lxIı council meeting

26th – 30th of May

To learn more about Council Meeting...

The Council Meeting is the statutory meeting of ESTIEM and takes place twice a year.

It is composed of two parts, the General Assembly, where everyone is updated on the what is going on in ESTIEM and decisions are made through voting, and the Working Groups & Training Sessions & Company Workshops, where smaller groups either work to develop ESTIEM, or improve their soft skills.

It’s the place where we gather to invest time in our organisation, to meet new and old friends, and where we celebrate the ESTIEM spirit. See you there!

How will we do it?


The digital General Assembly will take place live on Zoom, here we will have delegates, applicants, boardies, secretaries, voting committee, and more figures needed to make the assembly run smoothly.


This voting software will substitute the usual pen and paper we deal with in the usual Council Meetings. Each LG will have to choose one delegate to be the voting responsible, communicate that choice to us, and we will email this person the links to cast the vote following the Instant Run-off system.​

What about the streaming?

The streaming will be held on YouTube! One person will take care of bringing your question from the streaming into the call to be answered live. All questions in the live stream will be saved so that also those for which we had no time will receive an answer during breaks or after the Council Meeting.


Watch the reports..

All our entities will record video reports to save up time in the General Assembly, watch them all at the playlist we will prepare for you! Soon you will be able to click on the YouTube icon above to start binge-watching!

..and ask questions!

Click on the icon above to join ESTIEM's Discord server, where you will see all the reports and ask questions soon! Remember to accept our privacy policy in the "welcome" channel to access the contents!

Stay updated, too!

Given the quickly-evolving situation, we created a Telegram channel to share last-minute updates with everyone, join by clicking on the icon above!

What will be voted upon?

ESTIEMers can apply to...

Local Groups can apply to...​

  • be the leader of Lean Six Sigma
  • be the leader of Global Student Challenge
  • be the leader of Academic Days
  • be the leader of IEM Connection
  • be the leader of Vision
  • be the leader of TIMES
  • be the leader of businessbooster
  • be the leader of Be X for X days
  • be the leader of Language Programme
  • be the leader of Europe3D
  • be the leader of Local Group Exchange
  • be the leader of Activity Week
  • be the leader of BrainTrainer
  • be the leader of  Summer Academy
  • be the leader of ESTIEM Magazine
  • to start a new project
  • to be a Financial Controller
  • President of ESTIEM
  • Vice President of Activities
  • Vice President of Administration
  • Vice President of Education
  • Vice President of Finance
  • Vice President of Public Relations
  • host Spring Council Meeting 2022
  • host TIMES Final 2022
  • host IEM Conference 2022
  • become Observers (Guest Groups)
  • become Members (Observers)

Other Votes

  • Approval of LXI Council Meeting Minutes
  • Proposal of Overruling Local Group Requirements & Membership Regulations
  • Change on the Internal Regulations
Let's see who is today

Board Applications

I have a memory from Council Meeting Tampere, a bunch of cool people applying for the 30th Board. I was so impressed by them, I couldn’t believe that they are students just like me. Those people seemed like superheroes to me. And guess what? Since that moment I started to dream about becoming a superhero one day.

Dear ESTIEMers, 

I’m Darya Bakaeva, from Local Group Moscow. I’m a 21 years old student, currently in the last year of my bachelor’s degree. With great honour, I am applying for the position of President for the 32nd Board of ESTIEM.

When I joined ESTIEM in 2018, I couldn’t imagine myself staying in Moscow longer than 1 month. I’ve attended 32 events both offline and online. In these 3 years, I created so many experiences that no place but ESTIEM can offer, and met unique people that shaped me into who I am today!

My ESTIEM journey as an active member started when I was elected President of Local Group Moscow in my second year of studies. That year I started to explore the network, trying myself in different areas. I was lucky to attend Training New Trainers, become a part of Trainers Community and find what I’m passionate about. Being extremely motivated to become active in the central layer and learn more about the network, I applied for a leadership position as Baltic Regional Coordinator. This showed me how ESTIEM works, the major role of the Local Groups, the importance of leaders in the network, the emphasis of generations, and how individuals can influence the network. I grew so much personally by joining projects, initiatives and organizing events such as LR Forum and Training Next Leaders.

My journey taught me the strengths and weaknesses of our network; it showed me what I’d like to work upon, change or develop in 2021-2024 ESTIEM Strategy. I believe one of the best things that ESTIEM provides to European students is a welcoming environment where everything is possible. All of us, together, aligned by purpose and development, can achieve amazing results. That’s why, if elected, I’ll start with investing in the 32nd Board to climb up the sunshine mountains together. Besides that, my main focus for the mandate will be Local Groups and Leaders

 With this being said, my goals for the mandate are:

  • Develop and accelerate a COVID-19 recovery strategy.
  • Investing in the development of ESTIEM leaders while encouraging them to be focused on their position-related responsibilities and their bigger role in the network.
  • Capitalize the work which has been done during the online term to ensure future development areas for the network by keeping the best practices of the past online year and refining the established working processes.
  • Ensure that ESTIEM has attractive offers to all background of IEMers across Europe

I thank you for reading through the application; if you have any questions, suggestions, doubts or cool memes to share, don’t hesitate to contact me by email at 


Darya Bakaeva 

My ESTIEM journey started 4 years ago with feeling the ESTIEM spirit just by hearing the Yogi Bear song in the Council Meeting Izmir-Economy when I wasn’t even officially a member. I was so amazed to see that many students from all around Europe, feeling and sharing the same excitement and having the same motivation for contributing to this network while living by the ESTIEM spirit. In that moment, I knew I was meant to be a part of it. After three and half years with countless memories and adventures, I still have the same enthusiasm and passion to contribute to this marvelous organization…

Dear fellow ESTIEMers,

My name is Helin Ergezer, I’m from LG Izmir-Economy and it is my greatest honor to present to you my application for the Vice President of Activities for the 32nd Board of ESTIEM.

I joined my Local Group in 2017 and started playing an active role by becoming the Project Leader of Mediterranean Regional Coordination Meeting and attending my first event, Europe3D Italy where I fell in love with the concept. With this motivation I wanted to take a bigger role in my Local Group by becoming the Vice President of Corporate Relations. In the meantime there was also a part of me that wanted to take an even more exciting challenge to explore Central ESTIEM. Therefore, I joined the Corporate Relations Committee. However, the real eye opening experience for me was attending the CM Warsaw. As a delegate, I was captivated by the professional work done by students during the day and playing even harder at night. 

After participating in my second Europe3D event in Spain, I joined the Europe3D Team. All these experiences, including attending four E3D events and spending one year in the Panda Team gave me the comprehension and motivation to apply for the Europe3D Leadership position. My mandate as the Europe3D Leader has taught me a lot about Leadership, Services, and most importantly how the events organization process works both on the Local and Central level. Throughout my journey and career in ESTIEM, I got the chance to contribute to the Intercultural Development Department and work in the Event Quality Task Group as a Team Member where I took an active role in different projects like the Events Open Call Page and New Application Process on the portal. Finally, I’ve participated in the Mentoring the New Trainers event and proudly I am about to become an ESTIEM Trainer.

