LXVIII Council Meeting Aveiro

9th APRIL - 15Th April 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

If your questions are not answered after reading the FAQs, send an email to!

What is a Council Meeting?

A Council Meeting will bring together 250 ESTIEMers from all corners of our network. During the Council Meeting, you will have the chance to develop yourself in training sessions, develop your Local Group in working groups and roundtables, and attend the General Assembly, the statutory meeting of ESTIEM. By attending the General Assembly, you have the opportunity to shape the future of ESTIEM by voting on applicants for positions in central ESTIEM and on projects and changes. You will also get informed about the latest developments in ESTIEMs Departments, Services, Projects, and Committees, as well as updates on the work of the Board. Additionally, this is the biggest opportunity to expand your network of IEM students in Europe!

How many participants will each Local Group be represented by?

Every Local Group is represented by two delegates. The delegates are the official representatives of a LG with voting rights. The period to register delegates is from the 17th of January until the 10th of February.

In addition to delegates, spots are reserved for various additional positions, such as secretary, voting committee, and various tasks in media creation.

What does the participation fee cover?

The Participation Fee for LXVIII Council Meeting Aveiro is 120 euros, it covers food, accommodation, transportation during the event, and activities included in the agenda.

Which extra places can I apply for?

For the open call for extra places, an email will be sent to the actives email list. You can join the actives email list by clicking here!

The positions will include, but are not limited to secretary, voting committee, photographer and Working Group/Training Session Leader

Can I apply for a leadership position if I am not attending the Council Meeting?

Yes, you can apply by sending us video recording of your presentation! For more information, send an email to

Safety Contact Person

Here you can learn the basics about the SCPs in Council Meeting Aveiro

What is an SCP?

 A Safety Contact Person is a trained ESTIEMer you can approach in case of harassment or if you had a bad feeling in a situation.

When can I approach an SCP?

 Whenever you feel or felt uncomfortable in a situation. You don’t need to explain the exact reason. Sometimes it’s just better to talk to someone else and SCPs can only help if you approach them.

What is an SCP not?

 SCPs are NO Security, Ambulance, Organizer, Psychologist…The SCP is only a first contact person to increase comfort of all participants that you can approach and talk to. A SCP can mediate a conflict or help you reach out to the correct authority.

Do the SCPs monitor our behaviour?

No.. Only if at least one person feels uncomfortable SCPs may go into action. However, you must follow the rules of the event and in case an organiser or participants all ESTIEMers are expected to report misbehaviour.

What is an SCP going to do in case of harassment?

 SCPs listen carefully to the approaching person and decide together with them how the problem can be solved. They don’t take any further actions without your agreement.

Can I stay anonymous?

 Of course the SCP might know you, depending on who you approach. In general you don’t have to say your name and SCPs won’t spread any information about you. If you want to ensure your anonymity, you can use the online form to inform the board about your case. Link to form

Communication to the Network

Below you can see the contents of communication to the network primarily via email to either or They are manually updated, so bear with us in case they don’t appear here the next day 🙂

[08/01/2024] [ESTIEM] Official Invitation to the LXVIII Council Meeting in Aveiro

Dear ESTIEMer,


The ESTIEM Board and Local Group Aveiro hereby invite your Local Group to join the 68th Council Meeting of ESTIEM in Aveiro, Portugal, from the 9th of April until the 15th of April 2024.

This Council Meeting will bring together 250 ESTIEMers from all corners of our network. During the Council Meeting, you will have the chance to develop yourself in training sessions, develop your Local Group in working groups and roundtables, and attend the General Assembly, the statutory meeting of ESTIEM. By attending the General Assembly, you have the opportunity to shape the future of ESTIEM by voting on applicants for positions in central ESTIEM and on projects and changes. You will also get informed about the latest developments in ESTIEMs Departments, Services, Projects, and Committees, as well as updates on the work of the Board. Additionally, this is the biggest opportunity to expand your network of IEM students in Europe!


Each Local Group is invited to send two delegates to the Council Meeting. Remember that as a delegate, you are a representative of your Local Group and are expected to partake in the discussions of the General Assembly and display representative behaviour. The Local Responsible must register the delegates for the waiting list from the 17th of January until the 10th of February in the ESTIEM Portal.

If you are not a delegate of your Local Group, you can still join the General Assemblies as a reserved extra spot, providing you motivate your attendance and guarantee that you will bring value to the General Assembly.
Information on the registration procedure for delegates and other roles, as well as any open positions ESTIEMers can apply for, will be provided later today.

The cancellation deadline for all participants is the 2nd of March. If a participant cancels later than the mentioned date, they are required to pay the entire participation fee.
If you encounter any problem with the registration, please contact the Vice President of Administration, Ari Hietanen, via
For any other questions or requests regarding your attendance at the Council Meeting, please write to

If financial reasons limit your participation in the Council Meeting, you may apply to the Club of 100 for a participation scholarship. The scholarship may cover a part of your costs. Keep in mind that a requirement for the participation scholarship is that all other methods for funding have been tried out. The Club of 100 evaluates the applications continuously and the budget is limited, so please try to apply in due time. For details regarding the terms for application and procedure for application please visit .

Attached to this email you will find the Official Invitation Letter to the LXVIII ESTIEM Council Meeting in Aveiro.

We are looking forward to seeing you and your Local Group in Aveiro!


In high ESTIEM,

On behalf of the organising team and the Board of ESTIEM

[05/01/2024] [DL 09/02] ESTIEM Trading Card Game form

Another CM, another edition of the ETCG. 🔥
For CM LXVIII Aveiro, we will print the 5th edition of the ESTIEM Trading Card Game.

To order your cards, please fill out this form before February 9th! If you have any questions about the ordering process, feel free to reach out to us. 💚
Please also share the form with members of your LG who are not in this group.



You don’t have to participate the Council Meeting to order cards as long as you have somebody, for instance the delegates and extra places from your Local Group, to pick them up for you!

[18/01/2024] [DL 10/02] LXVIII CM Delegate Registration

Dear Local Responsibles,


The official invitation for the LXVIII Council Meeting Aveiro has been sent to the actives of our network. Now, it is time for you to choose your delegates and register them on the portal!


Your Local Group may be represented by two people as delegates, and the period to register them on the portal started on 17th of January and lasts until 10th of February. In case members of your LG are willing to participate as extra places instead of delegates, an additional email will be sent shortly to regarding the open positions selected by the board.


The delegates will represent your Local Groups, so please prepare your delegates properly for the Council Meeting and make them aware of the importance of their role while sharing the document “How to be a Delegate” as well as advise them to participate a CM Prep event online once published.


Note: LR functionalities are only available when you log in via Single Sign On! This means that in order to add your delegates in the Council Meeting event on the portal, you need to be logged in with that. The attached PDF of an Elium post explains how to set up your SSO.

In case of any questions, do not hesitate to approach us ( at any time.


In high ESTIEM,

[26/02/2024] 66th Issue of ESTIEM Magazine is looking for Authors

Here’s a cool idea: Why don’t you let your imagination run free and write something for the ESTIEM Magazine?

The ESTIEM Magazine is the biggest IEM Magazine in Europe!
It aims to provide an insight into the world of Industrial Engineering and Management and engages ESTIEMers in the network by showcasing the outcomes of ESTIEM’s activities, and not only. The ESTIEM Magazine is an awesome opportunity for anyone who is interested to share their experience. It’s created to motivate you to develop the writer within you and to encourage you to share your voice. In the upcoming issue, the focus topic will be… (drum rolls please )🥁 …

The Change starts with you!

The 66th issue of ESTIEM Magazine promises to be the best one yet! If you contribute an article, you may discover your hidden talent, inspire many ESTIEMers you haven’t met yet, and give them a brand new perspective. Remember, The change starts with you!

If you require detailed information on how to become an author, please refer to the document below which contains all the necessary information. If you’d like to share your experiences and make an impact in Europe’s biggest IEM Magazine, please contact me immediately: 
ESTIEM Magazine Project Leader 
Sılanaz Altay 
+90 542 203 99 28
By filling out this form, you can suggest an article topic, an author (yourself or someone else), or both. You can suggest anything related to the Magazine. Your valuable ideas are very important to us. 
Also, if you could not find any topic to write you can check Article Suggestions Sheet: 
Can’t wait to see you in the 66th ESTIEM Magazine issue! *-*

Ready to work hard? play hard? explore Aveiro?

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  • 00Minutes
  • 00Seconds

Full Event Agenda

Curious about the entire agenda of the event? Here it is!

Note this is a preliminary agenda and everything below is a subject to change!

General Assembly Agenda Points

See what will be covered throughout the General Assembly below!



1. Official Opening of the Council Meeting
2. The ESTIEM Song
3. Quorum of the Council and enlistment of the votes by proxy
4. Election of the Chairperson of the General Assembly
5. Election of the Secretaries of the General Assembly
6. Election of the Voting Committee of the General Assembly
7. Google Spaces, Livestream and Questions
8. Agenda Point Changes
9. Introduction to the Council Meeting
10. Approval of the Minutes of the last General Assembly
11. Presentation of the ESTIEM Framework
12. ESTIEM Board
13. Strategic Development of ESTIEM: Board Goals and Strategy Implementation
14. Local Groups
15. Guests and Observers
16. Proposals for Exclusions
17. Partner Student NGOs
18. Activities Report
19. Project Reports
20. Ad Fundum Awards
21. Applications: TIMES Final
22. Presentation of the financial accounts of the previous Council Meeting
23. Presentation of the budget of the current Council Meeting
24. LXIX CM Seville update report
25. Applications: Council Meeting
26. Partner presentation: SEFI
27. Safety in ESTIEM Events
28. Miscellaneous



29. Quorum of the Council and enlistment of the votes by proxy
30. Applications: Academic Development Department
31. Applications: Career Development Department
32. Applications: Personal Development Department
33. Applications: Intercultural Development Department
34. Applications: Projects
35. Applications: Financial Controllers
36. Partner Presentation: EPIEM
37. Voting Session I
38. Financial Report of the current year
39. Grants Report
40. Corporate and University Partners
41. Partner Presentation: ERASMUS+, LEONARDO project
28. Miscellaneous



Training Sessions / Working Groups / Parallel Sessions



42. Quorum of the Council and enlistment of the votes by proxy
43. Applications: 35th Board of ESTIEM
44. Questions to Board Applicants
45. Closure of the 21-24 ESTIEM Strategy
46. Presentation of the next ESTIEM Strategy
47. Board Proposal: Changing the Applications of Service Leaders and Department Coordinators
48. Motions
28. Miscellaneous



49. Quorum of the Council and enlistment of the votes by proxy
50. Corporate and University Partners
51. ESTIEM Alumni
52. IEM Caring Movement
53. Club of 100
20. Ad Fundum Award
54. Mentoring Programme
55. Voting Session II

Parallel Sessions / Sessions with ESTIEM Alumni

56. Accreditation of Instructors and Trainers
57. ESTIEM Awards
58. Appreciations
59. CM Photo
28. Miscellaneous
60. One more ESTIEM Song
61. Official Closing of the Council Meeting

– Host LXX Council Meeting Spring 2025
– Host TIMES Final in 2025
– Become Observers (Guest Groups)
– Become Members (Observers)

– Accepting the Minutes of LXVII Council Meeting Autumn 2023

Board Proposals e.g. on (links in cursive)
the new ESTIEM Strategy
appointment of Department Coordinators & Service Leaders
• voting to make the Code of Conduct official

Ongoing Applications

Who is applying for what? Check it out!


