lxı council meeting

5th – 8th of November

Not to have ESTIEMers travel in those risky times we opted for a Remote Council Meeting.
The Council Meeting will be in full swing today.
Who applies for what? And what about the reports? And the streaming? This and more can be found in this page.

To learn more about Council Meeting...

The Council Meeting is the statutory meeting of ESTIEM and takes place twice a year.

It is composed of two parts, the General Assembly, where everyone is updated on the what is going on in ESTIEM and decisions are made through voting, and the Working Groups & Training Sessions & Company Workshops, where smaller groups either work to develop ESTIEM, or improve their soft skills.

It’s the place where we gather to invest time in our organisation, to meet new and old friends, and where we celebrate the ESTIEM spirit. See you there!

The LiveStream of the LXI CM

LX Council Meeting Minutes

How will we do it?


The digital General Assembly will take place live on Zoom, here we will have delegates, applicants, boardies, secretaries, voting committee, and more figures needed to make the assembly run smoothly.


This voting software will substitute the usual pen and paper we deal with in the usual Council Meetings. Each LG will have to choose one delegate to be the voting responsible, communicate that choice to us, and we will email this person the links to cast the vote following the Instant Run-off system.​

What about the streaming?

The streaming will be held on YouTube! One person will take care of bringing your question from the streaming into the call to be answered live. All questions in the live stream will be saved so that also those for which we had no time will receive an answer during breaks or after the Council Meeting.


Watch the reports..

All our entities will record video reports to save up time in the General Assembly, watch them all at the playlist we will prepare for you! Soon you will be able to click on the YouTube icon above to start binge-watching!

..and ask questions!

Click on the icon above to join ESTIEM's Discord server, where you will see all the reports and ask questions! Remember to accept our privacy policy in the "welcome" channel to access the contents!

Stay updated, too!

Given the quickly-evolving situation, we created a Telegram channel to share last-minute updates with everyone, join by clicking on the icon above!

What will be voted upon?

ESTIEMers can apply to...

Local Groups can apply to...

Other Votes

  • be the leader of Lean Six Sigma
  • be the leader of Vision
  • be the leader of Local Group Exchanges
  • be the leader of ESTIEM Magazine
  • to start a new project
  • host Fall Council Meeting 2021
  • become Observers (Guest Groups)
  • become Members (Observers)

  • discharge of the 30th Board
  • approval of the budget
  • approval of the LX CM minutes
Let's see who is today


To aim high together, send your application to

Applications will be shared once they sent, stay tuned…


Academic Development

Dear fellow ESTIEMers,

After having spent the last six months running the Lean Six Sigma team together with Miguel Macedo, I feel that it is not my time yet to leave the team. I truly love the spirit in the ESTIEM Lean Six Sigma team and want to carry this team further to realize the potential Miguel and I envisioned for it! Therefore, I am happy to announce my application for 6 more months of leadership in the Lean Six Sigma team.

For those who do not know me yet, let me introduce myself briefly. In 2017 I got my first ESTIEM experience by attending a central Lean Six Sigma Green Belt course in Vienna. After that encounter,  I was so enthusiastic that I wanted to do more: I attended the European conference of the American Society of Quality in Berlin in end of 2017 with the central team. My first experience as an instructor of the course was in Lausanne, and afterwards I have  been the instructor in the courses in The Gambia, Warsaw, Moscow and Eindhoven. 

Each course offers new perspectives and challenges that kept me growing and aiming high! Besides instructing I have also obtained my green belt certificate and have been active in the content development; among others I have developed the DMAIC Recap slides, created master versions for all session slides and published all  course materials on the website of the ESTIEM Lean Six Sigma team By having done all of this work I got accredited as a Senior Lean Six Sigma Instructor during Council Meeting Famagusta last year.

My next mandate will be centered around the vision of the Lean Six Sigma team that has been defined: 

Through developing our students during and after the course, we cause European-wide, measurable and accumulating impact in the organizations they work.

