for more information

Contact the leader:


BusinessBooster is a flexible ESTIEM service that promotes and stimulates entrepreneurship among students.  We are here to  help young ESTIEM entrepreneurs to create their own businesses better, faster and with more confidence!

Different training, educational and networking events/competitions can be organized, such as start-up pitching events, entrepreneurship seminars about the basics/skills of an entrepreneur, reunions with Alumni – the possibilities are endless.

Team Member

Tasks of Team Member  will include the following:

    • Supporting Local Groups in the process of organizing a businessbooster event
    • Contacting companies for events
    • Organize online events
    • Doing PR materials and using various communication channels to promote businessbooster
    • Join team chats, Career Development chats and contribute actively in them
    • The tasks will be given to you according to the needs of the entity, your availability and motivation
    • Have fun

Click here for more information

Contact the leader:

Analysis Committee

Our mission is to support ESTIEM to make the decision-making more fact-based to help the organisation move forward while supporting ESTIEMers in their professional development.

Are you interested in the ever-developing field of Data? More professionals than ever see the importance of data on the world around us, but are we prepared to work with it? Can you generate insights from a big amount of data? Join the Analysis Committee and gain several of the most sought after skills on LinkedIn. 

Data Analyst

As a Analysis Committee Data Analyst you will be supported through the process of learning how to use Tableau and guided through the development of your skills as a Data Analyst so that you can actively participate in developing interactive dashboards that actively bring value to ESTIEM’s network.

Tasks of a Data Analyst will include:

  • Develop interactive dashboards with visualization software Tableau
  • Collaborating with various ESTIEM entities to understand their needs and support them with data analysis for their work
  • Helping to transform raw data into visualizations, enabling teams to make informed and impactful decisions

Click here for more information

Contact the leader:

Data Engineer

As a Analysis Committee Data Engineer you will be given the opportunity to work on developing the existing databases we have as well as develop new ones through the implementation of your programming skills.

Tasks of a Data Engineer will include:

  • Designing data warehouse schemas
  • Defining data pipelines for getting data into the warehouse
  • Work with API:s and other databases as a source of data
  • Work with experienced data engineers

Click here for more information

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Grants Committee

Grants Committee supports ESTIEM financially by finding and applying the organization for funding opportunities of other organizations whose goals are connected to ESTIEM values.


Grants Committee aims to assist ESTIEM’s Board in the obtention of European Grants and is also the connector to EU institutions. Right now, ESTIEM has a partnership with the EU and it’s our job to maintain it during this year.

Team Member

Tasks of Grants Team Member will include the following:

  • Help to gather information for the grant application
  • Help to write the application itself
  • Proofread the application


  • Decent communication skills
  • Decent level in written english
  • Good Knowledge regarding the network is a plus
  • interested in the EU and other organizations
  • proactivity
  • attend all meetings
  • be active in our main communication channel

What will you take from this position? 

  • Learn how to work in an international team
  • Get familiar with Central ESTIEM
  • Understand how funding from the EU works



The mandate of the Grants Team Member will start at the beginning of December 2024, and will end at the end of July 2025.


Please apply by filling out the Application Form and submit your motivational letter in PDF format.


If you have any questions or doubts, you can always approach me on the following contacts:


Deadline: December 31th, 23:59 CEST.


The motivation letter should include:

  • Information about you
  • Experience in ESTIEM
  • Your motivation for the position

Additional Notes


If you want to know more about the state of the entity and understand the goals for this mandate you can check this document. 


Promotional Words

If you want to know more about fundraising and EU topics then the Grants Committee is the place for you!


Data Protection Task Group

The Data Protection Task Group aims to make ESTIEM a GDPR-compliant association. Both experienced members and new members that are motivated to learn more on the topic are more than welcome to join to work together while developing the topic in ESTIEM.

General Data Protection Regulation is a regulation in European law that aims to give more control to people over their data, regulating how an entity can use, share, and store one’s data. GDPR gives power to the user over what data is shared, with whom, for how long, where it is kept, and an understanding of the reasons for all of the above.

Team Member

Tasks of the Team Member will include the following:

  • Working closely with the team while creating the process of the project.
  • Creating regulation guidelines and roadmaps to increase awareness about data protection within the network.
  • Proofreading of the documents while following the regulation document.
  • Following the process of the project.


Click here for more information


Academic Development Department

The Academic Development Department provides non-formal complimentary education in IEM related fields, being the primary facilitator of academic development and learning opportunities for IEM students across Europe.

