FIRST ROUND | 01/06/24 – 12/06/24

First Round of Leadership Applications is open!

Results of the First Round of Leadership Open Calls

  • Maylis Balat, LG Grenoble
  • Rodrigo Bastos, LG Porto
  • Doğa Güneri, LG Ankara-METU
  • Miroslava Kostić, LG Belgrade
  • Sude Oner, LG Ankara-METU
  • Jonathan Püttmann, LG Kaiserslautern
  • Fernando Tellez, LG Brussels
  • Tom Louis Landgraf, LG Berlin
  • Predrag Stankovikj, LG Skopje
  • Deniz Dilara Yalçın, LG Ankara-METU
  • Zeynep Çınar, LG Ankara-Bilkent
  • Sebastian Stark, LG Berlin
  • Tomi Suomi, LG Tampere
  • Sude Çetinkaya, LG Ankara-METU
  • Boris Zabunov, LG Sofia
  • Sofia Mougamadoussoultane, LG Grenoble
  • Eetu Hänninen, LG Tampere
  • Hazar Soyer, LG Istanbul-Boğaziçi
  • Vladyslav Tyshchuk, LG Aveiro
  • Maria Bugarčić, LG Belgrade
  • Konstantina Karaoli, LG Piraeus
  • Aleksa Vesović, LG Belgrade
  • Eszter Farkas, LG Budapest
  • Andreea Lăutărescu, LG Târgu Mureș
  • Stela Yancheva, LG Sofia
  • Enes Arasan, LG Istanbul-ITU
  • Emine Efranur Kürtünoğlu, LG Istanbul-Yildiz
  • Ekin Köse, Izmir-DEU
  • Emir Mut, LG Istanbul-Yildiz
  • Veronica Hurri, LG Lappeenranta
  • Jelko Müller, LG Braunschweig
  • Kevin Son Zisting, LG Berlin
  • Sjouke Duinstra, LG Eindhoven
  • Alejandro Rodríguez López, LG Seville
  • Mariia Dvorak, LG Kyiv

Check out what being a Leader is and how to become one this June!

Leadership Position in ESTIEM

Being a Leader in ESTIEM brings you a year full of adventures, knowledge, achievements
and friendships to savour and cherish for many years to come. By applying for a Leader,
you’re seizing an opportunity to develop yourself and step-up ESTIEM itself.

“ESTIEM is a playground where no-one will judge you if you make a mistake.”

As Leaders you are expected to

Share the ESTIEM mission, vision and values

Strive for the development of new ideas in your field of work and within ESTIEM

Work along with a Board Responsible and report your progress


Set and achieve goals throughout your mandate



Cooperate within the Sphere of your Entity


Prepare a handover at the end of the mandate

What are Spheres?
A Sphere is a group of entities that usually work closely together on a certain topic or area of focus, such as Members, Activities, etc.

Application Process

There are various Leadership positions in ESTIEM. During June, you will have the opportunity to apply for positions of Committee Leaders, Regional Coordinators, Department Coordinators, Task Group Leaders and a Transitional Service Leader. These positions are appointed by the Board of ESTIEM and their purpose is to support the Board in running and developing this organisation.

The selection process will be held in two application rounds. In the first round you can apply to any of the positions listed below. In the second round, we will open call the positions that weren’t filled in the first round. This way, declined applicants and other interested ESTIEMers still have time to apply for the vacant position(s).

Keep in mind that, regardless of the round in which you were appointed, the mandates for the aforementioned positions will start on August 1st 2024, and conclude on July 31st 2025.

