LXVII council meeting Budapest

1st November - 6th November 2023

About Council Meetings

The Council Meeting is the statutory meeting of ESTIEM and takes place twice a year. It is composed of two parts: The General Assembly, where everyone is updated on what is going on in ESTIEM and decisions are made through voting, The Working Groups, Training Sessions and Company Workshops, where smaller groups either work to develop ESTIEM, or improve their soft skills. It is the place where we gather to invest time in our organisation, to meet new and old friends and where we celebrate the ESTIEM spirit.

Ready to work hard? play hard? explore Budapest?

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Full Event Agenda

Curious about the entire agenda of the event? Wait to find out!

GA Agenda Points

See what will be covered throughout the General Assembly below!



1 - Official Opening of the Council Meeting
2 - The ESTIEM Song
3 - Quorum of the Council and enlistment of the votes by proxy
4 - Election of the Chairperson of the General Assembly
5 - Election of the Secretaries of the General Assembly
6 - Election of the Voting Committee of the General Assembly
7 - Google Spaces, Livestream and Questions
8 - Agenda Point changes
9 - Introduction of the Council Meeting
10 - Approval of the minutes of the last General Assembly
11 - ESTIEM Framework
12 - The ESTIEM Board
13 - Local Group Requirements
14 - Guest and observers
15 - Membership Applications
16 - Proposals for exclusions
17 - Board Proposals
18 - Activities Report
19 - Ad fundum Awards
20 - Project reports
21 - Financial Accounts of the previous Council Meeting
22 - Budget of the current Council Meeting
23 - Applications: Open Positions for election
24 - Partner Student NGOs
25 - Safety in ESTIEM Events
26 - Miscellaneous



27 - Quorum of the Council and enlistment of the votes by proxy
28 - Annual Accounts
29 - Audit Report by the Financial Controllers
30 - Motion followup: Sustainability Strategy
31 - Board Report
32 - Strategy Implementation
33 - Future strategic development of ESTIEM
34 - Voting Session I
35 - Education in ESTIEM
36 - Partners in the area of education
37 - Annual Report of the association
38 - Motion followup: Board Workload
39 - Miscellaneous



40 - Quorum of the Council and enlistment of the votes by proxy
41 - Corporate and University Partners
42 - Financial Report of the current year
43 - Retained earnings of Departments
44 - Grants Report
45 - Parallel sessions
46 - ESTIEM Data Privacy Vulnerabillity update
47 - Motions



48 - Quorum of the Council and enlistment of the votes by proxy
49 - Digitalization of ESTIEM
50 - Accreditation of Instructors and Trainers
51 - Applications
52 - Corporate and University Partners
53 - Voting Session II
54 - ESTIEM Awards
55 - ESTIEM Alumni
56 - IEM Caring Movement
57 - Club of 100
58 - Mentoring Programme
59 - CM Photo
60 - 33th Board Discharge
61 - Elections
62 - Signing of the Letter of Commitment
63 - Miscellaneous
64 - One more ESTIEM Song
65 - Official Closing of the Council Meeting

Election Categories & Applications

Below you can see what will be voted upon during the Council Meeting and who is applying for it!

– Magazine Leader
– New Project Leader

– Host LXIX Council Meeting Fall 2024
– Become Observers (Guest Groups)
– Become Members (Observers)

– Discharge of the 33rd Board
– Approval of the 33rd Board’s  Annual Accounts
-Approval of the Budget
– Approval of the LXVI CM Minutes
– Proposals from the Board

To aim high together, send your application to

Applications will be shared once they are sent, stay tuned…

To aim high together, send your application to

Applications will be shared once they are sent, stay tuned…


Council Meeting Tools

Before and during the Council Meeting we use the following tools. Check them out!


In Council Meetings, Local Groups cast votes upon important matters through their Delegates. For that process we use a digital voting sheet, ElectionBuddy, that gets send to each Delegate through email during the General Assembly.


Google Chat

Google Chat will function as the official communication platform of the event including chat rooms ("spaces") for casual discussions as well as the official announcements.
You can access the said platform on either mobile or on desktop. On mobile, you can use either Google’s Gmail app or alternatively Google Chat app. The two are practically identical. Only Gmail will also give access to Gmail alongside the chat functionalities. On PC you can similarly navigate to either or


For those who will not be able to attend the LXIII Council Meeting but still would like to be aware about ESTIEM's latest updates, the General Assemblies will be livestreamed on YouTube! Click here to visit our Channel.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

If your questions are not answered after reading the FAQs, click here to reach us or send an email to!

How many delegates will each Local Group be represented by?

Every Local Group can be represented by two delegates. The period to register delegates is from the 25th of February until the 10th of March.

What does the participation fee cover?

The Participation Fee for LXVII Council Meeting Budapest is 125 euros, it covers food, accommodation, transportation during the event, and activities included in the agenda.

Which extra places can I apply for?

For the open call for extra places, an email was sent to the actives email list. You can join the actives email list by clicking here or by asking your Local Responsible.

Can I apply for a leadership position if I am not attending the Council Meeting?

Yes, you can apply by sending us video recording of your presentation! For more information, send an email to