LXII Council Meetıng onlıne

Workıng groups & Traınıng Sessions & Company Workshops

29th of May

To learn more about sessions...

Training Session focuses on the development of the ESTIEMer.

Working Group focuses on the development of ESTIEM as a network, such as working on a problem/opportunity of a Project, Committee or Initiative.

Company Workshop, held by companies, it focuses on the development of the ESTIEMer and gives them the opportunity to get new business contacts.

Let's see who is today

Working Groups

Training Sessions

Company Workshop

The content will be shared soon…

About Sisecam: Şişecam was founded to meet Turkey’s need for basic glass products. As one of the most powerful industrial conglomerates in the country today, Şişecam has also transformed into a global player in all key areas of the glass industry, as well as in soda and chromium compounds business lines.

To learn more about Sisecam, click here

How will we do it?


The remote sessions will take place live on Zoom, here we will have participants in the different rooms for their specific sessions. The zoom link will be published
with each participant one day before the session.

Any Questions?

If you have any questions regarding working groups or training sessions you can always approach Eren Bagcivancioglu.
During the sessions, if you will have any questions, you can use telegram group that will be created for the CM.