To summarize my journey, I’ve attended 15+ offline and 25+ online events, had 3 events as the Europe3D Leader, organized 3 events in my Local Group one being the Project Leader of LX Council Meeting, and worked in different entities and layers in our network. During these 3 years, I was very lucky to be surrounded by people who always pushed me to get out of my comfort zone to do better. They inspired me to become the best version of myself. Now it’s time for me to make an impact on ESTIEMers in the same way and go even further by taking the next, the biggest step…

With this being said, by applying for the position of Vice President of Activities, I’d like to focus on the following goals;

  • Work closely with Regional Coordinators and Local Responsibles to analyse and support the current situation of the LGs in terms of motivation and knowledge about organizing events.
  • Ensure Quality in events by using and improving the quality tools, and oversee the Event Portfolio with addressing different aspects.
  • Embolden collaboration between and inside of the Departments to benchmark and bolster them up in their transition from online to offline events.
  • Continuously evaluate the current COVID-19 situation and ensure the possible safest environment for the organization of ESTIEM events.
  • Preserve valuable online offers that we acquired during the online period to give every ESTIEMer an opportunity to develop themselves as well as feeling the ESTIEM spirit.
  • Spread the ESTIEM spirit and culture to all ESTIEMers by circulating and developing spirit tools, moreover building a friendship by connecting ESTIEMers.

Thank you for your attention and if you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please feel free to approach me anytime through

In High ESTIEM, 


Imagine you are standing in a crowded square, in a city you have never been before and with people you only met that day. These people will become your friends and you will see them again somewhere in Europe. Somehow you feel like this is where you always belonged. This is what ESTIEM Spirit means to me! With this in mind, I have decided to take this next step.

Dear ESTIEMers,

My name is Nikolina Gklezaki, I am a member of Local Group Xanthi and I hereby present to you my application for Vice President of Administration of the 32nd board of ESTIEM.

I first got acquainted with the ESTIEM Spirit in 2017 as part of the organizing team of several  international and local events in my Local Group. Furthermore, in 2019, I applied for the Local Board, as Vice President of Administration, focusing on keeping the minutes of the meetings and the legal documents of the Local Group, ensuring transparency and knowledge management and developing the recruitment process. Working as a local board member helped me understand better how the network operates and pushed me to get involved in central ESTIEM.

After being a team member of Be X for X Days, I stepped in and became the leader in May 2020, working on the leadership and motivation of the team members, evaluation of the entity structure as well as assisting Local Groups in the organization of events and implementing the concept of online events. My team and I managed to achieve some milestones, such as online events entirely organized by the central team and a collaboration within the Career Development Department. Therefore, I felt the need to gain a better overview of the network and its members and I joined the Human Resources Committee as Recruitment Analysis Responsible, which gave me a more analytical and intercultural understanding of ESTIEM. Moreover, I participated in Mentoring New Trainers with the wish to evolve into a more open-minded and outgoing person while at the same time contributing to the network by becoming a Junior Trainer.

All the accumulated experience mentioned above, led me to develop the following goals:

  • Ensure the smooth transition from online to offline Council Meetings, while working to capitalize what we learned from the online events by benefiting from the experience and knowledge;
  • Raise the level of transparency while ensuring that actives understand the value of the communication platforms by delivering training sessions and providing useful documents;
  • Sustain the Knowledge Management, to preserve the accumulated knowledge of the network and make it accessible to all of our members;
  • Maintain the performance of the IT Infrastructure by following the 7 principles of ESTIEM IT Infrastructure, and drive its advancement with a user friendly front;
  • Guide ESTIEM to full GDPR compliance while increasing awareness on the GDPR topics by spreading the knowledge to all the members.

If you have any questions regarding my application, feel free to approach me anytime via email (


Nikolina Gklezaki

I have no incredible memory of joining ESTIEM. It happened on the first day I stepped into university, and it was just the most natural thing for me to do. Was it even possible not to join? Right now, I am glad I did not think twice on that day. ESTIEM has become a significant part of my life, making me grow more than I could have ever expected. The people I have met here have motivated me to pursue my goals and aspirations and have shown me that, with the right mindset, it is possible to achieve anything you set your heart on.

Dear ESTIEMers, my name is Joana Vaz, I am from Local Group Lisbon and it is my greatest honour to present my application for Vice President of Education for the 32nd Board of ESTIEM.

From day one, I have been an active member of my Local Group, and my willingness to contribute to its growth led me to assume the position of Local Responsible for the past year. Before that, during my first year in the Local Group I was involved in discussions about the restructuring of our IEM degree and I truly felt the impact students can have by voicing their thoughts. This impelled me to join the Professional Development Committee and become responsible for the first edition of the students satisfaction survey.

Following my desire to develop ESTIEM’s academic events, I became Academic Days Leader and for the past year I’ve simultaneously held that position and the one of Local Responsible. This has taught me a great deal about coordinating different types of teams, time management and task prioritization. Over the past few months I have also been taking part in Mentoring New Trainers and I am about to become an ESTIEM Trainer.

Therefore, after working on several educational areas inside ESTIEM, being a leader of a service and contributing closely to the academic development of our members I deeply believe that the network has the potential to keep growing as a core part of IEM Europe both by being the voice of students and by offering them opportunities to develop themselves. By applying for the position of Vice President of Education, I want to focus on :

  • Affirming ESTIEM as a source of knowledge about the state of IEM through continuous data collection and critical analysis, with a focus on the communication of our findings to all relevant stakeholders;
  • Developing projects with our professional stakeholders and creating synergies with new potential partners in order to increase our European recognition as a reliable institution;
  • Working side by side with students involved locally in education, empowering them with the necessary information to create an impact in their universities;
  • Increasing the contribution of students to our projects by fostering a culture of understanding that every voice should be heard when it comes to shaping education.

I am always available to answer any questions you may have! Feel free to approach me by email at


Joana Vaz

Dear ESTIEMers,

I am Selin İnceöz from Bogazici University. The best years of my life started in 2019 when I first travelled with ESTIEM. After some events, In CM Famagusta, I got impressed by the growth mindset of the network. Since then, nothing has been the same for me and I love it. Here, I met countless people who inspired me to do better and built lifelong friendships and memories. It’s a place where I was never afraid of asking questions, and always tried to support the people who make this network unique to have a positive impact. Whether it is online or offline, ESTIEM has always been my priority. Now, I’m striving to make the next step and have a strategic role in its development. To make it happen, 

 I took the decision to apply as Vice President of Finance of the 32nd Board of ESTIEM.

During my mandate as Global Student Challenge Leader we, together with an amazing team, focused on keeping the partnership with Inchainge mutually beneficial. I have personally managed the COVID-19 effects on partnerships, long negotiations and  budget cuts.  Thanks to the support of my team’s hard work, I also had the opportunity to do more during my leadership experience. I have been a project leader and ambassador in SERC and last but not least, I decided to learn how to support personal and professional development of ESTIEMers, and became a Trainer.

As a person who is driven by learning, creating positive impact and challenges, in addition to studying and being an active ESTIEMer, I worked professionally at the same time. With the mindset and working culture of my previous workplaces, I gained experience in multiple areas. In startups, I was responsible for B2B marketing, CRM and investor relationships which showed me how corporate relations contribute branding and development. I got interested in the impact of businesses and systems thinking practices which deepened my knowledge on understanding organizations and complex problem solving. Then I started impact reporting in a company, worked on social return on investment and stakeholder communication. All these experiences made me a person who can learn fast and adapt easily. 