The Department consists of the well-known Lean Six Sigma and Vision Services and the two new initiatives: Circular Economy Course and Visual Storytelling with Data Course.

Work directly with the Department Coordinator and the Leaders in the Department to improve current concepts with participants feedback. You can help the Services Leaders to develop their concepts and the Department as a whole to improve towards better achieving the mission. 

Department Feedback Responsible

Tasks of the Department Feedback Responsible will include the following:

  • Develop the Service/Initiative specific feedback processes
  • Analyze participants feedback from all events in the Department and prepare feedback reports
  • Go over the feedback reports with local organisers, help them act on the feedback and gather feedback regarding the work with the central team
  • Go over participant and local organiser feedback with the Service/Initiative Leaders 

Preferred Competencies:

  • A basic understanding of the Services in ESTIEM
  • The ability to understand feedback and summarize it
  • Good communication skills 

What will you learn in this position? 

  • A deeper understanding of all events in the Department
  • The ability to summarise feedback by participants in an actionable format
  • How to work in an international environment

Click here for more information

Contact the leader:

Personal Development Department

The Personal Development Department works on providing personal development opportunities in the network. Local Groups organise events from the services Summer Academy and BranTrainer as well as the initiative P.E.A.K. with support from the entities.

Allow ESTIEMers to become the best version of themselves by providing physical, cognitive and
emotional development opportunities.

Work directly with the Department Coordinator and the Leaders in the Department to improve current concepts with participants feedback. You can help the Services Leaders to develop their concepts and the Department as a whole to improve towards better achieving the mission.

Department Feedback Responsible

Tasks of the Department Feedback Responsible will include the following:

  • Develop the Service/Initiative specific feedback processes
  • Analyze participants feedback from all events in the Department and prepare feedback reports
  • Go over the feedback reports with local organisers, help them act on the feedback and gather feedback regarding the work with the central team
  • Go over participant and local organiser feedback with the Service/Initiative Leaders 

Preferred Competencies:

  • A basic understanding of the Services in ESTIEM
  • The ability to understand feedback and summarize it
  • Good communication skills 

What will you learn in this position? 

  • A deeper understanding of all events in the Department
  • The ability to summarise feedback by participants in an actionable format
  • How to work in an international environment

Click here for more information

Contact the leader:

Career Development Department

The Career Development department aims at helping students with their transition towards corporate life. Local Groups organise events from the services businessbooster, TIMES and Be X for X Days. The Career Development Department also has its own projects such as ESTIEM HUNT

Offer opportunities such as events, competitions and programmes focused on preparing students for a specific career field, by developing a related set of skills that will get them a competitive advantage. 

Work directly with the Department Coordinator and the Leaders in the Department to improve the quality of events in the Department. You can help the Department Coordinator to organize CDD projects such as ESTIEM HUNT and other initiatives.

Quality Control Responsible

Tasks of the Quality Control Responsible will include the following: 

  • Analyze each event organized in the department 
  • Giving innovative solutions to the service Leaders and organizers 
  • Doing research on what the network wants and expects from the events in each of the services in the Department 
  • Working closely with the Feedback Responsible 
  • Helping with organizing certain events by providing good practices to improve the quality of events 

Preferred Competencies: 

  • Innovative thinking 
  • Creativity 
  • Critical thinking 
  • A basic understanding of the Services in ESTIEM 
  • The ability to understand the events and adapt to each event type 

What will you learn in this position? 

  • A deeper understanding of all events in the Department 
  • A deeper understanding of the expectations from all services in the Department The ability to provide value to the network 
  • The ability to think outside the box 
  • How to work in an international environment

Click here for more information

Contact the leader: or

Department Feedback Responsible

Tasks of the Department Feedback Responsible will include the following: 

  • Develop the Service/Initiative specific feedback processes 
  • Analyze participants feedback from all events in the Department and prepare feedback reports 
  • Go over the feedback reports with local organisers, help them act on the feedback and gather feedback regarding the work with the central team 
  • Go over participant and local organiser feedback with the Service/Initiative Leaders 

Preferred Competencies: 

  • A basic understanding of the Services in ESTIEM 
  • The ability to understand feedback and summarize it 
  • Good communication skills 

What will you learn in this position? 

  • A deeper understanding of all events in the Department 

The ability to summarise feedback by participants in an actionable format How to work in an international environment

Click here for more information

Contact the leader: or

Knowledge Management Committee

We contribute to the sustainability of ESTIEM by ensuring the organization of its knowledge and facilitating its sharing.