When I stood on stage at LXVI CM Porto applying to be the leader of Europe3D, looking at the Council and my friends there, my perspective changed. It was never about just a few events. It’s not just about learning a new skill or exploring a new country. It’s about people. People who couldn’t be more different, yet connected by a single thread, cherishing the same spirit in their hearts. It’s a bit cliche to say that, but you can’t help it when it’s true. You can’t describe ESTIEM in a single sentence without using a metaphor. There’s always something that connects us.

So I embarked on a journey right away, to partake in the ESTIEM Spirit that I had felt when I discovered ESTIEM. I became the Europe3D leader and Lean Six Sigma instructor because I wanted to make a difference, to help ESTIEM reach as many people as possible and offer them the same opportunities that it offered to me and to change their lives for the better. And that will always stay with me as a lifelong personal goal.

My story is not yet done. And I can’t do it alone. So I call for your help and support to do it together. To make ESTIEM a better place every day. In order to truly make an impact on the big scale, you need to be able to support every entity so that they can together move ESTIEM onwards. That’s why I’m proud to apply for the position of the President of the 35th Board of ESTIEM . To lead a team of people that can truly make a positive impact on a European level, inspire others to undertake a similar path and write history.

Looking at the bigger picture, ESTIEM is the unity of three things: Local Groups, Events & ESTIEMers . Interconnected, supported and crucial. Therefore, I’m making them the focus point of my application and my mandate.

Local Groups are the basis of our organisation. ESTIEM needs strong Local Groups, self-sufficient and motivated to share the vision and mission of ESTIEM. To achieve that, ESTIEM needs restructured and more concrete support towards developing LGs, available documentation and obtainable knowledge from multiple sources. While doing so, the Board mustn’t neglect sustainable growth when welcoming new guest groups to ESTIEM.

Events are our main value and what makes us truly unique. At this point, the network needs to ensure stability in the event balance and allow more room for innovation and creativity , while staying in line with the ESTIEM’s mission.

ESTIEMers are the driving force behind the network, its core strength. ESTIEMers need to feel supported and allowed to develop . To feel more connected to each other. For that, we need strong Central entities and quality events to inspire them.

As you can see, my interests lay wide. And being a part of the Board imposes a serious challenge. Therefore, there are certain things that I wish to keep in mind throughout the year:

  • Transparency – visibility of the work of the Board
  • Innovation – suitable environment for fostering new ideas
  • Opportunities – inspire ESTIEMers to embrace the opportunities that ESTIEM offers
  • Cooperation – encourage Central entities to work together and support each other
  • Infrastructure – assure an IT infrastructure and documentation to support the network 

But most of all, the workload of the President consists of coordinating the Board. Therefore, my utmost priority is to be a good support to the other board members . Strong foundations are key to a lasting house. I wish for the other boardies to say that they’re proud of what they did when I ask them in July 2025 and for the network to be happy with what the 35th achieved. Keeping the Board members cohesive and coordinated, motivated and in good mental health is essential to a successful year.

Each one of the applicants has a story to tell, a desire to make a difference and grow as a person. There’s a lot we wish to say and add our bits to the story of ESTIEM. Hopefully, that story will continue onwards for many years to come. And we all wish to be proud of the direction we’re headed. As you know, it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.

We’re all stories in the end. So let’s make it a good one. Let’s write history. Together.

Milutin Miljanić | LinkedIn | Telegram

To aim high together, send your application to this form.

Applications will be shared once they are sent, stay tuned!

Dear ESTIEMers,

Maybe my hand is shaking while writing this, who knows?

Here we go again, after applying for FC one year ago, I’m gladly typing my application letter to convince you that I am the right person for our finances! I honestly cannot be prouder about it, the feeling that ESTIEM gives me daily is truly indescribable. It allowed me to grow, form strong friendships and get countless experiences. I’m really grateful for this, and thus I want to give back to ESTIEM by dedicating the most precious thing that I have, time.

That’s why I’m honoured to announce that I’m applying for the 35th Board of ESTIEM as Vice-President of Finance.

Before going to the funfunfun stuff, let me introduce myself. I’m Adrien, a 21 years-old ESTIEMer coming from two wonderful LGs, Brussels and Ankara-METU. To briefly sum up my ESTIEM journey, I would say that it was rich! From all the CMs since Belgrade ‘22 to Training New Trainers in Budapest, without forgetting the Winter Academy and our lovely Finance Summits & College ‘24, I truly enjoyed all the events I took part in!

This is nice, but it doesn’t make me more relevant to apply for this position right?

Outside of events, I also took several challenges that allowed me to gain a lot of experience and knowledge. Beside being a Financial Controller and former Local Responsible, I’m currently in the Grants Committee as an Opportunity Seeker, the TIMES team as Corporate Relations Responsible and the Circular Economy Course Task Group as an active member. Organising a Europe 3D, a TIMES Semi-Final and a Finance Summit were also very insightful.

I said that I wanted to give back to ESTIEM, but that’s not the only thing, I also want to make ESTIEM even better. To achieve this, I have few goals:

  • Make an investment plan that can ensure a quality support to all of our members and make us climb the sunshine mountain again!
  • Making ESTIEM income streams more sustainable due to the fact that we are entering a pivotal year as we’re in the last year of our grant’s contract
  • Increase the dialogue with LGs to ensure that our offerings are well shaped for them and that would allow us to make ESTIEM an even better place to grow for everyone.
  • Redefining the finance and legal sphere by shaping better the responsibilities of everyone and optimising the way we work.
  • Implementing data analysis in finance. It’s not only magic, it can be backed up and improved with data analysis. Trends and data can allow us to be more sustainable.

Keep in mind that it is a very short version of my goals, and that I’m fully available to speak further/answer any questions related to them or my application, so feel free to send me a message ( / +32 467 157276) or ask your question(s) in CM Aveiro. I’m genuinely motivated in our finance as you might have seen it this year and on this note, do not forget that :

Finance is fun fun fun!

Your dear finance boy,
Adrien Léonard

Dear ESTIEMers,

What comes to your mind when you think of PR? Is it our vibrant social media presence, our array of merchandise, or perhaps our dear partner networks? If you’re an active member of central ESTIEM, you may also think about our guidelines , the occasional rejection of merch ideas, or perceived creative restrictions. I certainly have thought so myself. But are our rules really that restrictive?

I don’t want to claim that I know the definitive answer to this question, however I aim to be part of a network where such discussions are encouraged. In fact, I would say that might even improve ESTIEMers acceptance of the frame in which the things are being done. Apart from informing more people on why they were created, involving ESTIEMers in the rulemaking process creates a sense of ownership and therefore greater adherence.

I envision a future where people will think of PR less as a content police and rather see the efforts made to promote our activities and maintain ESTIEM’s image to shine bright.

TL;DR (Too Long; Didn’t Read):

Personal Background:
Wow Europe, much events, very PR, such motivation

PR sphere
PRC: Training Program for better knowledge transfer
Socials: Use as board tool to spread messages outside of Elium bubble
Podcast: New formats and new promotion ideas
Magazine: Build team back up, Accessible digital platforms, on-demand distribution

More opportunities for ESTIEMers: Open up partner events and keep EYE out for more
Internetwork events: continue current cooperations + new BESTIEMEC MoWe

General Board Goals
Intercultural learning and sharing into ESTIEM’s DNA
Council Meeting more active & attractive
Transparency Improvements in summer applications

→ Simply Better Communication

I always saw myself more as a citizen of Europe, as I was fortunate to be immersed in the diversity of our continent from a young age, being born and raised in France by German parents. When I started university in Berlin, I was missing the international environment I was brought up in, which led me to join my local group. It wasn’t long before I embarked on my first offline event: Europe3D. There, sharing stories with other ESTIEMers until the early morning hours and singing ESTIEM songs until my voice would break away, I found my passion for the network, a flame that has burned brightly ever since. In the last three years, I’ve participated in 44 events, each one enriching my understanding and appreciation of our community even further. It feels like just yesterday when I attended my first council meeting in Belgrade. It was there where I was elected as Europe3D leader, but also where I first dipped my toes into the world of PR, capturing spirited moments as a photographer. In the framework of both PR and E3D I successfully rallied our external applicant numbers back to pre-COVID levels. Even venturing beyond our ESTIEM borders, I represented our organisation at EESTEC events in Milan and the VWI HGV in Munich. As my journey progressed, I found a new avenue for expression in the ESTIEM magazine, writing articles on topics I hold to heart. More recently, I started to lend my voice to the podcast team, seeking out ESTIEMers’ stories worth sharing. Despite the numerous events and experiences I’ve had with ESTIEM, my journey feels far from over. There’s still so much I aspire to contribute, change, and shape within our network. It is with this passion that I’m proud to apply as the Vice President of Public Relations of the 35th Board of ESTIEM.

So much about my journey in ESTIEM. Now you are probably wondering what are the things I will be aiming to do during my year, so here are some goals I have been mulling over:

In addition to the central goal of involving active ESTIEMers in our PR processes, I have outlined specific objectives for each entity within the PR sphere :

I aim to kickstart a training program within PRC to facilitate a sustainable knowledge transfer and therefore allow a more equitable distribution of workload amongst its members, which might also be transferable to other PR entities.