ESTIEM is where I grow, my happy place, and truly the best part of my life. A strong team with happy faces was my biggest priority and, when I look back at this year, I feel very motivated. I decided to take one step further to develop the network with the experiences I have gained. 

With the following goals and structured reliable bookkeeping, I am dedicated and motivated to work harder to develop this network.

  • Improve partnership processes to ensure sustainable development of mutually beneficial relationships with current and potential partners in order to complement ESTIEM’s portfolio during the Covid-19 recovery period.        
  • Maintain and develop areas that will provide new collaboration opportunities for our members with external stakeholders by offers such as conference, summit and recruitment events. 
  • Increase knowledge on finances and partnership processes of local groups with the advisory of Financial Controllers and previous Vice Presidents of Finance  to ensure Local Group’s consistency
  • Invest in ESTIEM’s internal and external image, increase the opportunities provided by the association and its members, to strengthen its recognition
  • Work towards keeping ESTIEM financially stable for the next generations 

If you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them. You can always approach me via


Selin İnceöz

Looking back at the past three years I have spent in ESTIEM, I am always amazed by the person I have become. All of the experiences I have gained and the challenges I have faced, but most importantly, all the ESTIEMers I have met, have inspired me to step out  of my comfort zone. I cannot express how grateful and fortunate I am to be a part of  this big family, and I am now ready to take the next step in this life-changing journey with you. 

Dear ESTIEMers, I am Sena Horoz from Local Group Istanbul-Yildiz, and I am honoured  to present my application for Vice President of Public Relations of the 32nd board of  ESTIEM.  

Soon after I enrolled in university, I joined my Local Group in October 2018. After being  involved in the local activities and making my first travel, I realized the infinite  possibilities and opportunities yet to be discovered and thus, I applied for the local  board. During that period, I organized many local activities and international events  that allowed me to interact with different Local Groups, companies and professors that  gave me more insights into the values we share

After experiencing a leadership year in my Local Group, I strived to go further by taking  another challenge inside the network. Therefore, I applied for the leadership of the  Human Resources Committee. During the year, I have kept close contact with all  ESTIEM entities and worked on the promotion of Central ESTIEM with the  collaboration of the Public Relations Committee, as well as, delivering training sessions  to Local Groups. This enabled my strategic thinking on how we use our communication  channels and the image we convey to ESTIEMers. Moreover, with the desire to explore  the opportunities that ESTIEM can benefit from similar Non-Governmental  Organizations (NGOs), I worked with the Human Resources Team of EESTEC and attended BEST’s General Assembly. Those experiences made me realize there are so many things yet to be discovered and inspired me to do more. 

After three years of experience in different positions, I have acquired a great overview  of where ESTIEM is standing and how it is perceived internally and externally. Therefore, I am aware of the responsibilities and the effort the position of Vice President of Public  Relations requires and I have developed the following goals: 

  • Review the current communication flow with internal and external stakeholders,  to ensure a cohesive image and awareness of ESTIEM’s identity 
  • Foster sustainable relationships and increase collaboration with our affiliated NGOs by creating a benchmarking environment. 
  • Examine the life-cycle of ESTIEMers, how their expectations and perceptions of ESTIEM change over the course of their journey by collecting and analyzing data to improve our offerings to all members. 
  • Increase the involvement of ESTIEMers in the promotion of the network in order to strengthen the sharing culture through our communication channels 

If you have any questions regarding my application, please contact me via email  (, Instagram (@sena.horoz) or any of the social media channels you use! 

In High ESTIEM, 

Sena Horoz

Event Applications

On the day when our local board has been elected, inspired by the story that has been circulating in our local group for years, our Local Responsible signed an agreement on a piece of paper with the Vice President for Public Relations of the 31st ESTIEM Board and so we promised as a local group that we will apply for the organization of the Spring CM in 2022. 

Dear ESTIEMers, 

We are LG Belgrade, and 227 days later we are so happy to announce that we have fulfilled our promise! 

Local Group Belgrade was founded in 2006 by a small group of enthusiasts from the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organization Sciences. As the story goes, the idea for founding the LG came during a rainy day when two of the students were googling trying to find a management oriented student organisation. Grasping the true spirit of ESTIEM, LG Belgrade became the official member during the 2007 Council Meeting in Bremen. As one of the founders said a couple of years ago, ESTIEM LG Belgrade has become like a snowball from the cartoons that has started to roll, getting bigger and bigger and breaking everything in front of it! 

Recently we celebrated our 15th birthday, and now Local Group Belgrade consists of about 150 active young students, organizes 5 local events every year, and we are always happy to be the hosts of international events where participants always have a great time! In previous years we have organized Europe3D, Business Booster, Vision, a lot of exchanges and the last offline event that we organized, Be a Project Manager for 5 Days, got the Yogi Award for the Best Service Event of the Year! Recently, we organized one online event, BrainTrainer, and also have plans to organize one offline Europe3D in August! 

Guided by the successes of previous years, we believe that now is the ideal chance to take a step forward and apply for the organization of the Council Meeting after 10 years from the first and only CM Belgrade ever! Why now? We believe that it is currently very important to take the ESTIEM spirit back among the members of the organization, given that the situation with the pandemic is taking too long and that many ESTIEM members have not had the opportunity to experience everything that ESTIEM offers and we want to take responsibility to spread the spirit again! Currently, LG Belgrade has over 15 active members at the central level, and during this year we had 2 leaders, one of whom is in the 31st Board! Our CR is getting better every year and it is time to use our full potential and finally organize a CM, which is talked about a lot in our local group every year! 

Here in LG Belgrade, our motto is ‘’Play on the highest level!’’ and we think that now is the perfect time to actually do it! So, Europe, get ready to play on the highest level together! 

In high ESTIEM, 

LG Belgrade!


Dear one and all, 
We as the Local Group Munich Board are highly motivated in organizing the TIMES Final  2022 in the end of March. Our aim is to get 1-2 sponsors which are already supporting  our head organization VWI – HG Munich. It would be an opportunity for them to  participate in an international event of ESTIEM and getting prominence in future in our  whole ESTIEM network. On the top of that we discussed the topic internal and came to  the conclusion to work out a concept for the TIMES Final 2022 which we will present in  the upcoming spring CM. Due to the short time we had to think about this event we  never had time to contact potentially sponsors but we are confident that it will work out till the end of the year 2021. 

Regarding to the pandemic situation of COVID-19 our country, we hope so, should  reach herd immunity this year. Germany reached about 40% of people who already got  their first vaccination and 15% who are fully vaccinated. In the near future there will be  a lot more fully vaccinated people because their second vaccination interval has been  reached. 

If you have further questions just write me a mail or contact me via WhatsApp.


Mehmet Simsek

Dear fellow ESTIEMers,

I hope you are all doing well and looking forward to the incredible upcoming LXII CM. We (LG Vienna) are hyped to see you guys again via webcam and are looking forward to presenting our application to host the TIMES Finale 2022.

