Welcome to the ESTIEM Magazine Shop!

Disclaimer: At this time, purchasing multiple ESTIEM Magazine issues together is not an option. If you’re interested in purchasing multiple issues, you need to purchase them individually. 

ESTIEM Magazine’s 66th issue | Spring 2024 | The Change Starts With You

11,84 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 65th issue | Autumn 2023 | The Future We Want

8,44 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 64th issue | Spring 2023 | Taking the Lead – Youth Leadership

8,44 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 63rd issue | Autumn 2022 | Exploration and Advancement

9,80 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 62nd issue | Spring 2022 | The Puzzle of Business Intelligence

13,88 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 61st issue | Autumn 2021 | The New Normal

13,20 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 60th issue | Spring 2021 | Data Revolution

13,88 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 59th issue | Autumn 2020 | Innovation in a Crisis: Adapting and Advancing

14,56 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 58th issue |Spring 2020 | 30th Anniversary of ESTIEM

13,20 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 57th issue | Autumn 2019 | Information security: surviving in a digital world

13,88 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 56th issue | Spring 2019 | International Business & Globalization

11,84 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 55th issue | Autumn 2018 | Leadership in the 21st century

12,52 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 54th issue |Spring 2018| 4th Industrial Revolution

13,20 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 53rd issue | Autumn 2017 I Sustainability in Projects

14,56 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 52nd issue | Spring 2017 I Innovation Management

15,24 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 51st issue | Autumn 2016 I Disruptive Technologies

14,56 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 50th issue |Spring 2016 | New Materials

15,92 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 49th issue | Spring 2015 | Food from Soil to Shelf

15,24 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 48th issue | Autumn 2015 | City Logistics

15,24 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 47th issue | Autumn 2014 | Business Analytics

15,24 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 46th issue | Spring 2014 | E-learning

13,20 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 45th issue | Autumn 2013 | The Internet of Things

11,84 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 44th issue | Spring 2013 | Green Supply Chain

15,92 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 43rd issue | Autumn 2012 | International Marketing

8,27 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 42nd issue | Spring 2012 | Dynamic Management

8,27 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 41st issue | Autumn 2011 | Systems Modelling

13,20 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 40th issue | Spring 2011 | Global communication

11,84 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 39th issue | Autumn 2010 | 20 years ESTIEM

11,84 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 38th issue | Spring 2010 | Growth vs. Sustainability

11,84 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 37th issue | Autumn 2009 | New dimensions of outsourcing

12,52 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 36th issue | Spring 2009 | I work here!

13,20 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 35th issue | Autumn 2008 | Entrepreneurship and Innovations

13,20 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 34th issue | Spring 2008 | The Future Way of Doing Business

11,84 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 33rd issue | Autumn 2007 | The World’s Economy

11,16 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 32nd issue | Spring 2007 | Where the Road leads to

12,52 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 31st issue | Autumn 2006 | Managing Energy, Managing Life

12,52 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 30th issue | Spring 2006 | Industrial Engineering on the Road!

11,84 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 29th issue | Autumn 2005 | Radio Frequency Identification

11,16 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 28th issue | Spring 2005 | Intercultural Decision Making


ESTIEM Magazine’s 27th issue | Autumn 2004 | Europeanization


ESTIEM Magazine’s 26th issue | Spring 2004 | Brand Management

10,48 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 25th issue | Autumn 2003 | Performance Management

8,95 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 24th issue | Spring 2003 | Innovation Management


ESTIEM Magazine’s 23rd issue | Autumn 2002 | Entrepreneurship


ESTIEM Magazine’s 22nd issue | Spring 2002 | Customer Relationship Management

9,12 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 21st issue | Autumn 2001 | Climbing together

9,12 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 20th issue | Spring 2001 | Future Infrastructures & Resource Management


ESTIEM Magazine’s 19th issue | Autumn 2000


ESTIEM Magazine’s 18th issue | Spring 2000 | Business in growth

9,12 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 17th issue | Autumn 1999 | Europe after 2000

9,12 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 16th issue | Spring 1999 | IEM in the turn of the century


ESTIEM Magazine’s 15th issue | Autumn 1998 | The Green Conscience


ESTIEM Magazine’s 13th issue | Autumn 1997 | Globalisation

8,44 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 12th issue | Spring 1997

9,80 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 11th issue | Autumn 1996


ESTIEM Magazine’s 10th issue | Spring 1996 | The Future


ESTIEM Magazine’s 9th issue | Autumn 1995 | Innovation

9,80 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 8th issue | Spring 1995 | Success?!

8,10 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 7th issue | Autumn 1994 | Travel & Communication


ESTIEM Magazine’s 6th issue | Spring 1994 | Integrated Europe


ESTIEM Magazine’s 5th issue | Autumn 1993 | Development in Eastern Europe

9,12 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 4th issue | Spring 1993 | Ethics and Profit

11,50 €

ESTIEM Magazine’s 3rd issue | Autumn 1992 | Cultural Differences & Trade


ESTIEM Magazine’s 2nd issue | Spring 1992 | Environment & Industry


ESTIEM Magazine’s 1st issue | Autumn 1991 | A rising Sun for IEM-students

7,08 €