In social media I want to embrace our channels as tools to contact the network as the board to share our ideas with a larger group of ESTIEMers outside the Elium bubble; possible formats including board vlogs, takeovers, and maybe even live streams.

Considering the podcast, I salute the move away from seasons towards formats and intend to stay open for new content formats and experiment with innovative promotion ideas to increase its visibility.

For our currently most troubled child, the magazine, offering all my support to build a team back up, adapting its format to digital platforms, and exploring options like on-demand distribution through the merch-form could help setting wind back in its sail.

Another topic I hold quite dear to heart is the External Relations :

In a world where a nice amount of externals are joining our events, but not that many ESTIEMers are going to external events, I aim to create more opportunities for ESTIEMers by opening up more partner events and making our promotion even more effective.

I want to continue the work happening on internetwork events like oNGOing and TSS, while introducing additional engaging events like BESTIEMEC MoWe.

All this while of course keeping my EYE out for any other interesting external opportunities, most probably with the help of an increase in ambassadors

Finally, I want to dedicate some time to my more General board goals as well:

I aim to allow intercultural learning and sharing to officially receive its rightful place within ESTIEM’s DNAwhile maintaining a professional and educational approach.

I intend to enhance transparency where there is room for more, particularly in the committee/coordinator application process. In general communication on all channels can be ameliorated.

Furthermore, I seek to revitalise Council Meetings to be even more active and attractive for all participants, building on the progress made by the 34th board.

I understand that these goals may seem ambitious, but I’m confident that my diverse experiences and abilities will enable me to make significant progress in achieving them. I cannot imagine a better next year than being part of the ESTIEM board, working tirelessly to keep my own passion flame and ESTIEM shining bright across Europe.

Feel free to reach out to me anytime if you have any questions, complaints, or ideas. I’m always available through my contact information below or just approach me in person in Aveiro.

In high ESTIEM,

Robert Zastrow | LinkedIn | Telegram

Aiming high. This phrase is marked in my mind.

Like many of you, I joined ESTIEM in my first year of studies to discover new things and have new experiences. I started in Seville and for reasons related to my studies I moved to Cartagena where I founded a Local Group, which is currently the youngest Member of ESTIEM. Creating an association and leading it helped me develop myself more than I could have imagined. I consider myself fortunate to have discovered a passion to work for and to continue learning within ESTIEM. With this motivation and experience, I aim to contribute to the development of the next generation of ESTIEM.

That is the reason why I, Fran Lopez, present my application for Vice-President of Education of the 35th Board of ESTIEM.

During my university years in Seville, I was involved in ESTIEM in a brief but relevant way for my future. Moving to Cartagena in 2021, I established the Local Group Cartagena, the youngest member of ESTIEM, overcoming challenges while leading a dedicated and wonderful team. As Local Responsible and President of my LG for almost 2 years, I organised impactful international and local events such as the Paellas Activity Week and the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Local Course, fostering leadership skills and expanding my network across Europe. In addition, by joining the Central ESTIEM Members Committee in 2022, I contributed to the growth of new Local Groups, starting as Knowledge Management Responsible and becoming Members Committee Leader , thus expanding ESTIEM’s reach and impact in Europe.

My leadership role at ESTIEM has provided me with valuable insight into the essence of the organisation. Through outreach to new European universities, I have recognised the importance of the academic offerings within ESTIEM and the academic development capacity of our members. In line with ESTIEM’s core values, I have analysed the academic curricula of new universities to see the breadth of IEM education in Europe. 

On the other hand, my belief in the value of university education prompted me to participate in student representation in the international area of my university. Being involved in university projects has given me the opportunity to attend important European student meetings, such as the European Student Convention 46 , and to contribute to initiatives such as the formation of the European University of Technology alliance. These meetings with professors, deans and students from different universities showed me a different perspective on the situation of the next generation of our studies.

All of these experiences resulted in a comprehensive picture of the network for me; seeing the value, knowledge and capabilities for improvement we provide to our students. What unites us in ESTIEM is our university studies and the continuous learning and professional development. This position for me is about the influence and value that our network of IEM students has to improve studies at our universities. Therefore, I would like to work on the following areas as Vice-President of Education:

  • Support academic and professional growth by increasing the opportunities of certified local courses , fostering collaboration with professors and companies, with potential for national and international implementation.
  • Enhance ESTIEM’s presence in conferences and academic events through strategic social media promotion and leveraging Alumni and University networks for increased participation.
  • Forge partnerships with professional stakeholders and explore collaborative opportunities to enhance ESTIEM’s recognition as a reputable institution across Europe.

Feel free to ask  me all your questions, through my email ( or approach me during the Council Meeting Aveiro.

Because it’s all about the people,

In high ESTIEM,

Fran López

Hello, my name is Boris Zabunov, a 24-years-old Industrial Management master studying at Technical University of Sofia and a member of ESTIEM since late 2020.

Have you ever played Minecraft, the block game that took over the world ten years ago ? I am very sure the majority of you have heard about it! Did you know it could change lives ?

Minecraft is a game offering you infinite amount of possibilities to build a world of your own using blocks and resources. It is a very simplified virtual version of freedom.

Now you might be asking yourself – why did I start this introduction talking about Minecraft and what is its connection to ESTIEM ?

So is ESTIEM, but in real life. An interculturally vibrant playground that gives you the resources to explore Europe and improve yourself, as well the people and environment around you. ESTIEM strives to unite the IEM students of Europe and contribute to their development and play a role in shaping IEM Europe by offering a wide portfolio of events..

And events ah..They are reason I fell in love with ESTIEM. Having attended more than 20 offline ones from different types and in many different countries, I started to realize that each event has its own heart, almost like a living creature. And what makes the heart beat are three things: the location, the organizers and the participants.

Since joining ESTIEM in late 2020, over time, I found one of my passions in ESTIEM and that one is trying to expand our network in more countries and universities, thus making more diverse and contribute to its main mission – connect all European IEM studentsh. Since early 2022, I am Approaching Responsible in Members’ Committee, currently leading the Approaching Team made of 7 amazing people who share the same passion as me – growing ESTIEM and spreading it new locations.

All the experience gained from travelling and the knowledge gathered about local groups as Members’ Committee member gradually built up my vision for ESTIEM. And I will sum up that vision using 4 bulletpoints:

  • Diversity and inclusivity
  • Freedom to create, learn and explore
  • Memory-making, legacy and traditions
  • Exchange of knowledge in all of its aspects and storytelling.

Using those 4 pillars, with a great sense of excitement and responsibility, I hereby present to you my application for 35th board’s Vice-President of Activities.

If elected, as VP of Activities, I would love to work on those areas:

  • Knowledge management is the backbone of any successful organization.
    ESTIEM has a long history and many generations of experienced people who have been putting efforts to pass on their knowledge to the future ones. Making sure every local group has equal and easy access to BPDs on how to organize every single type of event and how to be a good organizer in general can massively boost their motivation and remove needless layers of communication.
  • Event application processes
    – both to organize and participate in events. Transitioning to an integrated form-type of applications where both participants and organizers have more freedom with customizable questions and structure will lead to better applications and overall event quality. In addition, making sure rejected people always get a mail by the organizers and reassurance to keep applying in the future will raise our retention rate.
  • Event portfolio
    – ESTIEM has a little something for anyone. Making sure we keep a sustainable and diversified set of events, that answers the needs of our members, while still trying to gradually create new offerings is the direction I want to follow. Using the sheer amount of data about events we have, with the help of Analysis Committee, Event Quality Committee and Knowledge Management Committee, I would want to keep using methodical and practical methods when it comes to providing event offerings and strive to offer new and innovative types of Activity Weeks and try out new types of exchanges such as country or region exchanges.
  • Online events
    – COVID forced us to digitalize our operations and offers for a period of time. However, it also showed us opportunities we never knew we could use. Online events are a great tool to give opportunity to people to make connections, share ESTIEM, accademic and career knowledge or just enjoy each others’ company, without having to travel. I would like to revise the way we organize online events by forming an “Online Events” task group that will assist me in evaluating which needs (such as short info sessions, meet the board/leaders, etc.) we can satisfy in an online environment
  • ESTIEM Spirit
    – our spirit that was born three decades ago and is still uniting us throughout the years. I would like, with the help of LG Yellowstone, make our spirit knowledge is easy to understand by all members and make sure it is easily accessible. Together with that, I would strive for motivating our new generations to keep contributing to it with new songs, games and traditions.

Additionally, together with my boardies, I would love to work on:

  • Spending more time on talking to local groups and people outside leaders and central –
    organizing “Meet the Board” online events
    and having chats with local groups individually to help everyone better understand our role, responsibilities and build more mutual trust
  • Creating a “societies-based” environment
    where ESTIEMers can freely talk about their hobbies and develop them together, as well as share knowledge about non-ESTIEM-related topics
  • Promoting the importance of physical development
    and health by implementing more sports-based activities in our events and trying to create a concept for a sports-based event, where ESTIEMers can compete with each other
  • Together with the future VP or Public Relations and Ambassdors increase the amount of cross-NGO events with our partners and increase the number of externals from universities not part of ESTIEM attending our events.
  • Taking on the “ESTIEM Encyclopedia” project
    and making sure all the great and crazy stories that happened through the years are accessible in a PDF format, as well as interesting ESTIEM and LG facts.

So without further ado, let’s get to some mining, crafting and brewing to shape our ESTIEM world in the best way possible!

In high ESTIEM,

Boris Zabunov

+359 88 479 1061

Dear ESTIEMers,

For me, ESTIEM is all about making new experiences, meeting new people with similar interests, and growing as a person. All of this happens during our events, which are the main activities of ESTIEM. Every single event is a new chance for someone to make lifelong memories and get new experiences.

International events were and still are my main reason to be active in ESTIEM. I spent most of my studies so far being active in different local initiatives in Darmstadt but wanted to meet some people outside of our university. That’s when I first learned about ESTIEM in a chat with a member of LG Darmstadt and was instantly sold.

During the last years, I participated in online and offline events from every department and central. In 2023 I was the Local Responsible of LG Darmstadt and last year I also joined central ESTIEM as the Career Development Department Coordinator. During that time I got deeply involved in ESTIEM and it became a big part of my life. As I became more involved with ESTIEM, I realised several areas of the organisation could be improved upon. After that realisation, I spoke with many ESTIEMers and discussed these areas. These chats reinforced for me that these topics are a problem and I want to work on them. That being said, I am proud to take the next step in my ESTIEM journey and present my application for Vice President of Activities of the 35th Board of ESTIEM.