Oh wow, Vienna is applying to host TIMES again. What could they have in store this time?
We won’t spoil the details for you now. But let me tell you, we had an incredible event in 2018, when we had the chance to host the TIMES finale and we’re planning on building up on that foundation to make it even better.

We are really looking forward to speaking in front of you & want to wish you all the best.
Have a wonderful week.

LG Vienna

Fellow ESTIEMers,

1992 was the year Local Group Lisbon became a member of ESTIEM. Since then a lot of history has happened and a lot of memories have been created. The century changed. We hosted innumerous events. We travelled all over Europe. The world went digital. We worked in central teams. We kept in touch with friends in other countries. The world is living through a pandemic. We are taking every chance to gather online. People have changed, the world has changed, but our desire to aim high remains. 

For our upcoming 30th birthday, and after years of growth as a Local Group, we have a very cohese and extremely motivated team and decided to take a step further. We are honoured to present our application to host ESTIEM IEM Conference 2022.

“Sustainability in IEM” –  this is what we want to bring you. A topic of the utmost relevance for the whole world and that we as students cannot allow ourselves to neglect. We aim to connect students, professors and professionals because we strongly believe that sharing knowledge is the way to tackle such an important issue and contribute to the preservation of the planet we live in. These difficult times we are facing have also taught us that we can take advantage of the online opportunities to expand the reach of our initiatives and gather even more people for an event where we see the IEM Europe coming together as one.

After six editions of our local Conference, organized yearly with NEEGI, our mother association, we have the knowledge needed to take on the challenge of organizing a high quality event for a bigger audience. We are ready. Are you ready to join us and create an impact on the IEM World?

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact our Local Responsible at or through our social media channels.


Local Group Lisbon


Department Applications

Academic Development

Dear Fellow ESTIEMers, 

The last year and half, we have felt so lucky to be part of such an amazing team, that we believe works for a greater cause. We see the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt service as a way to help our community of estiemers – help how? You say. This course gives participants 2 main benefits, first, the knowledge advantage that we engineers need to improve anything we put our minds to, and second the opportunity of learning exclusive content at a fair price. 

Now, you must be thinking, but who is “we”? We are Agnieszka Remi (Aga), LG Poznan, and Juliana Fernandes (Ju), LG Porto. 

Agnieszka Remi: I joined ESTIEM in 2018, starting with a delegate position during CM Karlsruhe. Later on I had an opportunity to be LR and president of LG Poznan and I participated in a few ESTIEM events. 

In 2019 I took part in the LSSGB Course in Kaiserslautern. I was very positively surprised with the professionalism of instructors and how much I have learned just within one week. It motivated me to join the LSS Team at the end of 2019, as CR responsible. Since then I gained the confidence and motivation to aim higher and apply for co-leadership with my friend and future partner in crime: Ju. 

Juliana Fernandes: If you don’t know me it’s a shame because you should 😉 So, first things first, estiemers call me Juju or just Ju, so please also do. My first event was in 2019 in Moscow for the Lean Six Sigma course – BEST EVENT EVER! Since then I have joined the LSS Team as the local course responsible and because of it my motivation, dedication and spirit has just gone through the roof. These drivers lead me to work on improvement projects inside the team as well as an opportunity to develop an LSS Guide for an international organisation. I love being part of this family and really want to make this service grow even more than what already has, and of course, with the help of my amazing girl, Aga. 

We in the LSS GB Service have a very specific vision, where we inspire ourselves to define our mandate goals: 

Through developing our students during and after the course, we cause European-wide, measurable and accumulating impact in the organizations they work. 

Taking into account the 3 main pillars of our service, better defined by our leader, we have: Quality, Sustainability and Expansion – they all have to be aligned and equally developed or else we have instability. With this in mind the great AgaJu plan to: 

  1. Quality: 
    a. Keep finding ways to increase/monitor/modify the quality of our course
    b. Keep improving our internal process operations, to be as lean as possible
  2. Expansion:
    a. Understand where there’s opportunity to expand:
          i. LG
          ii. University
          iii. Company 
  1. Sustainability: 
    a. Define better how we can keep continuity in current courses
    b. Increase ESTIEM Spirit in all courses
    c. Keep working on increasing participants knowledge after the course ends

When we feel we truly belong to a community, we try our best to conserve it and take it a step further! If someone told me two years ago that I was going to have an amazing network with lovely people from all around Europe, I would probably have laughed at it and wouldn’t believe it. In these two years, I have found a new home and a safe space that I truly feel that I belong to here and I want to keep going and aiming high. 

Dear ESTIEMers,

I am Aysu Nadar from LG Istanbul-Bogazici. It’s been two years since my ESTIEM journey has begun and now I’m taking a big step for a new journey here. I am very enthusiastic and excited to present my application for the position of Global Student Challenge leader for the next 12 months. 

When I was trying to return to my hometown from the last offline event of ESTIEM, which had to be ended in the middle of it, I knew that I want to continue to be in this beautiful organization to enlarge my network and further improve my skills. After the transformation to online events, I understood that my motivation was not only to traveling but also to people in the organization. I realized that I was meeting with people from all around Europe and learning new skills in an online environment with them. 

After nearly a year of being in Central ESTIEM as the Communication Responsible in Global Student Challenge, and a Team Member in Social and Environmental Responsibility Committee, and also being on the local board, I’m finally ready to take the next step and apply for leadership. I learned a lot through my journey, and I know that I still have things to learn in the future. 

  As I have been working in the Global Student Challenge team since July, these are the goals I want to focus on during my mandate:

  • Keeping the communication and promotion strong about the competition to ESTIEMers through presentations and documents so that all LGs would become aware of the challenge and its rules.
  • Creating a mentor database to provide the opportunity of having a mentor to all teams and help them go to the Global Final.
  • Focus on the professional and personal development of my team members by collaborating with Trainers Community, ADD, and CDD as a team.
  • Exploring possible opportunities with other entities such as creating some new events related to the supply chain so that we can bring more value and support to the entity. 
  • Increasing awareness regarding the Global Student Challenge and bringing more ESTIEM spirit to the participants of the events by having a meeting with participants before the training days.
  • Being open to innovation and change of the entity, focusing on the current relationship with Inchainge but researching other companies for negotiation. 

Thank you for your attention! If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to reach me via my email. (


Aysu Nadar 

Dear ESTIEMers,

I am Serhat Gürgenyatağı from Local Group LG Ankara-Bilkent. My journey in ESTIEM began with a most beautiful event back in February of 2020, where the magic of ESTIEM hit me hard and I have been under its spell ever since.

After my first and only-ever face-to-face event, I could not resist the urge to be a part of this magic world. I immediately applied for the role of Knowledge Management Responsible in the Academic Days team. However, not only did I manage the Knowledge Management in the team, but I also tried to attend to any other duties that needed help. I contributed to the birth of the Academic Days Masterclasses concept and have watched how it became such a success with pride.

During my work in the Academic Days team, I applied for a local position and became a board member in my LG. I took part in creating various events throughout the year with my mother association (OR) and especially played a crucial role when it comes to ESTIEM events. Furthermore, we as LG Ankara-Bilkent very proudly incorporated many new ESTIEMers into Central ESTIEM to ensure continuation in ESTIEM. My mandate in the local board taught me how to manage big numbers of people, organize big-scale events and work with companies.

