Council Meeting Famagusta

The Council Meeting is the statutory meeting of ESTIEM and takes place twice a year.  This autumn the Council Meeting will take place in Famagusta, on the beautiful island of Cyprus.
It is composed of two parts, the General Assembly, where everyone is updated on the what is going on in ESTIEM and decisions are made through voting, and the Working Groups & Training Sessions, where smaller groups either work to develop ESTIEM, or improve their soft skills.

It’s the place where we gather to invest time in our organisation, to meet new and old friends, and where we celebrate the ESTIEM spirit. See you there.

What will we vote upon?

ESTIEMers can apply to..

  • start a new project
  • be the leader of businessbooster
  • be the leader of ESTIEM Magazine
  • be the leader of Language Programme
  • be the leader of Vision

Local Groups can apply to..

  • host Autumn Council Meeting 2020 (Members)
  • become Members (Observers)

Other votes

  • discharge of the 29th Board
  • approval of the budget
  • proposal of distribution of retained earnings of Departments
Let's see who's today.
businessbooster Leadership - Nikola Milosevic's Application - 6 Months
Dear fellow ESTIEM-ers,
I have read a quote from a poem in a book a few years ago, which left a big impact on how I perceived life from that point on and has stayed with me, it says: “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.” Even before I knew all of the things I know now, I subconsciously believed that we are the architects of our own lives, which is what I view as the core of the movement of entrepreneurship, people who chose not to settle for what was there, but dared to dream the dream and make it a waking reality, changing not only their own lives but also impacting those around them.
With that being said, I am honoured to hereby announce that I am applying as the new businessbooster project leader. My ESTIEM journey began in my first year of studies at my university, I honestly had no prior idea of what I was getting myself into, but the selection organized by our LG was quite interactive and intriguing, it was challenging and that’s what kept me going. Little did I know at that time, what a huge part of my life would ESTIEM become. I was immediately more drawn to the international and central part of ESTIEM, and started as a CR team member organizer for PR CR School, after which I was hooked to international projects and only kept organizing them. I have also traveled to a few events, including CM Tampere, where I held a CR working group, which has left a huge impact on me.
All that I have done previously has led me to become interested and join business booster team as a boost event coordinator. Around that time I also found out that my LG will be organizing a boost event pretty soon, I thought that it was a great opportunity for me to get involved with the event and learn as much as possible. Later I became the Project Leader of that boost event, which we gave the name of StartUp Lab, and I am proud to say that we have made this event a brand and that it will be further developed and nurtured as a part of business booster portfolio.
I have gained valuable insights while organizing this project and being involved in the central team, and also my involvement and experience in CRC, with that being said, during my mandate I will focus on the next goals:

– Redefining and adapting current business booster services
– Making StartUp Lab a brand within business booster
– Foster relations with companies, NGOs, universities, mentors, startups
– Strengthen Knowledge Management within entity

I hope I was able to share with you my dedication to the project I believe has a tremendous potential and significance within ESTIEM, please feel free to ask me anything about my application that you might be interested in on my e-mail (
In high ESTIEM,
Nikola Milošević
ESTIEM Language Programme Leadership - Onat Arzoğlu' Application - 6 Months

The candidate expressed the will to apply for the position to the board.

ESTIEM Magazine Leadership - Oliver Dittrich's Application - 6 Months
Dear ESTIEMers,

2 years ago, I walked into some people who tried to explain to me what ESTIEM is and what it offers. While having no idea what opportunities ESTIEM can give, I got hooked and applied for my very first event. Today, a huge collection of moments, memories and experience later, I am happy for this choice and everything that came along with it.

After CM Warsaw in autumn 2018, I got active in the magazine team and coordinated the design process as the Design Task Group Leader.
I always liked working with Photoshop, but I never tried other Creative Cloud products, why I felt pleased when Sjors offered me this position. With a team which was eager to learn InDesign, Lightroom & Co. with me, we designed and standardized the process of the previous and current issue.
Now, one year later, I am proud to form the following sentence.

With great pleasure, I hereby present you my application for the ESTIEM Magazine leadership!

My name is Oliver Dittrich, I’m 22 years old and from LG Bremen, during my time in ESTIEM I not only participated in the magazine but were also travelling a lot, have been LR and worked on building up Industry Hubs. I learned a lot about ESTIEM, self-management and leadership, and now I want to use my gained knowledge to contribute to the development of the network.