So what do I want to focus on?

Encouraging innovation in the event portfolio

The current structure of the services doesn’t really focus on developing new event concepts. Services focus on their existing concepts and while Department Coordinators are also responsible for innovation in their departments, they usually don’t focus on it. If LGs or ESTIEMers come up with a new idea, they can start an initiative, but often they get pushed into the mould of existing services. A new innovation system could then also be used in different parts of the network.

Structuring and standardising the feedback process

Feedback is an important part of a functional improvement process. After events happen, ESTIEM already collects quite some feedback from participants, organisers and sometimes the central team. Unfortunately, the processes here differ a lot between services and local groups. Especially the usage of the collected feedback seems to be a big issue. Some services discuss the collected feedback and how the service and the local group can improve with all impacted parties, while others just collect it.

Improving the knowledge management

ESTIEM has many different resources, templates and BPDs for event organisation that have been developed over the years. Not all of them are easy to find and some LGs are not even aware of their existence. Some parts, especially the spirit portal are easily available on the ESTIEM portal but others are hidden in the members drive. Because of this, many ESTIEMers recreate the same documents which wastes our limited resources.

Supporting LGs in their event decision

Some LGs struggle with deciding what events they want to organise. They might want to organise something “more professional” but can’t really decide between our different services. Some ESTIEMers are also not aware of all the services, so it might be hard for LGs to include all of their members in the decision-making. This could also be the reason for some LGs to only organise exchanges or other IDD events they are more familiar with.

As you can see all of the goals start from issues in the activities sphere, but the solutions will have to reach out to many different aspects of ESTIEM. So obviously my future work as a boardie would also not be limited to these topics, but will also extend to the wider needs of the network. 

If you want to learn more about my goals, discuss your own thoughts or maybe share some suggestions don’t hesitate to write me an email at:
, on WhatsApp: +49 1575 2411538 or approach me in Aveiro.

In high ESTIEM,

Hannes Martin, LG Darmstadt


Dear fellow ESTIEMers,

After one and a half year full of experiences, knowledge, friendships and also after quite a consideration, I am taking this moment to express my enthusiasm, willingness, and dedication to pursue the Leadership role within the Lean Six Sigma Service.

Firstly, let me tell you something about me, and my background in ESTIEM so far. I am Ivan Bejatović and I am part of Local group Skopje.
My journey with ESTIEM began around eighteen months ago with a significant milestone: the LSS Central Course in Kaiserslautern. This experience sparked my interest in Lean Six Sigma and unveiled the vast opportunities ESTIEM provides to students. Following the course, I had the privilege to serve as an instructor for two LSS Local Courses, one in Skopje and the other as Head Instructor in Novi Sad., which has allowed me to get a much deeper understanding of the Lean Six Sigma. Since March last year, I am also a member of the Central Lean Six Sigma Team as the Course Responsible, where I’ve had to manage all the courses that we as the service were supervising. At the Council Meeting in Porto, I met with fellow members of the team, previous leaders and also people who created this service, which
further solidified my dedication,motivation and love for the service. 

Additionally, I currently hold the positions of President & Local Responsible of LG Skopje, roles that have significantly contributed to my leadership development. Alongside these responsibilities, I’ve served as a Project Leader for various events organised by my LG over the past year.

Attending a combination of eight offline and three online events in the past year has been crucial in enhancing my leadership skills and expanding my network within ESTIEM.

It’s crucial to establish our direction and objectives for the future, all the while staying true to our Mission and adhering to the three fundamental pillars of our service: Quality, Sustainability, and Expansion.

“The ESTIEM LSS Service is a platform to shape the way Lean Six Sigma impacts IEM Europe, with at its core a sustainably expanding, high-quality Green Belt Course taught by students for students.”

With this said, the objectives in my application will be:

  1. Standardising, updating, and improving support materials for both instructors and participants.
  • Platform change from
    Google Classroom: many efforts were made to make it effective as Schoology, but since it was a new platform to us, some problems came up.
  • Opening an
    IT Responsible Role
    in the Team who will make sure that everything connected to the platform is running smoothly.
  • Make a revision of the material, in order to
    improve and update
    some informations which are outdated through time.

2. Reach to more new LGs to host the Course – expanding the service.

  • 30 out of 77 Local Groups
    haven’t organised a course ever.
  • Name one team member as
    Approaching Member, who will support, motivate and communicate with all these 30 Local Groups in order to organise a Lean Six Sigma Course.

3. Continuously growing and strengthening the network of instructors.

  • Organising
    training sessions for instructors
    to maintain the high quality of instructing within the service.
  • Introducing
    instructor regional teams, to help financially the LGs who are organising the course, and provide help and support to other instructors from their region.

4. Increasing the number of internship companies where our students can finish their  GB project.

  • Currently
    1 partnership company (Continental), providing
    2 opportunities
    for internships per year.
  • New approach and dynamic in the Corporate Relations Team within the LSS Service, which will lead to more communication with companies.

5. Continuing to improve and keep the high quality of the Service and the Central Team.

  • Implementing
    weekly meetings
    to strengthen the communication between the team, also aim to organise at least one
    online Lean Six Sigma Coordination Meeting, where team members will work on strategies and projects that will be implemented throughout the year.

Please feel free to contact me via email at

or in person during the Council Meeting in Aveiro if you have any questions or suggestions

In high ESTIEM,

Ivan Bejatović   

Prized ESTIEMers,

This face belongs to João Muge, a 19 year old IEM student from the University of Aveiro, Portugal. Now that you know my name, I am thrilled to express my intention to apply for the Leadership of the Vision Service for the next mandate!

My ESTIEM journey began in October 2022, still during my freshman year, when I joined LG Aveiro’s Public Relations Team. I got motivated by some friends I had in the network, and my curiosity spoke volumes. My love story with the association started increasing with the first Central event I organised, Lean Six Sigma Central Course Aveiro. I knew some of the games, songs, dances and traditions, but watching it all for the first time had a huge impact in me.
Only a couple weeks after that, I joined Central ESTIEM, as an ITC Apprentice Member. I’m fond of technology, and thought it was the best way I could contribute to the network, but in the end, I left the position after 9 months of learning the programming languages. During that time, I helped with the organisation of Local Events, and went to my first ESTIEM travel, the South West ReCOM, and my motivation grew exponentially.
Then, at the beginning of the first semester of 2024, I saw the open positions on Central ESTIEM and saw myself interested in Vision as a concept, applied and got in! A few months after that, I went on the most lifechanging travel so far: LXVII Council Meeting Budapest! Met so many new people, strengthened bonds with previous friendships, and overall was a breathtaking experience. Back in Aveiro, I took on the next leap at the Local Level: Team Leader of the Lean Six Sigma Local Course Aveiro. Got to work with the LSS Central Team and got another view of the ADD work.
On the recent side, I was an Organizer at Vision Smart Cities Porto, where I got to know better how the Vision’s events go and got to listen the participants feedback in person.
All these experiences got me hooked in ESTIEM as a whole and made me motivated for the future in the network and helping it grow, while improving myself as well!

So, here is my application, with the following key points:

  • Implement a Practical side on Vision Events

While someone can learn on a topic online, and probably get some sort of certification for it, offline events are becoming outdated as they are, and even online events could benefit some changes. If there is a practical component on the events (making presentations on the topics, doing a case study) can boost the relevance of said events, and bring more people.

My initial goal is to implement 1 practical element on the first online and offline Vision events, being either some sort of case study or presentation making, that:

1- Gets participants closer with each other;
2- Makes participants engaged on the topic and learn by doing.

Then, get feedback (either via feedback form, feedback session or another feedback form, made by the Vision Team), and see if the idea works out or not.

  • Continue with the Online Vision events

While the main focus of the service are the offline events, by doing short online events (1 day events, around 4h max) the team stays motivated and we can continue to promote the interest and knowledge hunger of the network.

  • Create a “Possible Theme” sheet for future Vision events (offline and online)

With the resources “lost” in ESTIEM, create a sheet with relevant topics for Vision Events, so that Local Groups don’t start from the bottom.
The sheet would mostly be composed by prior used themes, at least 3 years prior to said event. This also works towards maintaining the “Making sure that LG’s organize events of future topics” from last mandate, and contributes directly to my vision of the service.
The list would be just an idea/suggestions, to help Local Groups organize a Vision or to help the team organize an online event, not mandatory themes.

  • Continue the development of the Company Contact List

Having a CR Responsible within the team to get direct contacts to companies that worked previously with ESTIEM. This would reduce the workload towards organizing online events and could help on the offline events, as I want to renew/add local company contacts, so that Local Groups can have access to the sheet and contact the companies in their area.

  • Promote a healthy atmosphere within the team, by implementing some team roles, and giving certain tasks to different people, while keeping communication with team meetings and task/event oriented meetings.

Thank you for reading ‘till the end! If there’s any question or doubt, I’d like to answer them! Here’s my email:

João Muge.


Hello everyone! I’m Şevval, a 21-year-old industrial engineering student from Local Group Ankara-Bilkent who is excited and honored to apply to the Be X for X Days Leadership position.

I would like to start by telling you my journey in ESTIEM. I officially joined ESTIEM in 2022 without fully understanding its appeal. However, my perspective shifted when I participated in my first event, the Mediterranean CM Preparation Weekend, as part of the organizing team. I still remember my shock during the General Assembly Simulation where people were singing about a bear while dancing funnily and right after that they get incredibly serious to discuss a certain topic. This experienced prompted me to delve deeper into understanding ESTIEM’s structure, terminology, and its underlying spirit.

Attending my first event, ‘Be a Marketer for 5 Hours,’ was eye-opening. Meeting professionals, collaborating with other participants on case studies, and experiencing ESTIEM firsthand fueled my interest. After learning that best way to learn ESTIEM is to directly work in it, I checked the open positions and saw that Be X for X Days was there. It was the perfect opportunity and I could not miss it. After applying and getting accepted, I went to CM Porto as a delegate and was amazed by how the “actual” General Assembly experience felt like. My mind was blown after seeing nearly 300 people doing the silly dances and the serious discussions. That was when I decided to become an active member of this organization.