Aside from these two roles, I have also been the ESTIEM Talks Coordinator for several months now. And I appreciate more and more each day how much this position has contributed to my leadership skills. I had the opportunity to work with a wonderful team, with whom we have redefined a concept and have been helping ESTIEMers get to know ESTIEM better with success ever since. During my mandate as the ESTIEM Talks Coordinator; I learned how to work with people, manage expectations, and set goals.

For one and a half years in the Academic Days team, I worked with two amazing leaders and I have learned so much from them. Now it is my turn to give back to this beautiful network and make Academic Days even better than it is now.

With this, I am both excited and honored to apply for the position of leader of Academic Days for 12 months. 

I would like to talk about my goals for Academic Days for the next 12 months:

  • Revising the main pillars of Academic Days and approaching the concept within a new framework.
  • Carrying the know-how of the face-to-face era to the future so that the knowledge of organizing an offline Academic Days event is not lost.
  • Taking steps to carry the current momentum and ensure that Academic Days will not falter after the pandemic
  • Contribute to the consistency of the entity by following up on the work of the previous leader.

Thank you for reading thus far! For any suggestions or questions, do not hesitate to contact me through

In high ESTIEM,

Serhat Gürgenyatağı

To aim high together, send your application to

Applications will be shared once they sent, stay tuned…

Dear ESTIEMers, 

After six months of working with the current Vision Leader, Burak Diler, I am really happy to  announce my application for becoming the next Vision Leader!  

My experience 

I am Claudia Caus Regidor, from Seville Local Group. About my experience in ESTIEM, I joined  in October 2017 and since then I have learnt incredible things, like resposability, leadership  and controlling the stress, what makes me love this network and its philosophy. The first two  years I focused on the local level, where I was the organizer of many events and the  vicepesident of Seville for one year. My next step was in Darmstadt, where I did my Erasmus  and I also joined the Local Group quite often. However, when I came back to my city I decided  that it was time to get active in Central ESTIEM, so I applied for the Vision Online Webinar  Responsible and took part in the last edition of Training Next Leaders to be prepared for this  following challenge.  

Why Vision? 

My first experience as an organizer was in the Vision of Robotics and Mechatronics, which took  place in Seville. I learnt so much about thecnology and management, but at the same time I  had so much fun, that I just fell in love with the concept of Vision. 

Sadly the the situation of CoVid-19 has highly affected the Vision, the main part of it are visits  to companies and support from them. Therefore, I have spent the last few months with Burak  developing a new idea of how to organize an online Vision, but there is still a lot to do, so here  are my main goals: 


For a long time the Vision used to be highly successful and recognized, although lately, it  has been quite left apart and forgotten. For this reason, it is one of my main goals to  achieve this popularity back by doing a big PR campaign. 

Data improvements 

Because of the current situation, events are taking place online and even in the future it is  posible that in offline events will be some addapted online contents. That brings me to  think that it is very important to create an organized list of company contacts, so that the corporate relations part of the event is not only a task of the Local Group but also of the  complete entity. In summary I want to have partners who know about the complete idea behind ESTIEM and Vision and are up to join some events. 


In order to achieve these goals, my strategy is to create a Vision team, in which every  person will have an area of work: PR, companies data and contact with the Local Groups.  

If you have any questions or suggestions I will love to hear and answer them, you can approach  me via 

Thank you very much for reading and I hope to see you soon somewhere in Europe (maybe in  CM Seville)  

Claudia Caus Regidor 

Career Development

When history books have glanced, the main inspiration of success, inventions and discoveries is curiosity. My ESTIEM journey also started approximately 3 years ago since I was curious about this amazing network. Thanks to ESTIEM, I met with many friends from all over Europe, strived to achieve something and finally had a lot of fun. Now, I wonder where I can reach on this platform and hope my curiosity will lead me to success.

Dear ESTIEM’ers,

I’m Gökay Dündar, from Istanbul-ITU. I’m an IEM student whose life is like a playground. To be able to contribute to ESTIEM and to take the next step in my journey, I am very glad to present my application for the position of T.I.M.E.S. leader for the next period.

My exciting ESTIEM adventure actually started with TIMES. While I was a local group member and struggled to get to know the platform at local meetings, I applied for a project leadership position for TIMES-LQ. I was very impressed that ESTIEM had such a favorable service and I wanted to take an active role in this project. After this project, where I gained significant leadership experience, I had gone to my first event, ReCoM, where I had a great few days with inspiring people. Owing to memorable days, I have gained knowledge about ESTIEM and realized how huge a platform this is.

I would continue to have fun while learning at the same time so I wanted to find a place for myself in the Central part of ESTIEM. I decided to become a part of TIMES which motivated me to ESTIEM. I have been working in this team for nearly 2 years and have taken various roles in this during. I contributed to the organization of the last 2 editions in all parts. I also contributed to the organization of the TIMES Training Event that we organized as a team this year. Moreover, thanks to 7 crazy events I have attended so far, I have had the opportunity to improve my network and ESTIEM knowledge.

After this long and instructive experience, I am ready to be the leader of TIMES Team to achieve my goals stated below:

  1. Updating the guidelines and BPDs: Reshaping and clarifying some of the rules that have remained traditional for today.
  2. LQ Consultants and Observers: Strengthen communication and check suitability of LQ’s by assigning a team member for all LGs in the LQ period.
  3. TIMES Training Event: Being ensure that event becomes a regular offer from our service and creating different types of the event with different experience levels. Organizing an OFFLINE TTE in a suitable area ASAP!
  4. Semi-Finals: Contacting with Local Groups which can organize semi-finals as soon as my possible mandate begins. In case the semi-final or final will be held by the central team, contacting CRC to find possible partners.
  5. Increasing visibility: To increase the prestige of TIMES in the network, creating TIMES merchandises, strategy on social media etc.

Thank you for your attention and TIMES! If you have any questions, suggestions or comments about my application, please don’t hesitate to approach me via

See you somewhere in Europe or Online!


Gökay Dündar

*Disclaimer: There will be a proposal of overruling the Membership Regulation Article 2.3 for Maria Gezepoglou associated with a Guest Group in order to be able to be elected.

Dear fellow ESTIEMers,

As I sat down today to think of ways to start this application, I found myself smiling. Smiling, because even though I had these mixed feelings of excitement and anxiety, similar to your first day at school or your first job interview, one thing was very clear to my head – that this will be the first step into a direction I’ve always wanted to follow. And that made me feel proud.

My name is Maria Gezepoglou, I am a 21-year-old student from Local Group Piraeus, and I’m more than happy to present you my Leadership Application for businessbooster

My journey began in my second year of studies, in an admittedly different way than most. Me and my colleagues took the initiative to found Local Group Piraeus, and therefore pave the way for other students in University of Piraeus to join the vast network of ESTIEM. I became the first Vice President of Administration, a position I have been occupying for two years in a row.

Building an LG from scratch was not an easy task, since not even a month after, we faced a global pandemic crisis and traveling was no longer an option. But my love for this organization and the potential I saw kept me going – I worked extremely hard to shape my LG into what it is today and what is still becoming. Through it, I accumulated a big number of organizational and leadership skills, and learned how to work efficiently on a team, both as a member and a leading figure. Most importantly, I became more resilient and learned that giving up is not an option, no matter how difficult the situation might seem.