Therefore, my goals are connected to 3 strategic pillars in our team:

  1. Expansion
    We need to keep expanding our courses to new places in order to build now Lean Six Sigma communities and reach more students. With our knowledge on how to improve quality and with the philosophy, methods and tools that we teach, we equip ESTIEMers with an extra competitive skill set that helps them generate impact in Europe.
    During COVID this expansion mainly focuses on local courses and hopefully more national and regional courses soon as well. Only after it’s possible to safely travel and organize events again, we will be able to organize central courses again.
  2. Quality
    During my mandate I would like  to focus on quality assurance and control across different processes that we have: Expansion, Course operations, Certification, Instructor Preparation, Data Management, CR and Content Improvement. To get there we will need more cross-functional projects and collaboration.
  3. Sustainability
    When my mandate ends a new generation of team members will need to take over the baton from me. Therefore, I want to make sure that the knowledge that the team has will be shared and embedded in our processes. This is also a collective effort, only together as a team we can keep our knowledge and performance sustainable over time, so that we can keep accumulating impact European-wide.

I would love to hear from you in the next following days on any possible ideas or questions you might have. Knowing your ideas and answering your questions is very valuable for me.

Thank you so much for reading dear friends.

As always in High ESTIEM,

Martijn Buijvoets (Local Group Eindhoven & Moscow)


To aim high together, send your application to

Applications will be shared once they sent, stay tuned…

Intercultural Development

When I started university, I was not thinking that I will ever join a student club and I just wanted to finish university as soon as possible. However, then I found ESTIEM. This network has changed my ideas, showed me different opportunities and I’ve realized that I want to be a part of this adventure.

Dear ESTIEMers,

My name is Ozan Boğa and I am a 20 years old student from LG Ankara-METU. I am so proud and happy to announce my application for the Leader of LG Exchange for the next mandate.

Last year, these days I joined ESTIEM and in my first month, I have experienced being an organizer of our Exchange event. During the event, I learned so much about ESTIEM and Exchange events while helping and working side to side with the project leader. Therefore, when it was finished, I have decided that this is what I want to experience and where I want to be in my university life. I participated in the LX Council Meeting as a delegate to meet a lot of ESTIEMers and I get the updates
in the network. I believe that participating in LX CM was a turning point in my ESTIEM journey as I understood the importance of Central ESTIEM and the work done there. Then I’ve realized I wanted to be a part of the Central ESTIEM. In the following months, I have started working in Local Group Exchange as Online Event Coordinator. Additionally, I was selected as Vice President of Human Resources in my Local Group as a result of my activity. I’ve started to get lots of training sessions from the Trainers Community, which helped me to develop my skills such as time management, strategic planning, team working, and eventually, the quality of my work increased.

After all of these great experiences, I want to move to the next step in my ESTIEM life and continue working for Local Group Exchange as the leader. I will give all of my effort to develop Local Group Exchange and its team members. For that, I will be focusing on these following goals:

1) Developing LG Exchange Matching System
2) Elevating Online Local Group Exchange concept to the next level
3) Creating brand new type of Local Group Exchange
4) Improving the communication between team members

If you have any questions, ideas or suggestions please approach me via

More applications!

Dear ESTIEMers,

My name is Tanja Gagić (also known as Taki) from Local Group Belgrade and I am very honoured to present my second application for Project Leader of ESTIEM Magazine.

A little bit of backstory: It has taken me quite some time to find my spot under the ESTIEM umbrella. Since joining my Local Group in 2017, I have explored different paths for my ESTIEM self: IT, Analysis and Human Resources. Two years had passed until I stumbled upon my first big ESTIEM love: the development of ESTIEM Blog. As Samuel Beckett once said: The creation of the world did not take place once and for all time, but takes place every day.”, and imagine my joy when I got to create something entirely new and entirely my style! I was storming through old ESTIEM Magazine issues, completely fascinated by the world I was once unaware of: the archive of what ESTIEM went through in the past (at the time) 29 years. It hasn’t taken me much until I joined the ESTIEM Magazine team, ready to be a part of the equation, ready to deliver an epic ESTIEM Magazine issue. 