I worked in the organization of Be an R\&D Manager for 4 Hours and Be a Business Process Consultant for 3 Hours where I experienced the organizer side of BXD events. I already had some experience about organizing an event through my previous local activities, but now I have learnt to organize them in the ESTIEM style. During this time our amazing leader Işıl was always eager to help us so I have never felt like I did not know what to do or how to do it. Her communication with the team was always so strong and supportive, which is how I aspire to be as a leader. After working with this team for a year, I believe that I have gained enough experience to continue and improve Be X for X Days.

Now I would like to list my goals to achieve in the next year:

Event Contents:

Participants have reported that sometimes there is too much teaching and not enough practice because speakers choose the content and case study. I aim to structure events better to offer more practical experience and better inform companies.

Networking Sessions:

Incorporating a brief networking session following the event would enhance participants’ exposure to real-life experiences, a crucial element of BXD events. This additional networking opportunity would also promote connections and mutual learning for all involved parties.

Communication with LGs:

As a leader, I would like to continue the tradition of keeping a strong connection with the LGs. I think having the help of my team members to promote BXD to LGs would be a great way to ensure that members also have a chance to interact with the LGs.

Utilizing the CDD Topic Database:

BXD is continuously searching for more diverse topics to reach more participants just like other services within CDD. With the help of every CDD member, the “Topics Database” (especially the “Current Work” folder) could be utilized better to choose possible future topics after each event. This way we could enhance the feedback forms by providing specific topic options instead of solely asking participants if they have suggestions.

I would be delighted to get your questions or feedback, feel free to reach out to me via!

In high ESTIEM,

Şevval Arslan

Dear ESTIEMers,

I’m Zuhal Aksoy, a 19 years old student from Local Group Ankara-Bilkent who is honored to apply for the Leadership position of businessbooster. 

Let me start with my ESTIEM journey. I joined ESTIEM in 2022 without knowing what ESTIEM is. My baby steps in the direction of being a part of this great organization were starting a position in central ESTIEM as a team member in CDD. After that, I started to understand what we are doing in ESTIEM. While I was a team member I helped organize an online event called “Working Abroad-Inspirational Night”. Organizing an event was a great experience, I met with great people both alumni and participants. While organizing it I realized the great bond that ESTIEM makes among the ESTIEMers since alumni were quite enthusiastic about attending the event and sharing their experiences with us. After this event, I started to feel the bond myself. 

My first offline event was Europe3D Belgium. This event was a huge milestone in my life. At first, I was very nervous but after I met with the ESTIEMers in person I saw how amazing everyone was with others. This event was the first time I felt the ESTIEM spirit. The most impressive part was the feedback session. I always avoid expressing my thoughts and feelings so as not to hurt anyone. The feedback session, in particular, taught me the value of constructive criticism and the importance of creating a supportive and nurturing environment. This experience empowered me to express my ideas and opinions freely, leading to personal and professional growth. Thus, I realize I am in a free and continuously improving environment. This is our playground. 

The moment I realized I wanted to contribute to this network more was in CM Budapest. In CM I observe my self-improvement and I am finally at the place where I can be creative and express my opinions without judgment. 

After my position in CDD I became more interested in career development. Then, I applied for Be X for X Days and started to work there. I finally found what I would like to do. The Career Development Department was perfect for me. I love helping people with their careers. In addition, I am PR responsible for this year’s ESTIEM Hunt. Developing new ideas and improving this event was a great chance to do what I love.

Why businessbooster? My first online event was Entrepreneurs Meet Up. Witnessing ESTIEM’s role in realizing people’s entrepreneurial dreams during the Entrepreneurs Meet Up event left a lasting impression on me. Businessbooster’s service and its accomplishments are admirable as you can observe the results happening already. I am fascinated by businessbooster’s commitment to providing comprehensive support, from ideation to execution, for startups and product development ventures. Businessbooster is continuing to develop and become more known day by day. I want to continue to improve the entity. 

Here are some of the goals I would mainly like to focus on as a businessbooster leader:

External Image:

I observe that businessbooster’s mission has not been clear to the students, work on shaping an accurate picture in people’s mind. Organizing an online event in order to introduce what entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship is. Besides working through on making this service more recognizable by the local groups and ESTIEMers because businessbooster plays an important role in shaping a productive IEM student mind. Schedule meetings with Regional Coordinators and Local Responsibles to discuss businessbooster’s mission and services. Provide them with informative brochures or presentations outlining the benefits of collaborating with businessbooster. Also make sure businessbooster image appears in the events which are organized by bussinessbooster or a collaboration of businessbooster. Ensure that businessbooster’s presence is prominent in events. Increase efforts in Public Relations by actively promoting businessbooster. Highlight success stories, testimonials to generate interest and attract more participants. By implementing these strategies, we can enhance businessbooster’s visibility and clarify its mission to ESTIEMers, ultimately shaping a more productive mindset among students interested in entrepreneurship and innovation.

Events: This year E3H Munich first edition was organized and it was a huge success, so my aim is to organize the second edition. If possible organize Slush x businessbooster. Organize at least 5 events in my mandate including online and offline events. Find partners for those events (Alumni, entrepreneurs, companies). 

Team: Make sure the team is motivated and understand the idea of businessbooster. Keep everyone updated on progress and task completion. This will create a sense of unity and teamwork among the members. Giving the team responsibilities is another factor to make the team feel included. Make sure to document everything in order to be more organized and make everyone keep updated.

In conclusion, I see businessbooster as a catalyst for fostering entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship within ESTIEM, empowering students to realize their innovative potential. During my mandate my intention is to make sure as much as ESTIEMers to benefit from its potential. Through clear communication of our mission, impactful events, and a motivated team, I aim to enhance businessbooster’s visibility and effectiveness in supporting startups and product development ventures. Together, let’s propel ESTIEM’s entrepreneurial spirit to new heights. 

Thank you for reading my application. I am open to any questions or further discussions regarding my application, so please feel free to reach out to me at your convenience. You can contact me through email or via WhatsApp +90 5338124920.  

In high ESTIEM, 

Zuhal Aksoy

To aim high together, send your application to this form.

Applications will be shared once they are sent, stay tuned!


A year ago in March, I was at a beautiful beach of Cartagena for the first Paellas Activity Week. I was lying on the sand and thinking how I ended up being here. My reality seemed too unrealistic. First of all, I was far… far away from my hometown, my closest friends were the ones I met merely three days ago and furthermore, I did not even fully know what ESTIEM is. But still, I had a feeling of relaxation. I had the feeling of belonging. Those people showed me incredible kindness, care, and also fun. Therefore, they made me stay and dream bigger. I wanted to help to develop better organizations in ESTIEM and show my gratitude by doing so. As a result, that is why here I am, declaring my application to be the next Activity Week Leader!

Dear ESTIEMers,

My name is Deniz Dilara Yalçın from the local group Ankara-METU. My ESTIEM journey began in the year 2022. I was an active member of my local group. My first responsibility was to be in the organization team of my LG’s TIMES Local Qualification. Then, I helped the organization of the LG Grenoble-Ankara METU Exchange’s local part.

After these experiences, I wanted to attend an event where I could broaden my horizon. Therefore, I sent my motivational letter for the Paellas Activity Week of LG Cartagena and I was chosen among 100 applicants to attend the event. There, I met with all devoted ESTIEMers around Europe. The joy of the journey made me apply for the Event Quality Responsible position for the Activity Week team and thankfully I got in. My position required me to have regular chats with local groups and ensure that they provide a high-quality event. I checked the schedule, times, food, accommodation… basically everything. That being the case, I learned to create the best conditions in order to have a practically enjoyable Activity Week.

Then, I attended IDDCoM in Istanbul and met with dear IDD people and understood the concept of intercultural better. I am so happy that I got this chance to improve my soft skills in the ESTIEM. Through the end of my mandate, I knew that I was face to face with the reality of pursuing more in the team. “Don’t be afraid to aim high.” was one of the sentences that sticks with me from IDDCoM Istanbul. So I decided to aim higher. I decided to pour my absorbed knowledge and perception from my lovely leader Tijana for almost a whole year. I know that I have the qualities this position acquires therefore I have trust in me.

In consequence, regarding this here are my goals for the next 12 months:

• Contacting with different LGs to diversify AW events. Encouraging them to show their culture and city. Cappadocia AW is going to be the first practice of the aim.

• Making sure that event feedbacks are considered and used for improvements. I am planning to have short chats with a few volunteer participants to write an event report for the next events.

• Improving the Activity Week Planning Guide sheet that I’ve prepared and using it through my mandate for an easier organizing process.

• Creating a team that is compatible but also diverse.

• Re-defining responsibilities for the team in order to enable them to carry out equal roles.

I believe Activity Week is one of the most interesting playgrounds of ESTIEM. It is the area where you can reflect your soul most while organizing. Every event is a whole new experience created with unique minds, it feels sincere. That is why, I want to focus on these roots of Activity Week. The art of organizing is what I want people to realize more and what I want to focus on more. Thus dear ESTIEMers… let’s make art together!!

In high ESTIEM spirit,
Deniz Dilara Yalçın


Dear ESTIEMers,

I remember the first time I have heard of ESTIEM. A friend of mine was insisting that we should attend my LGs local activities, that they have fun traditions. I applied to become an ESTIEMer with her insistance. Then I joined organization team of Leader’s Gathering. There I saw a group of people from all over Europe singing the same songs, making punishments according to some rules, united… I was mesmerized by the spirit and cultural integration. This is the story of me connecting to our network. I have always heard that ESTIEM is a playground before joining and now I am on the playground and I am going to present you my application for the position of **Activity Week Service Leadership with great joy.

Hello everyone! My name is Hüseyin Aydın and I am Vice President of HR in LG Istanbul-ITU.I started my journey in ESTIEM in 2022 which is the year I started university. ESTIEM helped me develop my understanding of cultural integration. The friendly atmosphere in my LG made it easier for me to get involved. The more i involved more I realized that ESTIEM isn’t just about traveling. I have seen that ESTIEM is a network where participation is encouraged and thanks to that I can be a better version of myself. All of these led me to apply for the local board. During my mandate, we organized IDDCoM and Europe3D Türkiye. As a local board, my biggest responsibilities were keeping the motivation in my LG up, coming up with new ideas for our events’ activities and making sure they are running smoothly. I also have a team in my LG to increase the efficiency of our events and have more people involved. I created checkpoints for their duties to ease my jobs and to have stability in the team.

I was looking for open calls to join one of the Central ESTIEM teams. Considering its value for cultural integration, I wanted to apply for the Activity Week Team and I did so. Right now I am the Feedback Responsible in the team. I organize feedback chats with event organizers. We use Tableau to review the feedback of the events and have brainstorming about what could be different. That’s why I believe that my duty plays a significant role in event quality.