Since then, I have participated officially and unofficially in more than 20 events, the majority of which have entrepreneurial and business profile. It is important to mention that I also took part in two Council Meetings as a Delegate, where I had the unique opportunity to deeply realize what ESTIEM was all about. Witnessing the motivation of all these experienced ESTIEMers and listening to their stories was game-changing and eventually pushed me towards Central ESTIEM. 

Some other actions of my part are the participation in the Data Protection Task Group since December 2020, the organizing of IEM Today local seminar in March 2020 (with over 100 students from our University attending) and my recent participation in Training Next Leaders in April 2020.

In November 2020 I joined businessbooster as Event Responsible. Why? Because I highly valued the business skills and career opportunities it had to offer. Being inside the entity made me realize how it worked and what is needed to be done. Later this year I organized “Be an Entrepreneur for 2 Days” in cooperation with BXD, and “businessbooster x LG Piraeus: Blue Entrepreneurship”. 

Both events were highly challenging for different reasons, but very successful nonetheless. I was thrilled to see people becoming more and more engaged with businessbooster. That is when I decided that I wanted to contribute to the Entity not just as a Member, but also as a Leader and share my vision with the people.

As a businessbooster Leader, I would like to mainly focus on these four areas:

  • Events: Evaluation of current events, redefining & adapting to both online and offline, benchmarking and brainstorming around collaborations with other entities, introducing new event concepts,
  • Partners: Create a pool of companies, entrepreneurs, start-ups and academics, cooperate with Entrepreneurial Enthusiasts and ESTIEM Alumni communities,
  • Entity: Gathering as many previous information from previous Leaders and events as possible, creating a strong database and BPDs within the shared drive, reorganizing communication channels, creating new positions within the team,
  • Visibility: Raise Awareness within ESTIEM about the entity and the benefits of entrepreneurship through all its channels, the importance of business skills and network.

Thank you for your time and attention. Feel free to contact me if you have any suggestions, comments or ideas regarding businessbooster or my Leadership Application. I would be more than glad to answer! You can find me in . Looking forward to meeting you all, even online!

In high ESTIEM,


Dear ESTIEMers, 

This next year is an important one. We will do our best to transition back to physical events, and help  students make the most of this network. There is a lot of work to be done, and contributing to that,  especially by overseeing a unique event type like this, is something I would find really rewarding.  

I am Sigurd Elias Halse from LG Trondheim, and I am happy to apply for the Be X for X days leadership  position. 

This past year, I have been the Local Responsible of my Local Group, where I believe I have gained the leadership experience required for such a position. As part of that role, I have communicated and  cooperated with many ESTIEMers from all over Europe, which will help me lead an international team like “Be X for X Days”. The year before that, I was a project coordinator at the local level, and I  had time to help organize a physical Activity Week right before the pandemic hit. That means I have  experience driving participants to the airport in a blizzard the morning after International night,  which is its own kind of crisis management. This experience – hopefully except for the evacuation  part – makes me confident that I would be ready to assist local groups in their organization of “Be X  for X days” events. 

Just a couple of months ago, I had the opportunity to participate in the online event “Be an  Entrepreneur for 2 days”. That was when I truly realized the purpose and usefulness of this event  type: I am sure that many ESTIEMers are unsure about their future career choices, and it is very hard  to know what will suit them unless they get to “test” the jobs themselves. That is exactly what these  types of events provide, and I believe that to be very valuable. 

I know BXD’s offerings have been fun and useful for me, and that makes me motivated to take  responsibility and offer all ESTIEMers fun and useful insight into career opportunities. 

My main goals for the following 12 month period are to: 

  • Expose ESTIEMers to a wider variety of possible career opportunities, including ones they  might not hear much about from their home university 
  • Cooperate with other entities to create even better offerings for ESTIEMers – Organize regular and safe events. That includes a smooth transition back to physical events,  and the aim of 2 events per semester 
  • Further develop the “Be X for X Hours” concept, as an online alternative with a lower barrier  to entry 

As always, questions are welcome. You can reach me at Thanks for  checking out my application, and enjoy this (hopefully last) online Council Meeting. 

In High ESTIEM, 

Sigurd Elias Halse

Intercultural Development


Every end is a new beginning. Language Programme has finished its Chapter 6: Re-defining the Limits and I’m welcoming you to Chapter 7: Growing Beyond the Limits. 

Dear ESTIEMers, 

I’m Zeynep (a.k.a. Marzi) from LG – Istanbul Yildiz. I’m a 21 years old cat lady, and proudly writing this application to become the next Language Programme Leader. 

I joined ESTIEM in 2019, took an active role in local events and started to feel the ESTIEM spirit from the bottom of my heart. After a year, I attended CM Famagusta and was a co-trainer for Photoshop101 session, with this I had a chance to experience to see how we grow together and share our knowledge with each other. I also met Language Programme during CM Famagusta. Since I’m a person who has tried to learn many languages, it was love at first sight. I started my journey as Language Buddy System Forms & Questionnaires Responsible and took an active role in the launching of Language Buddy System for a year. In my second year, I continued my journey by deeply exploring Language Programme by being the Language Course Events Responsible as well as serving as a general coordinator/advisor to help the leader along. We have created a whole new event concept from scratch which is called “Language Voyage” and I took the role as the project leader of the first edition. This experience helped me to get out of my comfort zone and inspired me to take the next step. 

And now, here I am, taking a step “to infinity and beyond”.

I have a personal quote: “potatoes, they grow together”. This may sound silly but it applies perfectly for our network: We grow together. 

I believe in the power of language that connects each one of us, as our motto says “Because we understand each other”. 

With great excitement, to grow all together, here are my goals for the mandate: 

  • Improving and raising the number of Language Events to connect ESTIEMers
    – organize at least one Language Course Event 
    – launch Language Voyage Ultimate to take this voyage one step further
  • Reorganize the team structure based on the needs 
  • Increase Language Programmes visibility by using our brand new parrot mascot! 
  •  Create a Language Community on Discord or Slack to connect people who is interested in languages: 
    – separate text channels ,respectively to languages, for people who wish to improve their daily language skills
    – organizing a Language Night every two weeks which includes: movie nights, game nights, language sessions, speaking clubs. 
    – having a structure and guideline for speaking clubs. 
  • Optimization of Language Buddy System by eliminating the inactive people and rematching the tutor of those matches to shorten the waiting list.

Thank you for your time! For further ideas, suggestions, cat videos and questions you can contact me anytime via 

In High ESTIEM, 

Zeynep Ilba

Dear ESTIEMers,

Europe3D France has changed my life. Back then in December 2019 I was an utter newbie and had no idea about central ESTIEM. But quite quickly I fell in love with the event concept because I was attracted to the whole approach: learning about the three dimensions culture, politics and economics, and thereby understanding how the country works and breathes life, within a single week. I can clearly state that it strongly shaped my view on cultures and societies. Still marvelling at the opportunities this event brings to its participants, I decided to become active as soon as possible to contribute to Europe3D.