First Round of applications: The application deadline is June 12th at 23:59 CEST. To apply for a position, there are certain documents and texts that you need to submit:

  1. Motivational letter, no longer than one page long, in a separate file
  2. Mandate Plan Overview (MPO), find the corresponding one below, create a copy to your Google Drive and fill it in
  3. Answer to the additional question, to be found under positions for which an additional question is needed, and submitted accordingly in the application form 

Mandate Plan Overview Document for Committee Leaders 

Mandate Plan Overview Document for Task Groups Leaders

Mandate Plan Overview Document for Department Coordinators

Mandate Plan Overview Document for Regional Coordinators

Mandate Plan Overview Document for Transitional Service Leaders


All three of these, alongside other basic information, should be submitted via Google form available below, before the application deadline. It is recommended to look into the Topical Strategies approved in LXVIII CM Aveiro and decide which ones, if any, of the Action Points you would like to work on during your mandate. Add them in your MPO with a short reflection on how you would work on them.  

If deemed necessary, the Board might invite all candidates for a certain position to hold presentations about their application in front of the Board and other applicants. This will happen in between two application rounds, before the announcement of the results.
All applications will be public. Upon application deadline for each round, names and Local Groups of all applicants will be published below the position they have applied for. 

Deadline for the 1st round of Leadership Applications

Apply for today!
  • 00Days
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  • 00Days
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Directly go to

Applicants of the First Round of Leadership Open Calls

Committee Leader

As a Committee Leader, you are responsible for leading a Committee within ESTIEM. Committees are there to support the Board in running this organisation. 

Main Responsibilities as Committee Leader:

  • Fulfil the mission of the Committee
  • Develop the Committee and keep it sustainable
  • Coordinate and monitor the Committee and its team members
  • Work together with an international team

This position gives a great opportunity for ESTIEMers to be involved in the management of the organisation and gain valuable Leadership experience.

“Increase awareness and recognition of ESTIEM towards IEM Europe and bring value to the network, by representing ESTIEM in external contexts, facilitating existing collaborations and establishing new collaborations with other organisations.”

As an Ambassador, you will have the opportunity to attend external events, work closely with the Board, operate with various entities of ESTIEM and expand your network of contacts while developing your presentation skills and communication skills. You will build external relations, represent ESTIEM at relevant external events and organise joint events with partner NGOs.

As the 35th Board, we currently have plans of potentially increasing the amount of Ambassadors. Hence we are asking for all Ambassador applications to be handed in individually instead of as a team.

Main Responsibilities:

  • Ensure the representation of ESTIEM at relevant external events and that the learnings from them are shared with the network
  • Extend invitations for ESTIEM events to externals, in collaboration with the Leaders and Local Group responsible for the respective event
  • Promoting external opportunities among ESTIEMers
  • Facilitate knowledge sharing and joint event offerings with other NGOs
  • Acquiring new partnerships among NGOs
  • Ensure the proper visibility of our partner NGOs within our network

“Support ESTIEM to make the decision-making more fact-based in order to help the organisation move forward, while supporting ESTIEMers in their professional development.“

As Analysis Committee Leader, you will be responsible for making use of ESTIEM’s data. You will coordinate the development of Dashboards and work together with the Board and other entities to enable them to make use of our data. During your Leadership journey you will not only learn a lot about working with data, but also gain profound knowledge on Tableau, one of the leading BI-Tools in the world.

Main Responsibilities:

  • Working on current databases and visualizing them on Tableau
  • Supporting relevant decisions based on data visualization (dashboards on Tableau)
  • Offering support for ESTIEMers who are willing to learn analysis tools and to work with data.

Question for the application:

AC already does a lot of analytics on events. Which area do you think would be the most valuable for AC to start performing data analytics on and why?

“The Corporate Relations Committee is responsible for creating and developing academic and corporate partnerships that will contribute with value and support to the network.”

As the Corporate Relations Committee Leader, you will be involved with the institutional and corporate partners of ESTIEM. You will have a chance to gain experience in creating and maintaining sustainable partnerships.

Main Responsibilities:

  • Acquiring new partners (institutional or companies) through promotion of ESTIEM’s offers; Monetary (to financially support ESTIEM) and value proposition (company workshops/trainings that add value to development of ESTIEMers, collaboration with ESTIEM’s Services and events)
  • Keep good relations with the current partners and ensure that the contract are fulfiled (Customer Relationship Management)
  • Organisation of ESTIEM Hunt

Question for the application:

How would you envision ESTIEM Hunt in the future and how would you improve it?