While organizing events as a local board, I felt ESTIEM spirit on top. I want to contribute more to our network and I am honored to say that I want to keep my journey going as Activity Week Service Leader.

Through all my experience and knowledge i have goals to achieve as a leader. Here they are:

  • Increasing the variety of Activity Week events by reaching out to LGs and creating a sheet
  • Ensuring that cultural aspects of Activity Week events are visible through activities or sessions and that participants get to experience the culture
  • Building a feedback system that allows LGs to see previous critics to ensure the quality of events
  • Building an efficient and diverse team structure to ensure everyone gets involved and create a supportive team environment as well as having training sessions to increase team efficiency

Thank you all for your attention. Feel free to approach me via for your questions or suggestions.

In high ESTIEM,

Hüseyin Aydın

My life was never the same….

August 2022, Berlin, my first ESTIEM event. Do you know that butterfly feeling in your stomach? When you are in love with someone? Imagine that, but with life. I knew it was the beginning of something more. Anyone who met me during an event will tell you about my endless energy. ESTIEMers bring  out the side of me that’s most alive, most appreciative, and most happy. Even after a late night online meeting with ESTIEMers…  Let’s say sometimes my mother is rather concerned when I jump around the house with so much energy left.

Dear ESTIEMers,

I am Maiky, 23 years, President and VP of Activities of LG Eindhoven, and Approaching Responsible for Activity Week.

One year ago, in CM Porto, I made a massive leap of faith. After being in Activity Week for just 3 weeks, I applied for leadership. With only 1 day of preparation, I made myself very proud with the great result I got. Now, one year later, that same passion, confidence and ESTIEM spirit remains. If anything, it grew. Now comfortably at double digit events, I know what it takes to create a great, and memorable event. And even when I am joining instead of organizing events, I try to make sure every single person around me will have as much fun and great memories as possible.  I always wonder: ‘How can I make this moment just a little bit more special?’ The music you play, the songs you sing, and the polaroids you take…

Moreover, as a local boardie, I have gained so much experience in organizing events, doing effective work and making many people enthusiastic for ESTIEM. I also have hands-on witnessed all that possibly can go wrong during an event, and found a solution to every one of these problems. Furthermore, attending IDDCoM last October made me even closer to the IDD department (family), and expanded my knowledge in organizing great cultural events.

As the Approaching Responsible, I was involved in brainstorming for event concepts and giving feedback to many LGs’ creative ideas for new Activity Weeks, such as Austria AW (which I attended) and Paellas AW. Besides that, I successfully organized Carnaval AW once again this year. ESTIEMers came from afar to Eindhoven this year, sometimes having much as 40+ ESTIEMers celebrating the Dutch tradition at once. Event after event, it becomes clearer to me that organizing events, and capturing great memories is my passion. To say I’m not nearly done with ESTIEM is an understatement, and I am more than ready for a leadership of something that is so close to my heart.

Below is a brief overview of my goals for my mandate:

Ensure people can enjoy more and more diverse AWs:

  • Creating 8 AWs during my mandate; at least one per season.
  • Develop about four new AW concepts that offer a distinctive experience from current AWs.

Increasing general event quality:

  • Together with EQC and AC, update the AW BPD from 2021 with the feedback and plenty of (successful) events from the past years.
  • Enforce more consistent use of the current documents and guidelines we currently have.
  • Starting my mandate with a (~2 month) scouting period to ensure all AWs for my mandate  are planned in a timely manner. This year, we had to decline some great AW ideas because of a too short time-frame, which is unfortunate.

Team changes:

  • Changing the Approaching Responsible position to a second Quality Responsible  after the scouting period
  • Appointing a Design Responsible to create some insane (nameag/survival guide) templates

Thank you for taking the time to read all of this. Lastly, I want to wish Deniz and Hüseyin, amazing, passionate and hard-working team members, the best of luck in their application.

If you have any questions about my goals before my presentation, feel free to contact me (see my ESTIEM profile).

See you in Aveiro!



Hi there! Thanks for dropping by and reading this.

If you don’t know me, here’s a quick summary: I’m Adrian from LG Kaarlsruhe (in South Germany), started with ESTIEM in September 2022 and obsessed since then. Currently LR and trying to spread the propaganda.

I simply love ESTIEM. The memories and human connections it creates are incredible. Receiving kindness from like-minded people is an incomparable feeling, as is giving it back – when you see me writing in someone’s passport, you might recognize that I can’t stop smiling, looking back on the time I had with them and how close we got in just a few days. 

This passion started thanks to Europe3D Portugal – in Aveiro! – one and a half years ago, an insane event that really offered the discovery of the country. And while I have quite some history by now through three Council Meetings, a few strategic events and some fun events, I am humbly looking to the future and what is in front of me: my application for Europe3D leadership.

So here are my plans for the year, both within the Service as well as in Central ESTIEM as a whole:

• Improving the Intercultural Awareness Trainings (lovingly nicknamed ICAT) delivered in every event by streamlining the process, providing training materials and therefore creating consistent value for all attendees.

• Lower the threshold for newbies to dare apply for and attend their first event, by making the relevant information more available to soon-to-be-ESTIEMers as well as Externals.

• Considering the bigger picture, I want to work with the other IDD Service Leaders to improve the process and events within the whole department, sharing resources when possible to help all the events under this category realise their vision of intercultural development. 

• And while talking about resources, I might as well throw the classic Improving Knowledge Management in there. Within Europe3D it is on the right path thanks to structured feedback gathering after every event, however we can use that gathered knowledge to proactively help LGs in the organizing process.

Besides that, I simply want to continue having high-quality Europe3D events the way the currently are – If you had the pleasure of attending one recently and can think of any improvement points for this event type, please reach out to me! 

Lastly, the pre-CM Europe3Days Concept is still getting fleshed out with its second iteration happening right before CM in Coimbra, and I plan to continue offering and improving these events.

We will not see each other in CM Aveiro, sadly, but you can always hit me up 🙂

I’m excited to see you somewhere else in Europe! Cheers, 


My journey of foreign languages started when I was just a little kindergarten kid. As I grew up and met with all the existing languages, I started to create my own languages with all aspects and teach them to my friends with various types of events. Later that I found I was doing what Language Programme is doing which is helping language learners in their language journey with its offerings.

Dear ESTIEMers,

I’m Bahadir from LG Istanbul-Yildiz and here I am (again, the same old situation) for proudly presenting my application for the position of Language Programme Leadership.

When I first came to Istanbul, I was just a small town boy in a big arcade but then I met with ESTIEM and I realised that I’m not alone anymore and also I knew that I found my home. With the help of ESTIEM spirit burning inside me, I decided that I’m not going anywhere. Later, I entered the Central ESTIEM and saw my childhood… It was a love at first sight with Language Programme. I found what was missing in my life. I started to work as Language Community – Language Nights Coordinator in my first year. I was helping the language learners like me with organising language nights. After my mandate I applied for the leadership but was rejected but I didn’t let this stop me from achieving my dream so this year I worked in the team again as Language Events Responsible. And now I’m taking the next step with “Chapter 10: United by Language”.

To unite the language lovers, here is some of my goals:

-Organising as many events as possible and hopefully one of them being the first Language Voyage Ultimate.
-Gathering feedback from all of the events to improve our event quality. Adding feedback sessions if necessary.
-Making sure that the team understands the importance of knowledge management and usage of drive.
-Opening the renewed Language Community.
-Making language surveys to see what ESTIEMers want to learn most.
-Changing some role definitions.

Thank you so much for reading and if you have any ideas, suggestions, questions or anything regarding my application, you can contact me via


Bahadir Memis

“Kids, I’m going to tell you an incredible story: the story of how I met Language Programme.”

Dear ESTIEMers,

My name is Bahar Koçak, I’m a 19-year-old Industrial Engineering student from LG Istanbul-ITU. I’m proudly writing this application to become the next Language Programme Leader.

I joined ESTIEM in 2022, and took many roles in our two local events as an Organization Team. Even though I was just a Newbie, I couldn’t stop my desire to join CM Yildiz. I had the opportunity to meet many ESTIEMers and leaders during CM Yildiz. It was a great opportunity to realise and to observe the central side of ESTIEM. Therefore, I decided to join Central ESTIEM, and started working as a Video Editor in Data Science Initiative. It provided me a great environment to develop my technical knowledge of editing. The role also helped me understand more about the structure of Central ESTIEM. After starting to learn the basics of ESTIEM, I thought that I’m ready to join my first offline event. Luckily, my first offline event was LG Auvergne Exchange which was an unforgettable and fantastic event for me.

Afterwards, at the end of the second semester I became Vice President of Public Relations of LG Istanbul-ITU. Then we organised IDDCoM, and Europe3D Türkiye with LG Ankara METU as a local board. Actually with the help of the events that we organize I have developed my event, time, budget, team management skills a lot. I also became very adept at teamwork. I experienced being a delegate in CM Budapest for the first time. This experience developed my ESTIEM knowledge, network and motivated me even further to take a bigger role in Central ESTIEM. Additionally, I participated in two Regional Events which are the Board Training Event, and Mediterranean Region Coordination Meeting. Working with Mediterranean Region was a great opportunity for me. In February, I have started to work as a Data Analyst at AC, and I am currently continuing to work for this position through Training Sessions.

Now it’s time to tell you my story in Language Programme:) When my mandate was done in Data Science Initiative in summer of 2023, I searched the open calls, and decided to apply for the PR responsible position of Language Programme because of my interest in different languages and cultures. Then I became part of the big orange IDD Family. I made PR plans for Language Buddy Systems, and Language Nights. I participated in and also organised our lovely IDDCoM 🙂 Then I wanted to go for the next step, which was having more responsibilities in Language Programme, and I organised Language Night: Turkish. In this event, I decided to add a new session called Speed Learning Session for Language Night which turned out to be the favourite session of the event.

Language Programme has finished its Chapter 9: Let the spirit travel in Languages and I’m welcoming you to Chapter 10: Excellence Bridge of Languages. Language Programme is a bridge between new languages and cultures for ESTIEMers, and I believe that with an excellent workflow, we can elevate this bridge to higher levels, and here’s my goals for my chapter which is Excellence Bridge of Languages:
Increasing the diversity of activities, and improving the processes in Language Night
-Organising at least one Language Course Event
Renewing and creating documentation for offline Language Programme events like Language Voyage
-Setting a new PR strategy for increasing visibility of Language Programme
-Activating Language Community and ensuring sustainability of it
-Simplifying the operation of the Language Buddy System by ensuring its tracking and management

Language Programme has a lot of potential, and I believe that I can use it well to achieve my goals.