The Knowledge Management Committee is one of the key committees of the network. We are responsible for the process of collecting, organizing and sharing knowledge within ESTIEM, as well as supporting other Entities to do so. We are also coordinating the activities on Elium, Google Drive and Internal ESTIEM. With us, you can develop plenty of soft and hard skills, but at the same time have fun and enjoy an international, friendly environment. Can’t wait to meet you!

Elium Coordinator

Elium is a knowledge sharing platform used to centralise information and collaboration. Elium in ESTIEM primarily functions as a platform for posting updates and gathering input from members. It enables efficient communication, feedback collection, and collaboration among entities.

Tasks of Elium Coordinator will include the following:

  • Lead the administration of the platform and it’s members,
  • Communicate improvements and debugging with the external Elium Team,
  • Brainstorm on creative ideas of promoting Elium to the network,
  • Collaborate with Leaders and other Entities to boost their Elium presence,
  • Be responsible for Elium features such as Elium Awards.

Click here for more information

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Templates Coordinator

Templates are pre-designed layouts that provide a consistent structure and design for documents, presentations, and other content. They are used to save time and ensure consistency in content creation processes within ESTIEM to help other entities with their materials.

Tasks of Templates Coordinator will include the following:

  • Create and design templates for documents, presentations or materials used,
  • Update templates with the newest features of Google Workspace,
  • Lead the administration of the template gallery,
  • Promote the usage of templates from the templates gallery,
  • Gather feedback from users regarding template usability and improvements.

Click here for more information

Contact the leader:

Training Content Developer

In KMC, our main job is to make sure everyone in ESTIEM knows how to easily store and share useful knowledge. We also want to help others learn these skills for a better knowledge management culture in the whole network. That’s why we want to create simple training courses for other Central entities in ESTIEM and our Local groups.

Tasks of Training Content Developer will include the following:

  • Brainstorm on needed content in Knowledge Management trainings,
  • Create easy-to-understand training materials on different topics,
  • Manage our collection of training materials,
  • Encourage everyone to use our training stuff,
  • Ask people for feedback to make our training better.

Click here for more information

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Members Committee

Members Committee aims to assure that every association follows the ESTIEM’s Membership Regulations by monitoring and supporting Guests and Observers on their way to Membership. A further aim is to provide for the activeness of our members and to evaluate new opportunities for growth. We are a very hard-working team eager to add value to our network and the Local Groups to come. If you see yourself as a knowledgeable person and if you are motivated to dedicate to ESTIEM, we have the right position for you!

Approaching Responsible

Approaching Responsible Tasks:

  • Keep a clear communication with the Members’ Committee Leaders
  • Research Universities with IEM-related studies across Europe and analyse their IEM curricula
  • Help achieving the approaching goals for the mandate and developing the growth strategy with the MC Leaders, Board and External Relations Sphere
  • Promote ESTIEM to target universities using e-mail and other relevant means of communication.


Preferred Competences:


  • Have great communication and coordination skills.
  • Being able to attend meetings and being an active part of them.
  • Being proactive and having good research skills.
  • Being able to store and handle data well.


What will you take from this position?


  • Being part of Members Committee
  • Get familiar with Central ESTIEM
  • Knowledge about IEM universities and their curricula
  • Playing a huge role in the growth of the network

Duration of the Mandate: 

The mandate will last from October 2024 until July 2025.


If you have any questions or doubts, you can always approach the current Members Committee Leader Milutin Miljanić through

Please apply by filling in the Application Form and submit your motivational letter in PDF format.

Your motivational letter should include:

  • Information about you
  • Experience in ESTIEM
  • Motivation for the position
  • Your vision for this role in case you are accepted (optional)


30th of September 2024, 23:59 CEST

Corporate Relations Committee

The Corporate Relations Committee is responsible for creating and developing academic and corporate partnerships that will contribute with value and support to the network.

As a team, we are actively working on more efficient approaches to both companies and universities. Interested in contributing to the network by getting experience and contacts in the professional world? Willing to develop personally and professionally by working in an international team? We are waiting for you!

Circular Economy Course CR Responsible

Tasks of the Circular Economy Course CR Responsible will include the following:

  • Finding new interesting contacts to approach
  • Approaching potential new partners for Circular Economy Course
  • Being a part of negotiations
  • Maintaining the execution of the partnership contracts
  • Getting feedbacks and reports from Circular Economy Course partners 
  • Working closely and reporting progress with 2 Leaders (Corporate Relations Committee Leader and Circular Economy Course Leader)

What will you learn in this position? 