“Event Quality Committee aims working towards having a standardised Events’ quality improvement system, and consistent quality in ESTIEM events.”

As the Event Quality Leader, you will be working on different aspects of event quality, analysing and developing the quality in ESTIEM events and coordinating the Event Quality team.

Main Responsibilities:

  • Provide support in Event Organisation towards various stakeholders
  • Work closely with, Vice President of Activities, Service Leaders and Local Groups in developing the Event Quality

”The Financial and Legal Committee is responsible for ensuring GDPR compliance, Internal and Membership Regulations revision and contributing to the Investment plan realisation.”

As Financial and Legal Committee Leader, you will be involved in the financial and legal matters of ESTIEM. You will gain insight on the operational side in developing an investment plan and gain understanding on the importance and correct use of the GDPR.

Main Responsibilities:

  • Ensuring GDPR compliance in the network with the Vice President of Administration
  • Monitoring, advising and tracking the investment plan with the Vice President of Finance
  • Supporting the Board of ESTIEM in the restructure of the Internal Regulations and Membership Regulations

Question for the application:

After reviving this Committee, 3 new missions were set. What other missions do you think FLC could tackle?

“Support the Board in the application of a Grants opportunity for ESTIEM” 

As Grants Committee Leader, you will work on the obtention of European Grants in order to financially support ESTIEM and report on progress on fulfilling obligations tied to the received Grants. Next to that, most European Grants give an overview of how ESTIEM is doing as an European Youth Network. Thus, you will be responsible of providing ESTIEM with these valuable insights.

Main Responsibilities:

  • Research Grant possibilities (event-based or structural)
  • Make sure that ESTIEM submits the deliverables according to the Grant application
  • Apply for relevant European Grant(s)
  • Evaluate the results and how ESTIEM is aligned with European Youth Goals

Question for the application:

Which other grants would you apply for and why? Do you think we are able to apply for more than one grant? If yes, how would you do this?

“Support all Central ESTIEM entities in recruiting, onboarding, managing and developing their team members by facilitating recruitment processes, assessing stability and providing opportunities for development.”

As the Human Resources Committee, you will be responsible for managing the recruitment of Central ESTIEM members, for the processes of onboarding and developing newly recruited and active members and understanding the motivation of Central ESTIEM members. This position will provide you the rewarding opportunity to not just improve the organisation as a whole but also the individual members in Central ESTIEM.

Main responsibilities:

  • Managing opportunities for further development of Central ESTIEM members
  • Supporting the recruitment processes of Central ESTIEM
  • Team Members Assessment and understanding of their motivation

Question for application:

Come up with new HRC activities and offers for actives in Central to further motivate them during their mandates.

“Ensuring that ESTIEM can fully serve its members in helping them be their truest and most amazing selves by providing them a modern, stable and easily maintainable and upgradeable portal that works well on all platforms.”

As the Information Technology Committee Leader, you will have a significant role in managing ESTIEM’s IT infrastructure while developing your own skills and competencies in this field. You will be responsible for maintaining the IT platforms and infrastructure, providing security on all ESTIEM platforms and providing technical support to users.


“Coordinate the process of collecting, organising, sharing and evaluating knowledge.”

As Knowledge Management Committee Leader, you will be responsible for sharing the knowledge that is available in the network and correctly storing relevant documents. You will be responsible for sharing knowledge and experience within the network, properly managing ESTIEM drives and supporting the use of Elium as a knowledge sharing platform.

Main responsibilities:

  • The knowledge management structure in ESTIEM
  • Organising information and knowledge by storing it and managing its visibility
  • Providing incentives for knowledge sharing and promoting a sharing culture in ESTIEM
  • Administration of knowledge related tools 

Question for application:

No Google drive structure is perfect. How would you improve the structure of currently available ESTIEM shared drives?