Currently, the magazine is facing some adjustments in its structure and workflow. Because our work comes and goes with every CM, my team and I want to change it to a steady workflow throughout the year, where we can also publish in the blog on a regular timeframe.

To celebrate the next magazine issue and dedicate its topic to the 30th anniversary, we as the magazine team also wants to participate in its birthday. With articles from alumni about projects in their beginning phase, the structure from 1990, what previous boardies are doing nowadays and how they got influenced by ESTIEM or any other story or idea you come up with is welcome to participate together with us.

But before we are ready to attend the party, I want to fulfil the following tasks:

– Change the workload within the team from 2-week peaks to steady work throughout the year
– Increase the communication between the Task Groups and their teams
– Standardize the process for upcoming members
– Develop the magazine blog
– Publish the anniversary magazine in Brussels

If you have any question regarding the magazine or my application, feel free to approach me via

In high ESTIEM,
Oliver Dittrich
Vision Leadership - Burak Diler's Application - 12 Months
Dear fellow ESTIEMers,
I am Burak Diler from LG Ankara METU. I’m 23 years old and I’ve started to be a part of ESTIEM a year ago. Currently, I am a local board member and in the organization team of our two upcoming events.
My first event was Vision Data Science-Belgrade. Before the event, I had little information about ESTIEM and had worries about almost everything, but the topic was extremely interesting for me and I decided to go. As soon as the event started, I’ve realized that there was nothing to worry about. In the event, I had a great chance to experience ESTIEM spirit first time in my life and that made me feel amazed. To get to know more about Vision concept and ESTIEM spirit, I decided to participate in another Vision event which was eDrive-Future of Mobility-Munich.
In both events the organization team’s efforts are tremendous and events’ organization was professional, and people’s attitude was so nice. Thus, I tried to find a way to help those people and make Vision concept even better.
In order to do that, after CM Tampere I joined Vision team. In the team, we hold chats with LGs to help their issues and make sure that the events are held on the highest level, with the proper balance of theoretical and practical activities. Moreover, this position gave me the opportunity to learn about current and upcoming events’ whole planning process and details. Thus, I am able to see how I could improve Vision’s future and carry it to the next level.

Now, I proudly announce my application to be Vision project leader for the next 12 months

If I am elected, during my mandate I will focus on the following goals:

Balance vision events distributions among LGs: Since ESTIEM is a great network all around Europe, I will achieve the goal by making detailed field researches. These researches will help LGs to find new Vision events which fit them perfectly. Hence, LGs will be more integrated
Help LGs with the organization of the events, according to the concept of the project.
Continue newly implemented practices, such as experience sharing chats between organizers from different LGs and participants’ expectations surveys.
Build stronger cooperation with the Academic department.
Identify the needs of the entity and build a strong team according to the task.

If you have any questions or suggestions about my application or the future of Vision, please do not hesitate to contact me anytime by email or personally during CM Famagusta
In high ESTIEM,
Burak Diler
Vision Leadership - David Ettler's Application - 12 Months
Dear ESTIEMers, I am David Ettler, a 25 year old ESTIEMer from LG Munich and I proudly apply for the position as Vision Leader 2019/2020.
My journey as ESTIEMer started 2016 with my first Event “Vision: Biofuels and geothermal Energy“ in Helsinki&Tampere. I didn´t travel alone before and had a really low expectation of ESTIEM Events. I asked myself how this participation fee should cover a whole week and how the other students will be there. But during this week I felt so amazed by the spirit of the locals and the participants. Four weeks later I joined “Vision: Renewable Energy in a Sustainable Society“ in Istanbul-Yildiz and two weeks later “Vision: Electric Cars with Renewables“ in Warsaw.

As you can see I was full of ESTIEM Spirit or let us say I was „Visionary“, after this three Events.

After around 3 months travel break I became Local Responsible in June/July 2016 of Local Group Munich for two years. It was a dead Local Group, because after a generation change, there were only 2-3 members left. So I focused on building up the LG, with a two year strategy and now Munich has around 30 active members, with a high reputation at Bavarian companies! During my mandate I also organised many Events as Project leader including two great Vision Events “Vision: Intelligent Production Systems“ and „Vision eDrive – Future of Mobility“. I wanted to give ESTIEMer the opportunity to get in touch with our future and to see/learn future technologies exclusively.

