DISCLAIMER: Keep in mind that this is not an official ESTIEM entity nor an official leadership position.
We are looking for someone motivated and creative enough to reevaluate the initiative, make any adjustments needed, and push it forward. This position requires a little bit of an entrepreneurial mindset.
Keep in mind that foundations were already laid out, there is a lot to work with already and you will be supported by at least 2 experienced people both within the initiative and ESTIEM in general.
Tasks of the Initiative Leader will include the following:
- Reevaluate the state and scope of the initiative together with the previous leader and core team members
- Make any adjustments and restructuring needed
- Build a team of people to coordinate the initiative according to your understanding
- Raise awareness of ESTIEM Societies using any means you seem fit, including but not limited to: Social media promotion, promotion during Council Meetings, etc.
- Further analyse the hobbies and interests of ESTIEMers and whether they feel the need for such a platform (there is already an existing form for that)
- Coordinate the Core Team and the Societies-related activities
- Keep the network updated on the state of ESTIEM Societies via Elium (optional, but recommended)
If you are thinking about applying for the positions above, please contact the ESTIEM Societies founder Boris Zabunov at boris.zabunov@estiem.org