”Members Committee aims to assure every association is following ESTIEM’s Membership Regulations by monitoring and supporting Guests and Observers on their way to Membership and controlling the activeness of our Members while analysing new growth opportunities.”

As a Members Committee Leader, you will get an opportunity to work on ensuring the strength of our Members (Local Groups), check up on their Membership requirements and be in touch with Universities around Europe as they form interest in joining our network through our growth strategy, all while leading a team of ambicious and dedicated people. You will work closely with the Regional Coordinators, Local Group Support System Task Group and your Board Responsible to assure we have a productive approach to supporting the Members of ESTIEM.

Main Responsibilities:

  • Monitoring Local Group Requirements
  • Coordination of the positions within the Committee
  • Assuring Membership Regulations are followed and sending open calls within time before every Council Meeting
  • Close monitoring of Guest and Observer Local Groups’ activity and providing constant support
  • Analyzing new growth opportunities by managing incoming requests from interested stakeholders
  • Being involved in the Local Group Support Strategy

Question for application:

What do you see as the main role of the Members Committee and why?

“Provide insights on IEM through conduction of research projects and management of partnerships, in order to connect and inform the stakeholders in IEM Europe.”

Being a Professional Development Committee Leader is more than just organising research and managing projects. It is a journey filled with opportunities to impact IEM (Industrial Engineering and Management) education and engage with various stakeholders across Europe. This role allows for significant contributions to education and the broader IEM community. If you would like to impact IEM education, discover education opportunities for IEM students and make a significant impact within the professors’ community, this position is for you!

Main Responsibilities:

  • Coordination and recruitment to the PDC team
  • Coordination of the organisation of partnership events
  • Finding the best educational and research projects for the network
  • Coordination of research teams
  • Promote the Committee and events related

“The Public Relations Committee aims to maintain the ESTIEM Brand by creating and publicizing the necessary brand materials for this purpose and to support entities and Local Groups in order to increase the recognition of ESTIEM to its stakeholders.”

As Public Relations Committee Leader, you will work on the betterment of the Brand and image of ESTIEM as well as work closely with the Vice President of Public Relations while having the chance to develop your PR related skills.

Main Responsibilities:

  • Working on and supporting the PR strategy
  • Managing ESTIEM’s social media channels
  • Creating PR related development opportunities 
  • Support other entities in PR related tasks

”Connect, educate, and support ESTIEM in the making of initiatives relevant to Social and Environmental Responsibility (SER).”

As a Social and Environmental Responsibility Committee Leader you will get an opportunity to lead projects that raise awareness of SER topics and educate ESTIEMers on how to participate in improving SER in our network and wider. You would contribute to creating a safer & more inclusive environment and reducing the environmental impact of ESTIEM and its events.

Main responsibilities:

  • Coming up with new and impactful initiatives on SER topics
  • Coordinating the implementation of current effective projects
  • Prioritisation of Committee workload and resources

Question for application:

Implementation of the SDG Challenge is a project that SERC has been working on for a while. What’s your vision for it and do you see it as part of ESTIEM?

“Trainers Community provides training sessions to ESTIEMers to help their personal and professional development while supporting the future growth of the Community.”

As the Trainers Community Leader, you will have a chance to work with dedicated Trainers and takes care of the operational tasks to sustain and develop the Community.

Main Responsibilities:

  • Supporting the future development of current Trainers and organizing Training New Trainers event
  • Developing internal and external training opportunities
  • Working to increase the quality of training sessions
  • Increasing the awareness about Training Culture in the Local Groups and encouraging trainers to deliver on a local level
  • Supporting and coordinating the members of the Trainers Community

Department Coordinator

The Department Coordinator was introduced to be the facilitator of the work in the Department, to make sure that the current Services can work as smoothly as possible. Department Coordinators stimulate innovation in the Department by introducing new value-adding initiatives in line with the Department’s Mission.