And we did just that

As the Article Acquisition task group leader, as an ESTIEMer, and as Taki, the moment I had the 57th issue of ESTIEM Magazine in my hands for the first time was probably one of the proudest moments in my life. It was also the moment I realized that I want to see myself being the leader, giving back as much as I can, all in order to ensure ESTIEM Magazine remains being as inspiring as I see it. And now, I can say that applying and (spoiler alert) being elected as the Project Leader of ESTIEM Magazine’s 59th issue in May felt so incredibly fulfilling that it exceeded anything I’ve expected. 

Now, almost 6 months later, I’d love to be given the opportunity to dive back in and make sure the 60th issue lives up to all the expectations and surpasses them. The areas I would focus on in my second mandate as Project Leader are:

  • Working on possible new partnerships with additional, expanded ESTIEM Magazine offer, together with Corporate Relations Committee,
  • Increasing the reach of the ESTIEM Magazine on digital platform Issuu, with focus on Social Media,
  • Restructuring the timelines of task groups, ensuring that they compliment each other and that there are no gaps in workflow,
  • Exploring different possibilities for distribution of ESTIEM Magazine,

Thank you for your attention. I will be really happy to answer any questions or hear suggestions you might have. You can contact me through email (

In high ESTIEM,

Tanja Gagić


The Agenda

5th of November Thursday

1 - Official Opening of the Council Meeting
2 - The ESTIEM Song
3 - Quorum of the Council and enlistment of the votes by proxy
4 - Voting Procedure
5 - Election of the Chairman of the General Assembly
6 - Election of the Secretaries of the General Assembly
7 - Election of the voting committee
8 - Change of Agenda Points
9 - What to expect from a Council Meeting
10 - Approval of Minutes from LX CM
11 - Words of Welcome
12 - ESTIEM Board
13 - Board Report
14 - Presentation of the ESTIEM Framework
15 - Get Active in ESTIEM
16 - Activity Report
17 - Proposal Overruling LG Requirements
18 - Retained earnings of Departments
19 - Membership Applications
20 - Voting Procedure I
21 - Voting Session I
22 - Elium Report
23 - Voting Results I
24 - LG Requirements
25 - Annual Report 30th Board
26 - Accounts on the 30th Board
27 - Audit Report of the 30th Board
28 - Miscellaneous

6th of November Friday

29 - Quorum of the Council and enlistment of the votes by proxy
30 - Corporate Relations in ESTIEM
31 - Finances in ESTIEM
32 - Financial Report of the current year
33 - Explanation of Discharge of the Board
34 - Voting Procedure II
35 - Voting Session II
36 - IEM Conference Report
37 - Company Presentations
38 - University Presentations
39 - Education in ESTIEM
40 - Educational Partners
41 - Voting Results II
42 - Miscellaneous

7th of November Saturday

43 - Quorum of the Council and enlistment of the votes by proxy
44 - Strategy of ESTIEM 2018-2021
45 - Applications
46 - Certifications
47 - LXII Council Meeting Porto Update
48 - TIMES Final Lyon Update
49 - Board Goals 31st Board
50 - Future of ESTIEM
51 - Miscellaneous

8th of November Sunday

52 - Quorum of the Council and enlistment of the votes by proxy
53 - Externals Presentations
54 - Progress in ESTIEM
55 - Voting Procedure III
56 - Voting Session III
57 - Alumni Presentation
58 - Appreciations
59 - Voting Results III
60 - Miscellaneous
61 - Council Meeting Photo
62 - One more ESTIEM Song
63 - Official Closing of the Council Meeting