My name is Fabian Czilwa and I am from Local Group Darmstadt. All in all, I have attended six offline and thirteen online events so far. Out of them, the two Europe3D events I have attended have shaped my mind the most, which is why I am now applying for the Europe3D Leadership.

Two months after E3D France I started my ESTIEM journey as the Events Quality Responsible for Europe3D, and have been in that position ever since. During my mandate I learned how different LGs have different approaches and how diverse ESTIEM is. And I learned about all the other entities and felt that there is a huge potential for self-development. Following this feeling, I also joined HRC and later decided to even go one step further and to apply for the Regional Coordinator position of the Alpine Region. Due to the crisis, my RC mandate has been a challenge for sure. Nevertheless, I was able to improve myself a lot by learning how to speak freely without hesitation and how to organise chats. And most importantly, I learned to be a leader.

Now after being active in the Europe3D team for 16 months, I feel it is time to either get up or out. And as the event concept and our team is rooted in my heart, out was never an option. Accordingly, I strive now for the leadership of the service. My goals are the following:

  • Turning the focus back to offline events: having monthly events starting in August in order to spread Intercultural Awareness among all those new ESTIEMers without experience in offline events
  • Ensuring event quality: the implementation of a new application form for organisers is important in order to ensure that LGs have understood the idea behind Europe3D and cover all three dimensions properly; also, I want to implement a new feedback form 
  • Improving the quality of externals: I want to build on the work already done and establish new ways of externals application in order to improve both, quality and quantity of externals
  • Improving the image of the service: this comes along with the new service portal page. I want to have a new video showing what the event is about and furthermore create a guideline for event promotion

Thank you for reading and please do not hesitate to ask me anything that comes to your mind via

In high ESTIEM

Fabian Czilwa 

The first time I met with ESTIEM in my LG, it was as a really crowded meeting where I questioned myself  as “Am I going to dissapper in this crowd?” but now I can clearly see that ESTIEM is where you can show and improve yourself and hereby with great honor I am delighted to disclose my application for the LG Exchange Leadership for the next mandate.

Dear ESTIEMers,

I’m İpek Sel and I’m a 20 years old industrial engineering student from LG Ankara-METU. In 2019, the year I have entered college, my ESTIEM journey began. The first event I attended was LG Exchange with Aachen, where I was in the organization team. It was the first time that I felt the ESTIEM spirit. After that I became more active in my LG, attended several events and had the chance to be a part of Central ESTIEM with LG Exchange Team!

During the pandemic working with my entity keeps me motivated and dynamic. So, now by using this motivation I want to improve LG Exchange and grow the team. Besides, I attended the last CM as a delegate, met lots of ESTIEMers and had lots of fun while learning more about ESTIEM. Additionally, I was working at my LG’s mother organization where I developed skills such as time management, teamwork and communication which, I believe, will help me a lot during my leadership journey!

Taking my background into account and revising our team dynamics, I created these following goals for my mandate:

  1. Strengthening the knowledge management of the LG Exchange.
  2. Creating sustainability of the LG Exchange Matching System for both online and offline exchanges.
  3. Boosting the team culture to a new level.

If you have any questions and/or suggestions feel free to approach me via .

A quote I read years ago has become one of the building blocks of my life: When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can do amazing things. 

Dear ESTIEMers,

My name is Rana Dikmen, I’m 20 years old and from LG Istanbul-Bogazici. I believe in the power of multiculturalism and experience in learning. And when I look back, merging this learning process with fun has given me wonderful memories and friendships. With the purpose of ensuring the quality of this process for every ESTIEMer I am very honored to apply for the position as the Leader of Activity Week.

I met ESTIEM with an Activity Week which is The Days of Future Past event that my LG has organized. The friendly atmosphere at the event, the enthusiasm of the participants and the various activities of the ESTIEM culture excited me so much that I realized that this network is an incredible place for me and I needed to be more involved. Once I felt the ESTIEM spirit, I could not get rid of it and I undoubtedly followed it. I started taking roles in the organization team at various local events and tried to get to know ESTIEM more. Later on, I was selected to the Local Board of my LG. Each event I organized and participated in pushed me to take more roles and this adventure continued with becoming a part of the Activity Week team as Event Quality Responsible. 

ESTIEM has become an integral part of my life and has given me priceless experiences while allowing me to improve myself in many areas. During my year in the Activity Week team, I got involved in different areas of the service and in this process I observed and realized that there are areas that I want to develop and transform. At the end of the year upon attending the Intercultural Development Department Coordination Meeting and Training Next Leaders I found myself more and more motivated to keep going and striving for the best. 

So, I hereby am very honored and excited to share my application for the Activity Week Leadership position for the upcoming year. Through all my reflections and all feedbacks I gathered, here are some of the goals that I want to achieve during my mandate: 

  • Setting standards for Activity Week events to ensure cultural integration and to provide culturally valuable experience for each participant by addressing “fun and games” in a “local fun and local games” perspective and supporting this with a local leisure activities database.
  • Categorizing Activity Weeks to leave space for creativity while ensuring a culture-focused approach in events. 
  • Improving team structure by re-defining responsibilities, creating a learning environment inside the team with various activities and trainings.
  • Collaborating with other services inside the network to create new opportunities for ESTIEMers and to increase the quality of activities within different events.

Thank you for your attention. Feel free to reach out to me for questions, suggestions or anything else in your mind via

In high ESTIEM,

Rana Dikmen

Personal Development

Dear ESTIEMers, 

My name is Petra Maria Kantartzi, I am in the 2nd year of my IEM studies, and a proud member of Local Group Xanthi. It is my honour to announce my application for the position of the BrainTrainer Project Leader, for 2021-2022. 

I joined ESTIEM last year, at the start of my studies, and that is when the journey began! As I find personal development a fundamental issue that everyone needs to invest on, in order to develop in any other aspect, my very first event was a BrainTrainer, organized by Local Group Porto. 

Even though the event got cancelled due to the outbreak of the pandemic, together with the rest of the participants, we managed to have a memorable time. It was more than enough to make me fall in love with the organization and became a turning point for me! After I got back, I could not help it and a lot of online events followed. One of them was the Local Responsible Forum, which helped me learn more about the ESTIEM history and understand the organization’s structure. Moreover, by attending Summer Academy, I got to understand the importance of impact and I even learned how to become an Impact Leader, while meeting and working with wonderful people. 

I understood then what a great impact BrainTrainer had on me, and in December 2020, I could not postpone it any longer and I applied for the position of Development Responsible of BrainTrainer, which I was selected for, up until the current time. At the same time, the local elections were held, and I already knew months ago that I wanted to apply for the position of the Local Responsible of Local Group Xanthi. I believe that it was a great start to create impact not only in my Local Group but also inside the network. Today, I am very proud to be able to say that I have been holding this position since January. 

Additionally, so far I have been a Project Leader in two local events, and inside the team, apart from my responsibilities, I have also helped with the organization of BrainTrainer events too, so I am fully aware of the process. My soon-to-come graduation from the Mentoring New Trainers program, is something that I worked very hard for, and I have been anticipating to do ever since my first encounters with ESTIEM trainers. I am really excited to be able to provide insights to the entity from the trainer’s point of view

After several months of working together with the BrainTrainer team and its current leader, I feel very confident to take a step further and apply to become the next BrainTrainer Leader.