  • International team and remote working experience
  • Central ESTIEM Knowledge
  • CR experience and Negotiation skills
  • Close contacts to companies
  • Organizational and management skills

Click here for more information

Contact the leader:

Team Member

Tasks of the Team member will include the following:

  • Finding new interesting contacts to approach
  • Approaching potential new partners
  • Being a part of negotiations
  • Contribute to spreading CR knowledge to the LGs that need our help
  • Maintaining the execution of the partnership contracts
  • Getting feedbacks and reports from our partners

What will you learn in this position? 

  • International team and remote working experience
  • Central ESTIEM Knowledge
  • CR experience and Negotiation skills
  • Close contacts to companies
  • Organizational and management skills

Click here for more information

Contact the leader:

Circular Economy Course Task Group

The circular economy course task group will focus on the creation of a course dedicated to Circular Economy. This being entirely new, a lot of freedom is provided in the way we can shape this course. Circular economy is a current topic from which a lot can be learned and innovated. Let’s brainstorm together on how to bring it to our dear ESTIEMers! 

The team will meet regularly to first decide on a structure and agree on a scheduled division of tasks that will be followed over the next year. Meetings will both be in a group setting (to keep all of us updated) as well as in one. We have completed the first edition of our course, now it is time to adapt this course to ESTIEM in a sustainable way!

Team Member

Tasks of Team Member will include the following: 

  • Event Organization processes 
  • To be involved in the organization of future versions of the course
  • Ensuring communication with other institutions or companies

What will you take from this position? 

  • Being part of an innovative initiative 
  • Experience in large event organization 
  • Building of a network within ESTIEM and external companies
  • Contributing to a bigger cause!

Click here for more information

Contact the leader:

OPEN POSITIONS - Other Opportunities

In this section, you will be able to find other opportunities that ESTIEM has to offer. Even though the following opportunities are not to be a part of Central ESTIEM, they still might be what you are looking for, so take a look. Aim high, and take your chance!

ESTIEM Societies

ESTIEM Societies brings ESTIEMers together around a certain hobby or area of interest, outside of IEM or what ESTIEM usually focuses on. The aim of the initiative is to provide ESTIEMers with all the necessary tools they might need to develop their hobbies, share their passions, and have a dedicated space to talk about a specific topic.

Initiative Leader

DISCLAIMER: Keep in mind that this is not an official ESTIEM entity nor an official leadership position. 

We are looking for someone motivated and creative enough to reevaluate the initiative, make any adjustments needed, and push it forward. This position requires a little bit of an entrepreneurial mindset. 

Keep in mind that foundations were already laid out, there is a lot to work with already and you will be supported by at least 2 experienced people both within the initiative and ESTIEM in general.

Tasks of the Initiative Leader  will include the following: 

  • Reevaluate the state and scope of the initiative together with the previous leader and core team members
  • Make any adjustments and restructuring needed
  • Build a team of people to coordinate the initiative according to your understanding
  • Raise awareness of ESTIEM Societies using any means you seem fit, including but not limited to: Social media promotion, promotion during Council Meetings, etc.
  • Further analyse the hobbies and interests of ESTIEMers and whether they feel the need for such a platform (there is already an existing form for that)
  • Coordinate the Core Team and the Societies-related activities
  • Keep the network updated on the state of ESTIEM Societies via Elium (optional, but recommended)
Click here for more information

If you are thinking about applying for the positions above, please contact the ESTIEM Societies founder Boris Zabunov at

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For any questions about recruitment and Central teams, approach us anytime!

Have new ideas?

Tell us what ideas do you have for Central ESTIEM!

Your feedback is important!

Give us your feedback to this page. Would you like to improve something?

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Get Active! Chats

Do you want to learn more about Central ESTIEM and meet the variety of teams we have?

Get Active! Chats are the best way to take the first step and clear all the doubts in your head.


And don’t forget to AIM HIGH!

Open Positions Q&A​

Open Positions Q&A is a chat centered around the open positions of each month. During the chat you will have the opportunity to:

  • Interact with your potential future leaders;
  • Discuss your concerns with them;
  • Ask questions.

If you want to apply for a position in Central ESTIEM, don’t miss this opportunity

And don’t forget to AIM HIGH!