Thank you for your time! If you have questions, suggestions or anything regarding my application, you can contact me via .


Bahar Koçak

The English language has not enough words to explain my feelings as I am writing this application. Without a doubt, it feels like I am fulfilling my dream ever since I’ve been to an exchange. So, shall we? If you don’t like your ex, it is time to change, JOIN EXCHANGE

Dear ESTIEMers,
My name is Doğukan, I am the current LR of Istanbul-ITU and a fellow LGX coordinator. I am honored to present to you my application for the Local Group Exchange Leadership for next year.

I believe I was an ESTIEMer even before I started my bachelor degree, in my blood I mean. Why do I say that? A suggestion from a friend is the reason why I am here today, from an ESTIEMer who knows me very well. It was like love at first sight, I didn’t think twice and became an ESTIEMer at the moment I enrolled in my university. Although exchanges are by far the most popular event type among newbies, my first event was ‘’Mind Your Business’’ the joint event of Businessbooster and BrainTrainer in Xanthi. It was definitely impossible not to feel ESTIEM Spirit down to my bones, but my plans of becoming an LR and joining LGX had to wait until my first exchange. From that day, up until today I am addicted, addicted to exchanges!

Ever since I joined ESTIEM, I’ve participated and organized many events, from Europe 3D’s to CM’s and of course many exchanges. My motivation grows rapidly as I see the exchanges on the portal that I coordinated. I am literally speechless when it comes to explaining my feelings and the satisfaction I have after every single exchange I coordinated.

Taking into consideration above and my experience in LGX throughout the year, I’d like to present my goals for my mandate:

Establishing a well-planned feedback system based on a concrete foundation. (Here you can reach the related elium post

Ensuring event quality, by improving existing event materials such as LGX Booklet, premade templates and creating a Spirit book as exchanges are prevalent among newbies.

Revision of the general view of both LGX and IDD as a whole.

Creating a diverse and friendly team to maintain LGX spirit as high as possible and also including a feedback responsible

Dreaming high as we are the ones who can achieve our goals as we keep dreaming as high as possible!

Thank you for reading up until this point, you can reach me any time for any questions or comments

World can change, with the exchange
In high ESTIEM
Doğukan Karadeniz


To aim high together, send your application to this form.

Applications will be shared once they are sent, stay tuned!

My dear fellow ESTIEM’ers,

I’m Ceren Demirtaş, a 19-year-old student from LG Ankara-METU. I couldn’t be prouder and more excited to declare my application to be the next Leader of The Summer Academy.

When I first joined ESTIEM last year, with the enthusiasm of an 18-year-old who had never been abroad before, I applied to every event in the portal that caught my eye. To my surprise, I got accepted to the one that interested me the most: Winter Academy: Make Dreams Work in Novi Sad. This event was different from the others in the portal; it was way more personal and dove deep into topics about one’s goals and motivations. The event made me aware of my goals, helped me decide my path, opened my mind to my endless potential, and was the biggest reason for me to continue being in this unique network of incredible people. After attending the event, having had one of the best weeks of my life, I realized I wanted to get involved with ESTIEM, specifically The Summer Academy Program.

With the goal of reaching out to as many ESTIEM’ers as possible so that they can have the experience of a lifetime like I did, I decided to join the Summer Academy Team as the public relations responsible. During the time I was a part of this fantastic team, I learned how to manage my time, collaborate with my other team members, all the procedures of organizing Academy events, and improved my PR skills. Also, during the time I was working as the PR responsible, my local group decided to organize a Winter Academy. I contributed to the organization process along with my local boardies, with the knowledge I had from being in the team and having attended the best PDD event of last year 🙂 The organization period deepened my understanding of the process, as I was present every step of the way dealing with the budget, finding Academic Leaders, accommodation, etc. And in the end, I am proud to say that Winter Academy: Let’s Dance with Our Dragons ended up being an unforgettable event for the participants. This achievement was huge, as my goal from the start was to have ESTIEM’ers attend an Academy event and have a once-in-a-lifetime experience just like I had. The satisfaction and happiness I felt after the event got me thinking; I wanted to do this more. I wanted to reach out to more ESTIEM’ers, organize more Academy’s, work and brainstorm our ideas with a team, and implement my ideas to the Summer Academy Program. These reasons led me to one path: becoming the Summer Academy Leader.

With a team of my own, passing down what I have learned in the time I was a team member, I want to contribute to this incredible program and improve it as best I can. Below are the goals for SAC that I aim to achieve with my team members during my mandate.

  • Increasing the recognition and visibility of Summer Academy events in the network

Summer Academy events are less in demand than the other events in the portal. I believe that promoting each event on social media platforms and conducting interviews with previous participants and current/ex Academic Leaders will help increase the visibility of our program.

  • Clarifying the main idea and content of SAC events

SAC events are, by their aim, more closed-off and intimate than the other events in the portal. Therefore, ESTIEM’ers who haven’t attended an academy event usually lack knowledge about what kind of events the academies are or information about the context of SAC. Consequently, they apply to SAC events without knowing the Program’s main idea. My goal is to clarify the main idea of SAC, which is to focus on each academy’s selected topics, with the help of an academic leader, in a secluded house away from the outside world & alcohol. I aim to achieve my goal by creating explanatory posts on Instagram prior to each SAC event, clearly explaining each specific topic selected for the seasonal academies in the portal, and creating Elium posts about previous events to inform ESTIEM’ers further.

  • Arranging the budget for SAC events to make events more possible to organize

The biggest problem while organizing Summer Academy events is staying within budget. This problem hinders the program’s sustainability, as many LG’s have had to cancel SAC events due to financial problems they faced. My aim will be to find ways to minimize the budget overrun.

  • Putting together a sustainable and enthusiastic team

Teamwork is the key to organizing quality events, not just in Summer Academy but in general. I believe that my most important duty as a leader will be to select motivated ESTIEM’ers for my team, keep them enthusiastic throughout our time working together, and allow them to make mistakes and learn from them; a good leader should be understanding. I intend to make our weekly meetings a time for my team members to look forward to by having bonding activities, brainstorming together, letting everyone voice their thoughts, and overall creating a safe and fun environment for all of us.

  • Approaching new Academic Leaders

Finding Academic Leaders for seasonal academies is one of the most complex parts of organizing SAC events. In addition to our current AL’s, reaching out to Alumni ESTIEM’ers who have attended SAC events is a good idea moving forward. Finding Alumni with different backgrounds and achievements will create a diverse group of AL’s from which LG’s can select according to the specific topic of their seasonal academy. I plan on choosing two people from my team (besides myself) with strong communication skills and comprehensive knowledge of SAC to reach out and offer this opportunity to ESTIEM Alumni.

Please feel free to approach me via or WhatsApp (+90 5412800996) if you have any questions or comments regarding my application.


Ceren Demirtaş


“Wakey wakey ESTIEMers!

Gossip girl here! Your one and only source of insights about ESTIEM and IEM.”

Hello fellow ESTIEMers!

I’m Sılanaz Altay, from Local Group Ankara-METU and I am honored to present you with my ESTIEM Magazine Leadership Application for the upcoming year.

First of all, I would like to talk about my role in ESTIEM. My adventure started with a Local Group Exchange with LG Gothenburg. After this eye-opening experience, I felt so motivated that I knew I had to get more involved with ESTIEM. About a year ago around this time, I decided to serve as a board member in my local group, marking a turning point for me. Through this role, which was pivotal for me, I found an opportunity to work efficiently by collaborating with a team. We organized numerous events and gained valuable experience in areas such as crisis management and time management. Nowadays, each board member in our local group has built their own team, which has provided me with the opportunity to gain experience in team management and leadership.

After gaining experience in my local group, I wanted to become more active in Central ESTIEM. When I learned that during the CM Budapest, there was a lack of qualified leader candidates for ESTIEM Magazine, I became very excited about the opportunity to become its leader. As one of ESTIEM’s oldest projects, I believe that it is crucial to maintain its continuity. It has contributions such as facilitating future partnerships, increasing interaction within the ESTIEM and even extending its reach beyond ESTIEMers.

I am eagerly anticipating the 68th Council Meeting. Joining a CM as an applicant is a very different experience. At my first CM, I could not have imagined that one day I would stand on that stage and apply for leadership. I’ve always been passionate about ESTIEM Magazine. I worked with a lot of enthusiasm and excitement at every stage of the magazine’s preparation process. The instant I felt the energy this project ignited within me, I decided that I wanted to work in this position for the next mandate. Observing my own personal growth while contributing to ESTIEM encouraged me to apply for this position for the following year.

In my 4-month mandate, I learned a lot about ESTIEM Magazine. I’ve created brand new concepts for the 66th issue, I hope you like it! However, there are essential problems that need to be solved. Here are briefly my goals to achieve with my team during the next mandate:

  • Following a path with the counseling of previous Magazine leaders and VPPRs
  • Building a cohesive team environment

If I can make my team feel like family and if they have fun while working with me, I am confident that we can produce perfect results. To achieve this, I will arrange regular online meetings to stay in touch. Additionally, I am planning to organize a collaborative Coordination Meeting with the Public Relations Committee. Coordination Meetings are the best places to work together, generate new ideas and have fun.

  •  Ensuring the continuity of the ESTIEM Magazine

One of the biggest issues with ESTIEM Magazine is the lack of qualified leaders. My main goal is to develop a leader from my team and provide an efficient handover for the upcoming Magazine leader.

  • Increasing the interest in the ESTIEM Magazine

I’m planning to rework the content plan. I will involve the network in the process by sending out surveys asking people what they want to read. Also, I would like to add the website to the ESTIEM portal.

  • Facilitating future partnerships

ESTIEM Magazine has great potential to facilitate new partnerships. My goal is to prepare a document about what is ESTIEM and ESTIEM Magazine to reach companies. Since I am a CR responsible for the LSS Team, I have experience getting contact with companies and I’m planning to use this as an advantage for Magazine to facilitate future partnerships. 

Thank you for reading this far. If you have any questions or any comments regarding my application feel free to reach out to me.