As LR it was also important for me to integrate our Alumni more into local level to get them active again and remind them how great ESTIEM is, even if you are graduated. (Alumni will never get old, just wealthy.) After CMWarsaw I also joined Corporate Relation Committee to support our great network with my experience in Corporate Relations. At the moment (after two years of being Local Responsible) I am the Counselor of LG Munich and supporting the current local board of 2019/20 with my experiences and leading the local CR-Team.
I am really grateful for the last 3 years as ESTIEMer, because I learned so much about leadership, self-organization, collaborating with the university and companies. During my mandate, I would like to work on the following key topics.

Make Vision more „Visionary“ with a strong focus on the future industries and technologies
Supporting Local Groups in their planning and topic-choosing
Taking care that interactive and practical elements are implemented in the events
Collaboration with the Corporate Relation Committee to build up a great company network
More Vision Events during the year
Integrate the Local Alumni Network for the LG support

If you have any questions please feel free to approach me anytime:
Think visionary
In high ESTIEM,
David Ettler

The Agenda of the Council Meeting

15th of October Tuesday

1 - Official Opening of the Council Meeting
2 - The ESTIEM Song
3 - Quorum of the Council and enlistment of the votes by proxy
4 - Election of the Chairman of the General Assembly
5 - Election of the Secretary of the General Assembly
6 - Election of the Voting Committee
7 - Change of Agenda Points
8 - Words of Welcome
9 - The ESTIEM Framework
10 - How to use Pigeonhole
11 - What to expect from a Council Meeting
12 - Approval of the Minutes of the last General Assembly
13 - Board Report
14 - Structure of Central ESTIEM
15 - Committee reports
16 - Elium
17 - Activity Report
18 - Events Quality Strategy Report
19 - Regional Coordinators Report
20 - Local Group Dashboard
21 - Local Group Support System
22 - Local Group Requirements
23 - Miscellaneous

16th of October Wednesday

24 - Quorum of the Council and enlistment of the votes by proxy
25 - Strategy of ESTIEM
26 - Department Report
27 - Project Reports
28 - Applications
29 - University presentation
30 - Structure of ESTIEM
31 - ESTIEM's Central Working Culture
32 - Getting Active in ESTIEM
33 - Miscellaneous

17th of October Thursday

34 - Quorum of the Council and enlistment of the votes by proxy
35 - Annual Report of 29th Board
36 - Accounts on the 29th Board
37 - Audit Report of the 29th Board
38 - An IEM Europe
39 - Education in ESTIEM
40 - Curricula Database
41 - IEM conference Report
42 - PR Strategy update
43 - ESTIEM Magazine Report
44 - External Relations Strategy
45 - External Presentations
46 - Social and Environmental Responsibility
47 - Corporate Relations in ESTIEM
48 - Miscellaneous

18th of October Friday

49 - Quorum of the Council and enlistment of the votes by proxy
50 - Finances in ESTIEM
51 - Financial Report of the current year
52 - Financial Report of Council Meeting Tampere
53 - Update on Council Meeting Famagusta
54 - Council Meeting Brussels Update
55 - Council Meetings in ESTIEM
56 - TIMES Final Minho Update
57 - Miscellaneous

19th of October Saturday

58 - Quorum of the Council and enlistment of the votes by proxy
59 - Explanation of Discharge of the Board
60 - Nominees for the awards
61 - Voting Procedure
62 - Voting Session
63 - Upcoming events
64 - ESTIEM Alumni Presentation
65 - History of ESTIEM (together with Alumni)
66 - 30th Anniversary of ESTIEM
67 - Report about the Mentoring Programme
68 - Club of 100 Report
69 - Ad Fundum Award
70 - IEM Caring Foundation
71 - Awards Results
72 - Activity Rating
73 - Miscellaneous
74 - Appreciations
75 - Voting results
76 - Miscellaneous
77 - Discharge of the 29th Board
78 - Signing the letter of commitment
79 - One more ESTIEM Song
80 - Official Closing of the Council Meeting

The Reports

Get to know what's happening!

Not all the entities have yet uploaded their reports, more will come in the very next future!

Departments Reports

Board Reports

Committees Reports

Regions Reports

Other Reports