Main Responsibilities as Department Coordinator:

  • Support new initiatives and ideas inside the Department
  • Support the Leaders and team members of the current Services
  • Be the representative of the Department in the Activities Sphere
  • Creating a cooperative culture within the Department

Being a Department Coordinator gives you a great opportunity to further develop and gain managerial experience with a more strategic perspective.

Mission: Provide non-formal complimentary IEM content based on students’ needs and current developments in IEM, through advanced courses delivered by professionals, and support the research & development in the IEM field by actively taking part in discussions and activities.

Services inside the Department: Vision and Lean Six Sigma. Besides these Services, the Data Visualization Task Group and Circular Economy Course Task Group are also included in the Academic Development Department.

Mission: Offer opportunities such as events, competitions and programmes focused on preparing students for a specific career field, by developing a related set of skills that will get them a competitive advantage. Beside that, you will be responsible for the cohesion within the Department and will ensure to help and support the Service Leaders.

Services inside the Department: TIMES, businessbooster and Be X for X Days.

Mission: To take action within the culturally diverse environment in ESTIEM in order to foster mutual understanding among ESTIEMers and improve coexistence and communication in Europe.

Services inside the Department: Europe3D, Local Group Exchange, Language Programme and Activity Week.

Mission: Allow ESTIEMers to develop their capabilities and potential by providing physical, cognitive, and emotional development opportunities.

Services inside the Department: Summer Academy and BrainTrainer.

Regional Coordinator

“To be the connector between Central ESTIEM and Local Groups. To be the facilitator of collaboration, innovation and development of Local Groups in the Region.”

Regional Coordinators are responsible for the communication between the Board of ESTIEM and Local Groups. Regional Coordinators support Local Groups by making sure they receive all official information and understand it, support Local Groups in fulfilling the membership requirements and other responsibilities related to being a Member of ESTIEM as well as support Local Groups in their development. The Regional Coordinator is required to be aware of the status and activities of LGs of their Region. This means that the Regional Coordinator monitors the situation, activities and collects all important information about the Local Groups and reports to the Board. The Regional Coordinator is a contact person in the Region and RC is taking part in the communication related to regional activities therefore must be highly communicative and responsive.

Main Responsibilities as Regional Coordinator:

  • To make sure that the communication of the Board of ESTIEM runs smoothly and is understood by the Local Groups
  • To monitor the Local Groups qualitatively, by having individual approaches such as calls and reporting to the Board
  • To be responsive to questions from Local Groups and offer them support in their development
  • To facilitate the collaboration and innovation of the Local Groups inside the Region, through organising monthly Regional Calls, through organising Regional Events (Motivational Weekends, Board Training Events) and at least one strategic Regional Event (Regional Coordination Meeting)

Being a Regional Coordinator means being the direct extension of ESTIEM towards Local Groups. You take care of Local Groups and local responsibilities, and make sure they grow and develop, while developing your interpersonal and professional skills.

All applicants for Regional Coordinator must present their application in front of their Regions; approach your Regional Coordinator if you are applying! The presentations will be held during Regional Chats scheduled in the first round of Leadership Open Calls. After the presentations, Local Groups will have the chance to disclose their preference to the Board. The votes will not be the final deciding factor, but will be taken into account in the appointment of the Regional Coordinator.

Date and time of Regional Chats will be listed below descriptions of each Regional Coordinator position.

If interested to join the Regional Chat, approach the current Regional Coordinator of the Region of interest to get the link!

Local Groups in the Region: Auvergne, Budapest, Darmstadt, Graz, Grenoble, Kaiserslautern, Karlsruhe, Lausanne, Lyon, Munich and Vienna.

Regional Chat: June 3rd, 19:00 CEST

Local Groups in the Region: Belgrade, Bitola, Bucharest, Moscow, Nis, Novi Sad, Saint-Petersburg, Sarajevo, Skopje, Sofia, Targu Mures and Zagreb.