“We’re going to very high places this week, ESTIEMers! Keep your eyes on the skies. 

I’ve got an application that you won’t want to miss!”

You know you love me, 


Sılanaz Altay

Hello dear ESTIEMers,

My name is Umut Kızılateş a 20 year old from Local Group Ankara-Bilkent, very happily applying for the ESTIEM Podcast Leadership position.

For my brief journey to begin with, I joined ESTIEM 2 years ago and became active as soon as possible, becoming a part of the first producing podcast team. With the drive I had, thanks to the podcast, I even learned how to edit audios and videos! Back when I was the youngest member and a much passionate newbie. Now as an appliant of this role, I am even more passionate to what’s to come with many plans in my mind to prove ourselves as the best IEM podcast out there!
Let me start with what we accomplished to better explain the goals I have for my mandate. Firstly, we created a very heartwarming friend group and a communicative environment. With that, we could move on to teach one another about scriptwriting, hosting episodes and help ourselves become better at podcast-making.

Now let me tell briefly about “why me?” and “why podcast?” questions together,
As a podcast enjoyer myself, I find major thrill in telling people about the information I gather about what attracts me, IEM in this case. I love providing people with something educational yet entertaining in a world of so called “brainrot” content of just entertainment. That’s why I am really passionate to make podcast greater than ever!
For my goals of my mandate, I can’t get enough of “making ESTIEM” podcast the greatest IEM podcast there is, how?

  1. Promotions, promotions, promotions: Now I know that entities aren’t allowed to have social media platforms, but I am hoping to bring new template and summaries of episodes to make the avaliable promotions more on point and attracting
  2. Learning from my seniors: Vasco and Erik, the previous two leaders of podcast had great ideas presented before. I will not disregard their policies but empover them
    1. Video podcasts: I will try my best to get video license for us and create a more enjoyable podcast experience
    2. Better editing: Not to disregard fellow Vasco’s or even my work, but I plan to create editing masterclasses to inform our podcasters to create consistent editing outcomes
  3. Production deadlines: We already have a productive team but communication systems are rather weak. I have plans of making a stronger web around the team to meet deadlines waves before they arrive.
  4. Become the best! This doesn’t need explanation, wait and see!

This would be my first leadership mandate in ESTIEM and I want to make every moment of it worth it to become the greatest because I know me and my team will have anything it takes to do so!
For any questions you have for me do not hesitate to contact me in the CM, from my contact info below or in my ESTIEM page!

I will put a little flex at the end for that ChatGPT did not write this text 😀
Stay listening and wait for what’s to come
Umut Kızılateş


Dear ESTIEMers,

It is with enormous pleasure and great enthusiasm that we,
LG Calabria, present to you our application to host the
first Council Meeting in our history
in the beautiful

Calabria is the southernmost region of Southern Italy, situated
in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea. Throughout its millennia-old history, it has been the cradle of
Magna Graecia, carrying with it a treasure of history, cultures, and traditions.

In the heart of Europe, we feel part of something greater than ourselves. Being part of ESTIEM is not just an opportunity but a privilege that deeply enriches our experience and allows us to connect with people from diverse cultures, engage with unique perspectives, and learn from others in a supportive and collaborative environment.

It is through this sharing of knowledge and experiences that we grow, both personally and professionally,
alongside people who share our vision of the World. But what truly makes belonging to ESTIEM special for us is the sense of belonging and community that embraces us.

It is an honor and a privilege that we cherish with pride and gratitude, which is why we have worked hard to reach this historic moment:
the application for the first Council Meeting in Italy, in Calabria!

LG Calabria counts more than 50 active members from all parts of the region, who in the past year and a half have enthusiastically traveled through ESTIEM, fueling the ESTIEM Spirit to reach an all-time high of excitement and eagerness to act!

Hosting the LXX Council Meeting here in Calabria would be an incredible opportunity for the entire Network to discover our fantastic University:
the largest University Campus in the whole Italy
, with over 30,000 students and a majestic bridge that crosses it for more than 1 kilometer.

Imagine yourself immersed in the magnificent geography of Calabria, where the mountains are tinged with green and the sea sparkles under the sun. But it’s not just an experience for your mind:
your heart will also be delighted
with visits to iconic locations like
and the
Coast of the Gods, where history merges with crystalline waters and golden beaches.

We cannot wait to take this historic opportunity, giving you our usual warm Italian welcome.
Pizza, pasta and mandolino
are waiting for you! Can’t you also hear in the distance the beautiful choirs singing..


Your LG Calabria!

Dear ESTIEMers,

We, LG Aachen, are proud to present to you our application for the TIMES Final 2025.
But before we get to that, let us quickly tell you something about us first!

Aachen is the westernmost big city in Germany. Situated right at the border triangle between the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, it is a pretty place with big historical value. Today, the main attraction is the RWTH Aachen University, being one of the leading technical universities in Germany and all of Europe, hosting around 45.000 students from all over the world. Aachen is a hotspot for bright-minded young people with a healthy startup culture and many professional opportunities.

Our LG was founded in 2004 as a Local Group of VWI and we entered ESTIEM 5 years later in 2009. As we have grown a lot over the past few years, we see this as an opportunity to expose our members to the professional side of ESTIEM, while showing our beautiful city and professional culture to ambitious ESTIEMers. On top of that, we have recently been organising the final of kreati, VWI’s case study competition, in 2019, 2021 and this year, in 2024. By combining the knowledge that is stored with the human resources that we have, we not only want to make this a great event, but also to benchmark in order to make TIMES a more attractive format in the long term.

Let’s aim high and push forward together!

In high ESTIEM,
LG Aachen.

Dear ESTIEMers,

Now it’s time for me to move on to the next page in my ESTIEM journey! I met up with a lot of amazing people around Europe, learned about a lot of culture and developed myself as it was promised to me while first joining the network. All these amazing experiences landed me on Central ESTIEM to develop this entity to a step further together with myself!

Let me briefly talk about my ESTIEM journey, it started in the fall of 2022 and I quickly became active at the local level. During my local activeness, I wanted to take a step further as I enjoyed the traditions and went to my first ESTIEM event at Istanbul-Bogazici, an academic event which helped my confused freshman self a lot. Later on, with this motivation, I was elected to the local board of my LG and started working at Central ESTIEM in EQC and Vision. During this year I organised a few events in my LG, drank many beers and had the opportunity to be present at highlight events such as CM Budapest and College’24 as a result of my gradually increasing motivation.

Especially my attendance at College and Finance Summit 2.0 seriously made me consider this position as I realised finances are actually “fun fun fun” and really interesting to work on! Besides that and my involvement with LG and MO finances I have been taking and will take a few finance courses that I really enjoy!

Alright, now let’s talk about my goals:

  • Communication: Informing the concerned parties more clearly when it comes to financial matters and present accounts more visually rather than a bunch of confusing excel sheets.

  • Transparency: making sure that the council and the network are well informed about the financial matter in ESTIEM in order to facilitate healthy decision-making.

  • Sharing the knowledge: Finances are not broadly understanded by the network, so increasing the general finance knowledge inside the network would be my key goal of my mandate

  • Support the VPF: To create a healthy relationship during the financial year it would be really important to support VPF and have constant communication.

If you have any more questions, do not hesitate to send a message or an email ( / +905466052939), and I will be more than pleased to reply to your questions!

In high ESTIEM,

Dear ESTIEMers,

“In my dreams, I have a plan
If I got me a wealthy man
I wouldn’t have to work at all
I’d fool around and have a ball.”
-Money, Money, Money – ABBA

I am İnci YEREBASMAZ, a 21-year-old IEM student and the current LR of LG Ankara-METU. I am proud to announce that I will present my application for the Financial Controller Position at CM Aveiro.

After a year of successful LR mandate and attending many events, I realised that I want to be part of Central ESTIEM more and more. Now, I look forward to taking the next step in my journey to improve our network and myself.

My ESTIEM journey started in 2021, SERC CoM was the first event for me as a participant, and it had a significant impression on my ESTIEM Career. Then, I attended a few events of key importance, such as CM Budapest, which made me realise the importance of being active in my LG. Being active locally helped me understand the central ESTIEM. After organising and attending many events, in 2023 I got elected as LR of LG Ankara METU, the best experience I have had in ESTIEM. I feel proud that I reached all my goals during my mandates. This February, to contribute to our network and gain a local group’s perspectives on ESTIEM, I attended ESTIEM College in Zagreb, where I also learned a different perspective of ESTIEM, which motivated me to apply for this position. Those events and positions helped me improve myself and expand my vision.

Finance always takes my attention. Considering that I am a control freak (fun, fun, fun, hehe), I come up with checking and supervising something that interests me and is the best position that fits me. I also improved my theoretical knowledge during my bachelor’s degree by taking financial and managerial accounting courses. The other thing that motivates me about this position is that I will have the chance to impact the strategic activities of this organisation, which I love very much.

But enough talking (you’re not bored, I hope??), here are my goals about this position in general:

Simplify: I would like to prepare the documents in the clearest way that everyone can understand and get the main point. For the ones who are interested in more detail and finance, they can always reach me and detailed documents.

Compliance: We may get EU subsidies this year like the previous year, and I want to ensure that the money is utilised as intended under EU grant regulations.

Raise awareness: Financial control role is essential for ESTIEM. I want everyone to know about this position and its responsibilities.

Supporting the VPF: VPF is a stressful position, and I firmly believe financial controllers should help to navigate this stress to ensure a healthy financial year.

These are some points; you can contact me anytime if you want to learn more. Feel free to ask me questions about my application (+90 553 491 1501/ Remember one last thing: money is actually funny in my world 🙂

See you all in CM Aveiro, and don’t forget that finance is fun, fun, fun,


Council Meeting Tools

Throughout the General Assembly, we use the following tools. All of them will be fully activated only during CM Time!


In Council Meetings, Local Groups cast votes upon important matters through their Delegates. For that process we use a digital voting sheet, ElectionBuddy, that gets send to each Delegate through email during the General Assembly.


Google Chat

Google Chat will function as the official communication platform of the event including chat rooms ("spaces") for the official discussions related to the General Assembly.


Telegram will be used for the Announcements by the Local Group.

Additionally, there will be a casual chat for participants in a separate Telegram Group.


For those who will not be able to attend the Council Meeting but still would like to be aware about ESTIEM's latest updates, the General Assemblies will be livestreamed on YouTube! Click here to visit our Channel.