Some of my goals for the following mandate are: 

  • Maintaining the collaboration with the Trainers Community and finding opportunities for collaboration with other entities, to provide ESTIEMers with more development opportunities; 
  • Creating a database with event concepts/topics, to provide guidance to the possible Local Group organisers; 
  • Collaborating with the organization’s partners, to gather insights about demanding soft skills in workplaces and creating related events; 
  • Enhancing the personal development variety and opportunities provided by the entity, by identifying ESTIEMers’ needs in soft skills, with the help of a survey that will be sent out once or twice a year; 
  • Creating an approachable environment inside the team, by increasing the communication between the team members with frequent scheduled gatherings. 

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to approach me via email at

In high ESTIEM, 

Petra Maria Kantartzi, Local Group Xanthi.


When I first joined ESTIEM, I had no idea that my life would change this much. In this two-years of journey, I’ve met the most amazing people from all around Europe, grown both as an ESTIEMer and as a person and became a better version of myself. I’ll always be grateful for this playground for making me feel like home. I want to contribute to our network like it helped me to find and develop myself more than I could imagine. 

Dear ESTIEMers, 

I’m Sude Yılmazatilla from Local Group Istanbul-ITU. I’m 19 years old and in my 2nd year of my studies. Over the past two-years I’m a part of ESTIEM, I encountered a lot of challenges and I want to take these challenges one big step further. I couldn’t be more excited to present my application for the position of BrainTrainer leader for next 12 months. 

My ESTIEM journey started with a local project leadership experience. After being an active member for 9-months in my local group, I knew I wanted to do more. Therefore, I applied as the Local Responsible of my Local Group. As coming to the end of my mandate, I see It was a turning point of my life for sure. I had a chance to know myself and my feelings experiencing many different situations, I learned how to manage my stress while thinking “How will I get all the work done?”. Also, I see the importance of teamwork while working and achieving together with my co-boardies and our active members. I learned how to be a leader while working with four people who have whole different personalities. 

Another turning point both for my life and my ESTIEM journey was joining the BrainTrainer Team in April 2020. On the team, I was the Online Platform Responsible. I was Project Leader for the very first online BrainTrainer event which was organized in August. I also supported LGs in the process of organizing online BT events. By being in the BT team and also in the Personal Development Department, I discovered what Personal Development is really about and how it is essential for all ESTIEMers. That was the time when I decided to apply to the Mentoring New Trainers Programme to contribute all ESTIEMers’ development and support my entity. After being a PL and LR of the organiser LG, I had the chance of being a trainer on the last three online BT events. I gained a trainer’s perspective through these processes and gave me a whole different perspective about how trainers and organisers can be supported in the organization process. 

After spending one amazing year in the team, I realized I want to contribute more to my entity and develop together as one.

Here are my goals I want to achieve during my possible mandate; 

  • Supporting LGs in transition from online to offline by providing guidelines, databases and support in the organization process 
  • Increasing the communication between Trainers Community and seeking new opportunities and chances delivering the training sessions 
  • Improving the local BrainTrainer event idea and providing support to the LGs 
  • Raising the awareness on the opportunities BrainTrainer can offer in our network and increasing visibility of the entity 
  • Maintaining the Knowledge Management between teams during both online and offline periods to sustain the entity

Thank you for reading this far! If you have any questions or anything to share, you can always contact me via I’d be very happy to answer all of your questions. 

In High ESTIEM, 

Sude Yılmazatilla

To aim high together, send your application to

Applications will be shared once they sent, stay tuned…

More applications!

Dear ESTIEMers, 

My name is Sonja Borota and I am coming from Local Group Novi Sad. For the ones who know me, they know I am a big workaholic being as keen as mustard when I want to achieve something. For those who haven’t met me yet, I will just say this: I dream to work, and work to dream. 

I have been an active ESTIEMer for 3 years now, but the tricky part comes when you ask me where. I was extremely fortunate to discover ESTIEM and it led me to several entities. I am working in the Public Relations Committee, Magazine, Social and Environmental Responsibility Committee and Global Student Challenge. When you ask me why… Well, as you know, ESTIEM can be very easy to dive deep into. I enjoy all of my ESTIEM responsibilities a lot, but I find myself in PR stuff the most, therefore I am applying for the position of the Project Leader of the 61st and 62nd issue of ESTIEM Magazine

I joined the Magazine team 2 years ago when we were preparing the 57th issue, and I still remember the feeling of holding the first copy in my hands after 6 months of work. It is hard to explain the level of happiness, but that was the moment where I decided that one day, I will be on the “Project Leader’s Speech” page. Four issues later, I can say that I’ve learned a lot, spilt a lot of tears (laughing mostly) with my teammates, and figured out that sometimes, the journey can really be equally as satisfying as the result. 

I want to make sure that this official stamp of ESTIEM keeps contributing more for future generations, while focusing mostly on: 

  1. Publishing content that people can’t get anywhere else by motivating ESTIEMers to share their opinions, knowledge and ideas; 
  2. Create a community for impact through both writers and readers by fostering interaction and the exchange of opinions via communication/promotion channels; 
  3. Expand our digital footprint – develop Blog and strengthen the promotion. 

I believe this is the right thing to do, and I will give my best to walk the talk. What I can promise is that I will keep aiming higher than ever! 

In High ESTIEM, 

Sonja Borota

The Agenda

27th of May Thursday

1 - Official Opening of the Council Meeting
2 - The ESTIEM Song
3 - Quorum of the Council and enlistment of the votes by proxy
4 - Voting Procedure
5 - Election of the Chairman of the General Assembly
6 - Election of the Secretaries of the General Assembly
7 - Election of the voting committee
8 - Change of Agenda Points
9 - Introduction of the Council Meeting
10 - Approval of Minutes from LXI CM
11 - Words of Welcome
12 - ESTIEM Framework
13 - Board Report
14 - Change on Internal Regulations & Membership Regulations Overrule
15 - Voting Procedure
16 - Voting Session
17 - Reports
18 - Get Active
19 - Voting Result I
20 - Local Group Requirements
21 - Strategy in ESTIEM
22 - Miscellaneous

28th of May Friday

23 - Quorum of the Council and enlistment of the votes by proxy
24 - Board Goals Report
25 - Financial Report of the current year
26 - Certifications
27 - Progress in ESTIEM
28 - Project Reports
29 - Partner Presentations
30 - ESTIEM Strategy 2021 - 2024

29th of May Saturday

31 - Quorum of the Council and enlistment of the votes by proxy
32 - Applications for Academic Development Department
33 - Applications for Career Development Department
34 - Applications for Intercultural Development Department 
35 - Applications for Personal Development Department Leadership
36 - Miscellaneous

30th of May Sunday

37 - Quorum of the Council and enlistment of the votes by proxy
38 - Externals Presentation
39 - Applications
40 - Project Applications
41 - Membership Applications
42 - Board Applications
43 - Voting Procedure
44 - Voting Session II
45 - Alumni Presentations
46 - Miscellaneous
47 - Voting Results II
48 - Signing the Letter of Commitment 
49 - One more ESTIEM Song
50 - Official Closing of the Council Meeting