Regional Chat: June 12th, 17:00 CEST

Local Groups in the Region: Ankara-Bilkent, Ankara-METU, Baku, Famagusta, Istanbul-Bogazici, Istanbul-ITU, Istanbul-Yildiz, Izmir-DEU, Izmir-Economy, Piraeus and Xanthi.

Regional Chat: June 9th, 16:30 CEST

Question for application:

Due to the geographical distance between Local Groups, cultural gaps and the disbalance in the Region, how would you ensure that every Local Group feels included in the Region?

Local Groups in the Region: Gothenburg, Helsinki, Karlstad, Lappeenranta, Linkoping, Lulea, Lund, Oulu, Stockholm, Tallinn, Tampere, Trondheim and Vaasa.

Regional Chat: June 8th, 19:00 CEST

Local Groups in the Region: Berlin, Braunschweig, Bremen, Dresden, Gdansk, Hamburg, Ilmenau, Krakow, Kyiv, Minsk and Warsaw.

Regional Chat: June 7th, 19:00 CEST

Local Groups in the Region: Aachen, Brussels, Delft, Dortmund, Eindhoven, Groningen, Liege, Paderborn and Siegen.

Regional Chat: June 6th, 17:30 CEST 

Local Groups in the Region: Aveiro, Barcelona, Calabria, Cartagena, Coimbra, Lisbon, Madrid, Milan, Minho, Porto and Seville.

Regional Chat: June 10th, 18:30 CEST


Question for application:

How would you ensure strenghtening relations between the Portuguese, Spanish and Italian ESTIEMers in order to improve collaboration inside the Region?

Task Group Leader

Task Groups support the Board but are limited in time, since they have a concrete project or objective at hand. A Task Group is focused on a specific task and it will be dissolved after finishing that task.

Being a Task Group Leader is a great opportunity to contribute to the development of entities in ESTIEM and to further develop your organisational and leadership skills.

As the Local Group Support System Task Group Leader, you will ensure a successful implementation of a support system for our Local Groups.

Main responsibilities:

  • Overseeing the LR Forum and LR Onboarding processes
  • Coordination of the Consultancy project
  • Further development of the support system for our Local Groups
  • Implementation of Local Group support throughout the network
  • Being involved in the Local Group Support Strategy

Disclaimer: An analysis of the entity will be conducted at the Coordination Meeting in June. Having that in mind, changes to the nature of the entity might be made.This does not affect the application nor the Leadership that will follow. If interested, aproach the Board for more information on how to get involved in the discussion.

Question for application:

How do you percieve the potential impact of consultants on our Local Groups?

”With the help of the ESTIEM Alumni Bart Jutte, this entity aims to create a brand-new certified program in ESTIEM. It will be composed by a pre-course, to be held online, with the support of a series of videos, and a live event, in which participants will gain practical knowledge on Tableau. The course will teach students how to select, analyse, and represent data in the clearest way, which is important to make the best conclusions.This course has the resources for the first course and aims to create a new certified Service recognised in ESTIEM for more Local Groups, instructors and students to be trained in this speciality. ”

As the Data Visualization Task Group Leader, you will be the coordinator of the implementation and development of this course in ESTIEM. 

Main responsibilities:

  • Coordinating the organisation of the first offline course
  • Setting up a training process for students who want to become instructors of the course
  • Ensure the visibility of this course to ESTIEMers and relevant external stakeholders, by collaborating with different ESTIEM entities
  • Additionally, you will be part of the Academic Development Department, and are expected to be active in that Department and to contribute to its development

”The aim of this Task Group is to implement a brand new offering in ESTIEM: a certified offline course, from teachers and companies to students on circular economy based in case studies. By taking this course, participants would gain a comprehensive understanding of the key concepts regarding circular economy, and relevant knowledge such as how circular economy principles can be applied in the industrial context.”

The first course will be held soon with professors from the University of Groningen and will be organised by Local Group Groningen, our aim is that the course will become a stable Service in ESTIEM and we will be able to organise it periodically for more students.

Main Responsibilities:

  • Coordinate the organisation of the first offline course
  • Create a collaboration with partners involved in the course to implement the course in the long term at ESTIEM
  • Ensure visibility of this course among ESTIEM members and relevant external stakeholders
  • Work to establish the course as a sustainable and valuable service within ESTIEM with a recognised certification
  • Additionally, you will be part of the Academic Development Department, and are expected to be active in that Department and contributing to its development

The 35th Anniversary of ESTIEM is coming up and we want to celebrate it together with all ESTIEMers. This Task Group with the coordination of the Leader, will be responsible for supporting the Board during the preparations. The specific tasks are very open and depend on the goals and ideas of the applicant.

You can find more information about the work of the 30th Anniversary Task Group here.

Transitional Service Leader

As a Service Leader you are expected to assist the Board in the coordination of the Service in question. A Service is a value-creating entity which can be accomplished through the organisation of events (online and offline), assisting Local Groups in the organisation of events, making partnerships with other organisations and so on.

Being a Service Leader is a great opportunity to contribute to the development of ESTIEM offerings to the network and relevant external stakeholders to further develop your organisational and leadership skills. 

”BrainTrainer aims to provide opportunities for soft skills development through training-focused offerings.”

BrainTrainer, a Service within the Personal Development Department, offers training-based events designed to develop specific soft skills. These events emphasize learning by doing, providing participants with the opportunity to work in an intercultural environment as they strive for professional and personal success.

Main responsibilities as BrainTrainer Service Leader:

  • Manage the Service and the team with the goal of organising high-quality events that align with the Service’s mission, while also seeking opportunities to bring additional value to ESTIEM
  • Collaborate closely with the Department Coordinator and the Board Responsible for the Personal Development Department to ensure BrainTrainer’s continued development
  • Contribute to the ongoing development of the Personal Development Department
  • Due to the exceptional nature of this open call, the mandate of the Service Leader will last until the LXIX CM Seville, where a Leader will be elected by the Council for the current Association Year


According to the Internal Regulation: 8.5.2 An entity loses the status of a service if it does not have a leader elected by the General Assembly or a transitional Service Leader as defined in article appointed by the board.
During the LXVIII CM in Aveiro there was no applicant for the Leadership of BrainTrainer and therefore no Leader was elected by the General Assembly. To avoid closing the Service, the Board proposed to appoint a transitional Service Leader from the start of the Association Year 2024/2025 until the LXIX Council Meeting planned to happen in Seville. The proposal was proved by the General Assembly.

  • 1. First Application Round (01/06-12/06)

    During this round, ESTIEMers can apply to a Leadership position by submitting their applications in the application form. For any questions regarding the applications, send an email to

  • 2. Announcement of the First Round (19/06)

    After receiving all the applications, the Board will evaluate them. The final results will be communicated to the applicants via email. The last day to inform the applicants about the results is June 19th, though it is possible to receive results before.

  • 3. Second Application Round (20/06-30/06)

    In case some of the positions open called are not filled, those positions will be announced and ESTIEMers can apply for them. The procedure shall stay the same as in the first round.

  • 4. Announcement of the Second Round (06/07)

    After receiving all the applications, the Board will evaluate them. The final results will be communicated to the applicants via email. The last day to inform the applicants about the results is July 6th, though it is possible to receive results before.

  • 5. Handover Period

    From the moment that a Leader is appointed by the Board, the handover period starts where the predecessors will prepare newly elected Leaders and teach them about the specific positions. The handover period lasts from the election to the start of the mandate.

  • 6. Onboarding (TBD)

    The Leaders Onboarding is an online event where you will learn all there is to know about what it means to be a Leader in ESTIEM, the expectations, and the resources you will have access to, all while getting to bond with the Leadership generation that you will spend the next year working with. The dates will be determined later.